

Feeling Susanne's own hand come to the side of his face. Her touch was soft and warm. Giving a little smile that it was ok Chuck tilts his head into her touch again as she ran her hand a long his face and through his hair. It was soft, light and it had been a long time since Chuck had felt a tenderness like this from a woman.


Chuck couldn't help the small happy sound that came from his lips. He felt very content in this moment now and he wouldn't change it for anything. It might have been a rough start but Chuck was sure things would go ok now.

"I'd really like it that you would want to come. I think you would have a blast, and I know my church would really enjoy getting to know another sister in Christ."

He couldn't help but feel his heart race a little bit. He was excited to know Susanne wanted to come, and that she would be able to meet his church family. They were such nice people he new for sure they would lover her.

Finishing off his sub and taking another sip of his water Chuck can't help but smile a little bit bigger. The night was turning out so well Chuck was pleased.

"I am glad you don't think I am repulsive. If it means anything, I don't think your silly, or a ninny. I think your wonderful the way you are."

Going back to Jason while Cindy wanted to call Angel and than Rick Katie just waited with him. Keeping her hand rested with his is was the only thing she could do to feel his warmth to just feeling. It wasn't the same but it was all she could do.

Pulling into the driveway Angel moves fast waving for Dan to follow her. Everyone else was busy with there family's right now and though she knows they would be more than willing to help she didn't want to bother them. She'd just need him to help carry Jason so it wouldn't be to much.

Knocking on the door and than entering at Cindy's voice Angel gives her a smile Dan following close behind. Moving into the living room Angel bends down to where Katie was and lays a soft hand on her shoulder and a smile before moving to Jason and checking his vitles quick before turning to Dan.

"Ok Dan, we are just going to take is nice and slow. Katie I want you to sit in the back and keep Jason's head in your lap. Cindy, if you want to come you are more than welcome too. Wendy already said if you needed someone to be with Kaylee you could bring her over there."

Slowly and carefully Angel, Katie, and Dan move Jason into the car Katie getting in and setting Jason's head in her lap. Softly running her hand through his hair, and keeping her other hand locked with his.

Before getting into the car with them Angel looks back to Cindy with question not sure if she wanted to come or not. Angel thought it might be best if she did so she to could be with Jason but it was her choose.

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