

( So you went to bed early, but lol..maybe that was a good thing. It took me till 3:30am to finish this and its not even long LOL)

Stopping outside the infirmary Katie leans against the wall for a moment before going in. Thinking for a moment on what Jason said it was very unusual for both of them to be wrong on a feeling they had about something.

Think we should do a little investigating of our own? Its really not often both our feelings are wrong.

Pushing off the wall Katie keeps her conversation open but enters the infirmary. Letting her eyes roam a little she spots Destiny over in the bed hooked up to the IVs. At least it was a sign things were some what ok.

Walking over to Rick Katie gives a small smile. She needed to go home and change her blood stained cloths but she had a few things she needed to do first. Keeping her voice quiet she inquires.

"Hows she doing Rick? Everything gonna be ok?"

Seeing Phil move his note and offer her to join him Rayne smiles and sets her cup down along with her muffin to take her seat. It was nice to have an offer from him to join his table. She didn't have many friends here, and knowing maybe she made one, and a handsome one at that was nice.

"Your looking well today."

Taking a sip of her coffee and just looking across the table at Phil for a long moment. Relizing maybe she was staring Rayne looks down at her muffin and takes a crumb from the top eating it. Looking across the table and cocking her head a little she was interested in what Phil was doing.

"What are you working on there? Work stuff or band stuff? Maybe both?"


Chance isn't really sure how to take Katie's comments about Alec, so he remains quiet, simply giving her a little nod as she heads back inside. Once he's alone, he quickly goes for his cell phone, pacing along the wall as he talks.

Yeah, thanks... I'll go head him off see if I can get anything more out of him before we come inside too.
Jason eases out of his truck, taking his time to wander across the lot and to Chance. He approaches from behind though, and as he does, he overhears part of the one-sided conversation. Jason automatically lets Katie in on it.

"Look, I'm sorry, alright?" Chance's voice is agitated. "So I messed up. You're the one that's paying me to be here, remember? I didn't want this job. ...No, I couldn't. There were too many people and Jason was there, too. ...Yeah, I think she's gonna be alright, thankfully. Rick's working on her now. ....Alright. Yeah. Talk to you tomorrow."

Flipping his phone shut, Chance turns around and almost runs into Jason. Taking a step back, his eyebrows rise. "Always sneak up on people like that?"

Jason shakes his head. "Only when necessary. Problem?"

"Nope." Chance tucks his hands in his pockets. "Just heading back inside."

"Before you go..." Jason steps in his path. "How come you didn't have more backup out there today? I heard you didn't even think I was necessary."

Chance doesn't bat an eye. "I thought it would draw unwanted attention to have more people about, not to mention put Destiny more on edge than she already was."

"Kinda backfired, didn't it?"

"I think those mongrels would have attacked if we'd had an army." Chance sidesteps to get around Jason. "See you later."

Jason doesn't respond, but just turns to watch him go inside.
I still don't know what it is, but I still don't like it. He's too sure of himself. He's got secrets. I just wish I knew what they were.

Phil looks up quickly to see Rayne and a smile spreads on his face. "Well, hi there." He chuckles. "Small world, isn't it? I bet I've seen you too."

Moving his notepad and cup over, he gestures to the other side of the table. "Join me? I'm not as busy as I look."

Not right!

"Heh, Alec's not so bad once ya get to know him, but I get to spend almost every day see and talking to him so its different for me. Guess we have to watch how we do things too. I mean if we kill every Agency person we see than in time, we become no better than them."

Studying Chance for a long moment searching his eyes. Getting an odd feeling that washed over her and made her very uneasy. Reverting those feelings to Jason so he new she was uncomfortable.

Somethings not right J, specially with the way he talk about the Ex Agency who is now our friends. If you wanna take over I am gonna go in and see how Destiny is. Somethings not right.

"I am sure you wont be stuck here much longer. Maybe after this failed attempt to get Destiny they wont try again. Than you can get home."

Pushing off the wall Katie gives a stretch before looking back at Chance. Giving a little shake of her head she gives a little grunt before turning.

"Well I am gonna check and see how Destiny is. I'll see ya when you come back inside."

Katie disappears into the building knowing Jason would take it from here.

You need anything, call I wont be far.

Entering the small coffee shop Rayne walks a little slower than normal, but to be walking at all was amazing. She had been healing nicely from the car accident, and now a slight limp, a few remaining bruises, and the cast on her wrist was all that remained.

Not really paying to much attachen to who was in the small cafe today her mind was on so much more. When she would get a new car, how...her mind just seemed far away. Getting her iced coffee and muffin Rayne makes her way to a table but stops looking up and seeing Phil.

A bit surprised but having it be a pleasant one she makes her way over to him hoping she wasnt interrupting anything important.

