
Rather Cute

Keeping quiet herself Hope starts to walk again with Scott just letting the silence rain for now. Sometimes it was just nice to let the silence take over and think in the quiet.

Looking up at Scott again with his comment on his eating habit Hope gives a small nod. Knowing he was going to ask her to look after his eating felt good. It was nice to know he still did want her help. Letting her mind shift from what they had been talking about to this one here she gives a smile looking up at Scott again.

"I wouldn't mind at all to keep and eye on ya and help you with that. I'm good at nagging huh?"

Bumping Scott's shoulder lightly there was a little humor in her voice hoping to at least get him to smile a little bit. She missed his smile, and the light that shone in is eyes. It had been a long time since the last time she saw it.

"Almost a garinte Dalton would have no problem helping you out ether. Anyways I've been skipping meals myself lately witch is not good so if I remind you than I can remind myself too. We both need to keep our strength up."

Giving a laugh as the plates her food Ryan could hear Rick in the background and could not help but think it was to funny. She though it was way to much fun freaking him out.

"I think lunch out sounds nice, and as for keeping you mind off the pain..thats defiantly something I think I could handle. I just have to remember not to climb all over you because of your foot. Its gonna take alot of self control for that you know."

Bringing the plate over to the table Ryan sits down but doesn't start eating yet. She'd finish her conversation first than eat. She had a little time before being to work anyways. Taking her fork and poking at the food she just continues her conversation.

"Well Babe, I only have a half day today so I should be out by noon. If we eat at one that will give me some time to get clean up and out of my grubby work cloths. If thats ok with you."

Misty can't help the laugh that escaped her lips. She really didn't mind the way Ryan and Alec talked to each other it reminded her to much of Carson and herself. It was however funny to see how Rick reacted.

"And you though it would end with Carson and myself...guess you were wrong. I think they are rather cute."

Shaking her head a little and looking down at her paper work again the smile was still on Misty's face.

Giving a nod and heading out of the bedroom and into the kitchen Cassy starts on breakfast. By now she pretty much new her way around Leo's kitchen and felt good about using his stuff. It wasn't a big kitchen so it was easy to memories though it had that nice home feeling to it.

Almost done with the food and hearing Leo behind her the timing couldn't be better. She would hate if the food got cold before it got to him. Plating the food up she gives a small laugh at his comment about breakfast in bed.

"Ok, I guess I can give you that one without a shoe throwing at your head."

Turning with the plates of food Cassy grins and lets her eyes dance with humor. Setting Leo's plate down at the table and than her own she goes back to the fridge to pour some OJ for both of them before sitting down again.

"Would you like to say grace before we eat or do you want me to do it?"


"Mmm... egg and toast but no hashbrowns... unless you want them." Leo nods. "I'm hungry but I don't think I should overdo it." It felt... different, having someone around to share a meal with, to talk to... to help take care of him when he was sick like this. It felt... nice.

Once Leo is alone, he manages to get himself out of bed. A bit dizzy, he moves slowly. He hears Cassy in the kitchen so he aims for the bathroom to at least take a shower. After sweating half the night, he needed it.

It doesn't take him long, and soon he feels a little refreshed, though tired, and manages to get into a clean pair of sweats and t-shirt. Shuffling down the hall in his bare feet, he makes it to the kitchen, pausing in the doorway to let his dizziness pass. He spots Cassy and gives her a wry grin. "I just didn't feel deserving of a breakfast in bed."

Alec hobbles to the phone at Rick's request and hearing Ryan's voice, he smile. "I'm always awake if you're the one at the other end of the line."

Rick rolls his eyes and looks to Misty, shaking his head.

Alec toys with the phone cord, a grin on his face. "Lunch sounds fantastic. Dessert sounds even better. And, if this doctor here will at least let me out for a little while, we can-"

"Minimal walking," Rick interrupts, pointing a finger at him. "For at least a day. After that, you're on your own again."

Alec resumes his conversation. "...we can go out instead of being stuck in here. Of course... you'd have to... help me around... be extra nice... you know, make sure I was comfortable and give me some extra attention so I wouldn't... think about all the pain I'm in."

