
Ermmm...it's late?

As Eric slides down out of the cab Stacy raises an eyebrow for a moment just looking at him. His grumbles not seeming to faze her much and his words just seeming to roll of her back. She'd had worse, and at least once a day she ran into someone who was cocky or though there words with rial her too.

"Are you done acting like an idiot yet? It's not my fault you were speeding and serving all over the road. It's my job to keep everyone safe including yourself. So cut the tough guy act and lets get this over with."

Shifting a little and coming close to Eric holding the breathalise up to his mouth Stacy can't help but catch sight of his deep blue eyes and for a moment it was almost like reading a book of emotion. Quickly looking away though Stacy back up a few steps waiting for the reading to come up. Once it does and was clean she pulls the pad of paper from her belt and write up on ticket than another for a little less.

"One's for speeding, and the other is for your tail light thats out. Slow down and get it fix. Have a great rest of the day."

Placing the paper in her pocket again and handing Eric the his license and registration back Stacy turns on her heels and makes her way back to the cop again once more. Getting in writing a few things down and entering both tickets into a computer before pulling away and continuing her road patrol.

Once Rick was gone again Katie turns back to Jason trying to give him a reassured smile. She could see the worried look in his eye and could understand why. If it had been her she would of paniced too.

"Its ok J. After your attack and you passed out. I had Angel inject us to block out connection. I though you body should rest with out the constince push and pull of emotions. I thought it was what was best so your body could heal from what ever happen."

Bringing Jason's hand to her lips Katie gives it a kiss before leaning her cheek onto it. Something was wrong, she didn't have to be connected to Jason to be able to tell. The attacked had been different, and Rick was acting different.

"Sorry it startled you when you woke up. I just...didn't want it to harm you anymore than it already was at the moment."

Sitting at the dinning room island with her brother Ryan couldn't help but laugh a little. If someone asked Eli what he thought of Alec he wouldn't say much but it came to moments like this she could tell he liked him.

"Maybe he's just trying to get under your skin. I mean after all he see how much fun I have when I do it to you."

Sticking out her tong in a teasing manor as there was a knock on the door Ryan dosnt turn around figuring it would be Alec. But hearing that it was not and ti was Reese and Carson Ryan turns on the stool and sits up a little more. Ryan couldn't help that the moment she saw them her heart started to race. Did something happen to Alec? Was he ok?

Just hearing what they were saying about Alec it seemed to make Ryan's head swim. Stealing Carson's car, his apartment empty...and...Ryan's eyes come to the necklace she had given him and the cell phone too. It felt like someone had grabbed a hold of her gut and twisted. This all seemed so unreal.

Slipping off the stool Ryan takes the necklace in her hand and runs her fingers over the links. Even when Alec had tryed leaving the first time he'd still taking the necklace with him. Something didn't seem right. Just the other day they had been cuddled together, and were talking about planned and now they were saying Alec had went back to the Agency?

"No...there is no way he went back. He couldn't have gone back. He liked what mostly everything he had here. They must of set it up to look like He went back...Alec wouldn't have done it on his own. We have to find him."

Ryan looks to her brother somewhere in her eyes was pain, was a gut feeling that said this was all true. But over top of that was hope, and worry that maybe the Agency had set him up. But she wouldn't rest until she new, even if it meant going into the Agency's lion den herself. He could be in trouble...he...wouldn't have gone back...not now.

Chuck smiled once again as Susanne smiled and stood up saying tomorrow she would go with him. That warmth seemed to flow through his body again feeling so nice. Susanne was opening to her and he liked that. It made him happy.

Still sitting on the ground Chuck sits up and just continues to watch Susanne as she moves twords the water. Just watching her for the longest moment the glow the moon gave off on her small frame just made her glow just like the first day he had met her.

Standing and moving over twords her Chuck's movement was slow and careful not wanting to startle Susanne and make her feel uncomfortable. Placing his hands on her shoulder he lets them there for a moment before letting them slide down her arms and around her wast so he was holding her back to his chest. Not holding to tight for fear of making Susanne jumpy about the whole thing. Letting his voice come as a whisper he couldn't help how soft it was. The moment, everything it just seemed to match.

"This is a dream you wont wake from because every day you will be treated like a princess."

Leaning his head over her shoulder Chuck tilts her head tword him just a little as he lets his lips brush her for a moment before backing away almost asking if it was ok and if not she could stop him. Bringing his lips back to her again he press them a little more firmly just letting them linger for a few seconds longer before finally pulling away. His own cheeks were a little rosy from embarrassment that he had just done that, but he liked it and he only hopped Susanne didn't mind either.

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