
Not right!

"Heh, Alec's not so bad once ya get to know him, but I get to spend almost every day see and talking to him so its different for me. Guess we have to watch how we do things too. I mean if we kill every Agency person we see than in time, we become no better than them."

Studying Chance for a long moment searching his eyes. Getting an odd feeling that washed over her and made her very uneasy. Reverting those feelings to Jason so he new she was uncomfortable.

Somethings not right J, specially with the way he talk about the Ex Agency who is now our friends. If you wanna take over I am gonna go in and see how Destiny is. Somethings not right.

"I am sure you wont be stuck here much longer. Maybe after this failed attempt to get Destiny they wont try again. Than you can get home."

Pushing off the wall Katie gives a stretch before looking back at Chance. Giving a little shake of her head she gives a little grunt before turning.

"Well I am gonna check and see how Destiny is. I'll see ya when you come back inside."

Katie disappears into the building knowing Jason would take it from here.

You need anything, call I wont be far.

Entering the small coffee shop Rayne walks a little slower than normal, but to be walking at all was amazing. She had been healing nicely from the car accident, and now a slight limp, a few remaining bruises, and the cast on her wrist was all that remained.

Not really paying to much attachen to who was in the small cafe today her mind was on so much more. When she would get a new car, how...her mind just seemed far away. Getting her iced coffee and muffin Rayne makes her way to a table but stops looking up and seeing Phil.

A bit surprised but having it be a pleasant one she makes her way over to him hoping she wasnt interrupting anything important.

"I bet, I've seen you before in here and never realized it since this isn't to far from my house. How are you Phil?"

Rayne gives a sweet smile to Phil as she takes a sip of her own drink. It was nice seeing him again after a few days.

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