"Oh for crying out loud." Rick throws his hands in the air. "Do I really have to listen to this?"

Scott sighs deeply, forcing himself to look at Hope as she speaks. He deserved better than this.... he did... he did... did he? It seemed all he did lately was question himself.

Turning and starting to walk again, Scott knows Hope will follow. He falls silence once again, giving the impression that he might have brushed off everything Hope had said. But in reality, he was letting his mind mull it over, thinking through every word she'd spoken. Again though, the subject was changed. Or was it?

"Hawks says I need to eat more than my brain is telling me," he comments. "He said even after I'm gone from here that I need someone to help keep me eating... I figured I'd... I'd ask you and maybe Dalton or something."

Carma On

Thinking for a moment as she stood at the end of the bed Cassy brings a hand to her lips in a thinking manor. Her mind being side tracked for a moment as an image of Leo clinging to her leg passed through her mind making her give a chuckle before standing a little taller.

"How about a poached egg, some toast with jelly and some hash browns on the less greasy side. As long as that sounds good to you?"

Giving a tiny nod that is Leo did want something else she would be more than happy to make it for him but this combination was not greasy and probably one of the easiest things on his tummy.

With a roll of her eyes, a scrunch of her nose and a swat to Eli's arm Ryan just shakes her head as her brother started to walk away. She was happy to see a small glint in his eye at the mention of a woman. Granted Eli had spend lots of time with women but there was never that one that stuck and gave him the look in his eyes. But this new one she was different.

Turning around again and going back to the stove Ryan continues to cook her own food. With her other hands she pulls out her phone and dials TJY. Getting Susanne she asked if she can talk to Alec not sure if he was around or not. Waiting and finally hearing Alec's voice on the other end Ryan smile.

"Morning, I didnt have my spy Carma on to you so I wasn't sure if you'd be awake or not. I was wondering if you'd like company for dessert and lunch today?"

Still standing with Scott Hope lets out a small sigh. The look of hurt passing through his eyes once more and she can feel the yank on her heart.

"I know you don't know who you are anymore Scott and I know it can be frustrating, but thats why your here and why everyone is trying to help you. To help you fight and win this Agency battle and find who you are again."

Turning to look out over the flowers again Hope just tried to concentrate. She new Scott was still hurting and it hadn't been nearly enough time here for him to heal. In a way she felt like she was failing Scott herself even though she new there was nothing more she could do.

"Bad things happen ever day Scott and though its not the same as the pain you went through everyone always blames themselves. You have started to make some big steps already admitting you need help. I just don't want to see that all lost because what happened was not your fault, and even if you had been stronger there is no telling if you could of stopped them or not. I just want to see you get better, not for me but for yourself because you deserve it, and you deserve better than this."

Messed Up

Leo flinches, but still gets beaned in the head with Cassy's sock. He smirks at her, but even though his eyes were tired, humor was still visible. "Okay, okay, I got it! But once you wanna leave and I'm begging you to stay and clinging to your legs as you try to walk out the door, I'll remind you that you said you wanted to be here."

Giving her a crooked grin, he shakes his head. "Breakfast, um... something light?" He pats his stomach. "I think I can handle just about anything as long as it's not greasy or spicy."

"Oh, you sweet woman." Eli accepts the breakfast with a murmur of pleasure. "Did I ever tell you that you're the best sister in the world? Eh... except for the popcorn part."

Laughing, he accepts the breakfast sandwich, his mouth already watering. Hearing Ryan's question, his eyebrows rise. "There ain't no 'maybe' about the kiss, I'll tell you that much." He smirks at her, knowing that he was leaving way too much to her imagination, but he found it quite funny.

Putting a foot up on a chair to fix the laces in his boot, he shrugs. "Don't know what I'm gonna do yet, but I'm working on her bike, so I gotta call her regardless. Thinking about asking her out again but... not sure yet."

He'd just given Ryan a whole lot of nothing and he knew it. Straightening back up, he flashes her a smile and waves the sandwich before taking a bite. "Thanks, Speedy. I'll see ya tonight."

Heading outside, he walks to his bike, eating as he went. Then sitting on his bike, he starts it up, but just sits for a few moments until he's finished breakfast before putting on his helmet and driving to work.

