
Family Matters

Looking into Kips eyes and than hearing his tummy a little smile spread across her face. He must be hungry. It was a good thing she brought Alice's spaghetti. Hearing his comment Karla looks up at Kip again her eyes tried to relay how she felt to him.

"I'll stay as long as you want me too, and I even have some spaghetti Alice made for you."

It was cold right now but if Kip wanted it warmed up Karla would be more than happy to do that for him. Just as long as he had some of it to eat she would be happy. Even one or two bits it was a start.

If your two tired sweety I completely understand, but no one is going to mind you being here. They consider you part of the family too.

Leaning the store and heading back home again Katie couldn't help but feel worried for Jason. She could tell when he was getting tired, and it was unusual for him to be like that. When it came to there powers and something odd happening Katie always feared the worse.

Hearing that Jason was thinking about taking a tip for the ranch a smile spreads across Katie's face. It would be nice to go home if she could get the time off.

A long as Reese doesn't mind me being gone for a little bit I'd love to go with you. I'll have to ask him tomorrow.

Rosetta lets out another sigh looking down at the patten of the table cloth letting her fingers run over it absent mindly. It was hard to even consider telling her brother he couldn't come back to the ranch or that he ever had to leave. This was a place for family and friends. That's what this had been built on and to count one out...it just hurt even if it was the best thing to do.

"I hate to think about telling my brother has to leave, but...it would be for the best if Dana try to start trouble. We have enough on our plates that we don't need that either."

Looking up at her husband Rosetta searched his eyes for the reassurance this was the right thing to do. Leaving family in the dust was not something she liked doing but sometimes it couldn't be helped right?

"I hope he really is happy, and than Dana will change."

Answering the phone and hearing Carson on the other end along with the reason for him calling Misty can't help but raise and eyebrow. She wondered what the long story was and why Mackenzie and her family had come back to see Carson but she new for now it would have to wait and he'd tell her later.

"I'll be right over."

It was around Misty own lunch time as she was taking a late one today after all the work she had to do in the morning. Now was her time and it would be spent well seeing her husband and her step daughter.

Entering the little restraint Misty looks around spotting Carson first she gives a little wave till she catches sight of Mackenzie stilling at the table she would guess was her family. Giving a smile and walking over Misty giving a nod to the family before looking back to Mackenzie again leaving her introduction to everyone else for a moment.

"It's easy to pick you out of a room full of people, you look just like your father but woman form. How ya doing kiddo?"

"So what are we doing here?"

A tall man with red hair dressed in an army uniform jumps out of a jeep as other file out of the back. The driver gets out as well and steps forward before looking over the food. His face had splotches of dirt on it, and his eyes looked tired but that as the work of being in the military. Sleep didn't come as often when gun fire, and explosions could be herd far in the distance.

"You didn't listen to the debriefing every well Chaz did you?"

Turning to look over his shoulder at the other blonde that had gotten out behind him Wes gives another little grin.

"Does he ever listen Riley?"

Shaking his head and throwing something over at Chaz Riley puts a hand on Wes shoulder and leans into him a little bit.

"Come on Wes you ever expected Chaz to change?"

"Well after no seeing you guys for a few years I though for sure you guys would grow up a little."

"Hey speak for him not for me. At least I'm not getting drunk every night anymore. Chaz is just to concerned with who kind a women he will meet."

Wes shakes his head before looking to Riley and than back to Chaz. He might be a Caption now and take his job a little more seriously but he couldn't think of better people than his two best friend to be going into the lions den with.

"There was a bombing here a while back. All the people should of been cleared out but there are some that refuse to go. Though I don't blame them this is there home. We are here to make sure its safe, and to bring supply the people need."

Chaz gives a little grunt as the other jeeps pull up and more people get out they gun held close to there sides.

"Why would someone call the sand and dirt there home?"

Wes looks around the vast desert to the little town they would stay in for a while. This might be a dry wasteland, but to these people it was all they new and this was there home.

"Because if this was all you new, you wouldn't want to leave out into a big unknown world either. Come on, stay in groups, watch the ground, and lets move out. We've got a lot of work to do."

Getting back into the jeep Wes pulls a little wallet from his pocket. Opening it he looks at the two smiling faces that looked back at him. His wife, and his daughter. He often wondered how they both were and what his little one was getting into now. He missed them terrible and soon just didn't come soon enough when he could see them again. He only hopped his last letter made it home.

To my Dearest Love, and Little sunshine,
I miss you both with all my heart and every day that goes by I remember how its one more day closer to seeing you both again. It's just not the same without both your faces to brighten my morning. But I know in my heart you both are well and God is keeping his arms extra tight around you while I am gone. It will be a while before I am able to write again. We are heading out to Kabul a small town in the desert if Afghanistan to bring supply to those who live there. Than soon my love, soon I will be home. I love you both with all my hear and soul. Not a day goes by I don't look at your picture and give it a kiss.*hugs and kiss*

-Daddy Wes

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