
Do you think you can?

Cindy nods, hoping she hadn't insulted Angel in any way. She understood that Jason and Katie were "normal" now, but... what about the physical trauma Jason had just endured? What if he really was sick or hurt from this? They were just going to leave them there? Maybe Angel was right... but Cindy really would feel better calling Rick. If they both had the same opinion, she would feel better. She trusted them both.

"Okay. Thank you, Angel." She really did mean it. She was thankful Angel had come. "I'll call Rick to let him know what happened and I'll keep an eye on Jason and Katie."

Once Angel left, Cindy looks in on the two for a moment before heading for the study once again. She remembered the email she'd written Wes just an hour or so before. Now there was more to worry about. Sighing, she picks up the phone and dials the TJY infirmary.

"Rick? It's Cindy Henson."

"Cindy! How good to hear from you."

"Thank you. Unfortunately, this isn't a pleasant call."

"Oh? What's wrong?"

Cindy bites her lip. "It's Jason. He had another attack."

"What? How? When? Is he okay?"

"He's okay right now," she assures. "Katie is here with him and Angel came too. Katie, she... she had Angel give them the antidote so Jason could rest."

"Wow. I quit suggesting that because Katie resisted it so strongly. I'm glad they did that though. Must have been a pretty bad episode."

"It... it was. That's why I'm calling. Angel was here and checked them over but...I don't know. I trust her, Rick. But she doesn't have the equipment TJY has either. Jason, he was... he was shaking so bad and throwing up."

"You think he was having seizures?"

"Well, I'm no doctor, but that's what it looked like to me. He was in an awful lot of pain, Rick. I know you were worried about internal damage... I just can't see how there was no damage caused by this one." Cindy's voice cracks. "It was horrible."

"It's okay," Rick assures soothingly. He could hear it in Cindy's voice that she was scared and worried. "He's made it through a lot of things - he can make it through this too. You said he was resting now?"

"Yes. I think he ended up passing out. Katie's helping keep him comfortable - I think she's pretty worn out too."

Rick lets a pause linger as he thinks. "I'm sure she is. They're at your place or at Angel's?"

"Here. At the house. Why?"

"I just want you to keep an eye on them. Be sure you and/or Katie try to wake him at some point - preferably no later than tonight to try and get some nourishment in him. If he was throwing up, I doubt he has much left to give him any strength and he's going to need it."

Cindy swallows hard. "What if... what if we can't wake him?"

"That's what I'm afraid of - but he may be just fine. If he wakes up, give him some clear liquids and keep him quiet. With the antidote, he'll have no risk of any more attacks right now - it's just getting his physical strength back."

"And if we can't wake him?"

Rick hesitates. That really was what he was afraid of. If Jason had indeed passed out, he might be unconscious for longer than was good. "Then you have him taken to Angel's and have her put him on an IV to give him nourishment. Then call me."

"Okay." Cindy's hands shook a little as she held the phone, fearing the worst. "Thank you."

"Oh, and one more thing."


"Take care of yourself too." Rick's voice was calm and gentle. "I know you're worried, but just try to relax. Everything will be fine. I promise."

...Throughout the day, Cindy does her best to not worry, but it was nearly impossible. She takes care of Kaylee, finishes cleaning the living room and does some laundry to keep herself busy. She checks in on Katie and Jason often, making sure Katie was comfortable and wishing she could do more.

By nightfall, Rick's words played over and over in her mind. Jason still had not woken. What if there really was damage? What if there was brain damage or something? Or some other internal damage they couldn't see?

Returning to the living room, she bends and rests a hand on Katie's arm. "Honey... I'm going to get a little soup ready for supper, if you want anything. We need to try and wake Jason up too." She'd already told Katie of her phone conversation with Rick - she thought it was only right to keep her informed. After all, Katie was a bigger part of this than anyone. "Do you think you can try to do that while I'm in the kitchen?"

Susanne eats slowly, just letting herself enjoy this time. Maybe after telling off Dana, she was finally ready to try this. Maybe that little spark of determination had triggered what she really needed to be brave and start relaxing around Chuck. Maybe, just maybe something had changed today.

Listening to Chuck as she eats, she wonders what it would be like to go with Chuck on one of the road trips with his group from church. Or even go to a bike show with him. She'd never been interested in one before... and maybe it wasn't her hobby, but to do it with Chuck might be interesting. She wondered what it would be like to watch him as he played the keyboard and sang. She'd heard both on the CD tonight, but she could imagine watching him, doing something he was obviously passionate about. Her own hobbies were so different... but she did love music.

Chuck's final statement though, makes her eyes widen a little. "Oh, stop it." She gives his leg a backhanded slap. "My face can't stand to get any more red than it already has. You're cruel."

She does smile a little though before she takes another bite of sandwich to hide it. "Your life sounds peaceful," she muses. "Mine seems rather chaotic at the moment, with work and all." She sighs. "Sometimes I wish I wasn't a part of the Elite. Then I remember why I signed on in the first place and I end up continuing the crazy rat race."

She shrugs and takes a sip of her water then finishes off her sandwich. "My twittering birds and thorny rosebushes keep me company in the quiet hours, so I guess away from work it's no so chaotic. It does get..." She stops herself before saying it and gives Chuck a sidelong glance. "I guess it does get rather lonely," she finally admits. "Me being so bullheaded and a ninny when it comes to men hasn't helped matters, I suppose." She rolls her eyes. "As if you haven't noticed."

Feeling her cheeks growing warm again, she focuses on her bottle of water, feeling as though she'd just spoiled the moment.

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