Having Hope turn around and give him her response, Scott could feel his gut twist just a little bit. Why did it hurt her when he asked to leave? He didn't understand. He kept his arms around her shoulders though, part of him wanting nothing more than to be with her, while the other part of him wanted to feed off his anger and hurt, still upset she'd brought him here.

Completely going around what Hope had said, Scott reverts to her previous question. "Yeah... what Hawks said did bother me. Now not only was I too weak to keep myself from the Agency in the first place, but now I'm too weak to even keep myself away from a place like this. It really is all in my head."

Scott lets his hands slide from Hope and drop to his sides before tucking them in his hoodie pockets. "I don't know how to... tell myself that what I did was fine... normal... all I could do. It's just not good enough." His tone drops a little, wavering between hurt and growing cold once again. "So basically my option is to either let myself go totally insane and let the Agency data take over, or live in misery, recognizing it was my own fault but being told not to be upset with myself for it."

He wasn't even sure he was making sense anymore, and he sighs in frustration. "I don't know who I am anymore, Hope. I don't... I... I don't feel like me. It's all... messed up."


Quirking an eyebrow at Leo Cassy dosnt miss a beat throwing one of here socks at him that she had yet to put on hitting him in the head.

"Next time you say that I am going to throw a shoe."

Giving a little laugh and letting her eyes twinkle to show she wasn't mad at and was only messing around though she really did mean what she said next,

"If I had something else I needed to do, OR something better all together I wouldn't be here still. I am actually having a nice time taking care of my friend. After here I am just going to go over to the studio to practice a little anyways."

Reaching over and taking her sock from off Leo where she had thrown it Cassy gives another giggle and shakes her head slightly. She really didn't have anything better to do and not working only added to the dull daily humdrum of nothing.

"How about if it makes you feel better we can say you owe me one? Who knows when I might get sick and might need some attachen myself. So what do you think your tummy can handle this AM?"

Hearing her brothers voice Ryan gives a small laugh. She enjoyed cooking for someone other than just herself and knowing it smelled good made her feel good.

"Well I am happy it smells good because I made you some for on the go. You need to have a good breakfast in the morning."

Finishing up with what she was doing at the counter Ryan turns around to her brother holding a bagel with egg, bacon and cheese on it wrapped nicely in a napkin.

"I know you can't eat this while riding your bike but I figured you can at least eat it on the way out the door."

Ryan gives her brother a big smile. She'd made this just for him and she new he'd eat it and for that she was happy. It made her feel better to see him having a meal before going into work instead of just waiting till lunch.

"So did you decide what your gonna do with your lady friend, non girlfriend that maybe you kissed, and cant stop thinking about friend?"

Walking with Scott Hope didn't mind. It was nice to just enjoy the fresh air with him and not be in the stuffy hospital. Just being with Scott was nice.

Coming to the small flower garden it was nice to see spring was finally coming. The cold weather had stayed around for far to long now. Feeling Scott behind her and his arms around her felt so good. Just having him there always felt good. Even being in a place like this Scott was always more than a man to Hope and she never though any less of him.

Leaning against Scott slightly Hope lets her head back to rest against his shoulder. Listing to what he had to say and just looking at all the flowers.

"I can see where Dr. Hawks is coming from on that one, and I think he might be right. Did it make you upset that he said that?"

Waiting for his answer but only receving his next question it made Hope's heart ach. It had been a long time since Scott had asked that and now that he did again it almost felt like maybe she really had failed. To see that look of suffering in his eyes it hurt so much. Pulling away just a little but only enough to turn and face him his arms still around her Hope lets out a small sigh.

"No, but I'm not making that decsition anymore Scott. I can't take telling you no anymore it hurts to much every time I have to. So now I leave it in your hands if you go or stay and I'll love you just the same ether way. But I do think your not ready to go yet. It might suck but your starting to move forward here, and if you leave now your going to be throwing it all down the drain. Thats only what I think though."

Leaning into Scott Hope gives him a soft kiss on the lips before backing up just a little to search his eyes. She loved him so much words could not be put on it. And her heart broke every time she could give Scott what he wanted but now...now she would let it in his hands and hope for the best.