"I bet, I've seen you before in here and never realized it since this isn't to far from my house. How are you Phil?"

Rayne gives a sweet smile to Phil as she takes a sip of her own drink. It was nice seeing him again after a few days.


Chance chuckles a little, shaking his head again. "I guess we'll find out about those who have so-called changed, won't we? In the meantime, I think Reese is taking an awfully big risk, especially with ones like Alec."

Pushing off the building, he paces a little. "Not that it's any of my business. Once this ruckus with Destiny is over, I'm high-tailing it back to Arizona anyway. I didn't want to come in the first place."

Interesting... he's not alone, that's for sure, but I wonder where he gets his strong opinions from. I know he's been in trouble with Toby before... though Reese wouldn't say why. I wonder if Chance is just bull-headed, though he seems the type to throw caution into the wind too.

Justin laughs and looks at the pie. "I might just lick this out - I have been known to do that before."

Hearing Beth needed to leave, he nods. "If you're late, just tell them you got waylaid by a crazy counselor." He gives her a wink. "I'll bring your container back to you tomorrow, since I will more than likely be having this pie today."

Phil leans back in the booth at the little coffee shop, taking a sip of his drink, then focusing on his notepad again. It was here that he usually came to sit and think in the quiet atmosphere - it didn't usually get very busy here.

Today his mind was busy with many things... Kyle, JetStream, song lyrics, and despite his efforts not to include it in the list, there was Rayne too.

Taking out his phone, he checks the calendar before making a note in his notepad about a possible date for a gig. He'd hang out here a while longer then head to the grocery store, gas station then back home... or something. He usually liked his days off work, but today he wanted to do something different, but there was no one to do it with, so it was back to the boring routine. It was nice having Kyle back, but it was different too... where he and Kyle used to do everything together, now Kyle had a new set of friends and other things to keep him busy.


"Ha, I don't always agree with my chef ether. I've sure had my share of out with him and let me tell you...they have not been pretty."

Katie gives a little chuckle just thinking about back when she use to get into it all the time about different things. It seemed so long ago, and maybe it was but she had grown a lot since than and things just seemed to come a lots easier now.

"I do have to disagree though that I don't think all the Agency are in face just that at the core. I think some of them are on the surface, and maybe a little deeper but if you dig far enough, and they have a little bit of will in changing you can grab onto it and pull it out."

Stopping at the wall of TJY Katie leans against it. She didn't mind having this conversation with Chance not just because Jason asked her to but it was kind of nice to talk to him and find out more about him.

Talking about the Agency at the moment and how he doesn't like them. Even the ones we are turned to our side.

"But...not everyone can agree with what we do, so I don't think your opinion is wrong."

Giving a small smile Beth was pleased that Justin liked the pie, and that even cherry was his favorite. She had this left over, after making herself a snake something she didn't do often and maybe bringing it was a way to say thank you to Justin.

Looking down at Zora and giving a shake of her head Beth cocks her head just a little as talks in a matter of fact tone.

"I really don't think you dad is going to give you any. Looks like he might even lick the container himself."

Sitting up again Beth lets out a small sigh before looking to Justin. She wished she didn't have to go to work so she could stay longer but Beth new money was needed.

"I hate to cute it short, but I need to get going so I'll make it to work on time. I hope you enjoy the pie and you can get the container back to me whenever."

All mine

I know... something has seemed off from day one. Keep him talking. See if you can find anything more out about him.

Jason continues to watch from a ways away, not getting out of his truck just yet. He wasn't sure what he was looking for or if there really was anything to find. But he'd rather be safe than sorry when it came to his instincts.

Chance shrugs and kicks a pebble with his foot. "Been a couple years. I was interested in the police force, got involved, then they suggested I transfer to the Elite. Personally, I think the chief just wanted to get rid of me because I didn't always agree with him. That was all after the Elite had come out of hiding though."

He looks around the parking lot briefly, his eyes bouncing only to Katie's face for a moment before looking away again. "Not sure it was the right move though. Don't agree with a lot of what the Elite does. I know you got your people you say have changed and all but... in the end, they're all still Agency at their core. But..." He shrugs again. "I guess it's not really my concern. My main goal in life is to survive."

Justin can't help the look of surprise on his face as Beth hands him the little container. Glancing at it, then back to her, a new smile comes to his lips. Cracking open the lid, he peeks in at what kind it is, and his smile remains.

Looking over to the dogs, he smirks. "Danitza... did you go and tell Beth that cherry pie was my favorite, hmm?"

Closing the lid, he turns back to Beth, studying her face for a moment. Maybe yesterday really had been a step in the right direction. "Thank you... this will make a nice treat after lunch today."

As Zora comes for a closer sniff, he holds the container tighter. "Ohhh no. This is all mine, you can't have any."