
Carma On

Thinking for a moment as she stood at the end of the bed Cassy brings a hand to her lips in a thinking manor. Her mind being side tracked for a moment as an image of Leo clinging to her leg passed through her mind making her give a chuckle before standing a little taller.

"How about a poached egg, some toast with jelly and some hash browns on the less greasy side. As long as that sounds good to you?"

Giving a tiny nod that is Leo did want something else she would be more than happy to make it for him but this combination was not greasy and probably one of the easiest things on his tummy.

With a roll of her eyes, a scrunch of her nose and a swat to Eli's arm Ryan just shakes her head as her brother started to walk away. She was happy to see a small glint in his eye at the mention of a woman. Granted Eli had spend lots of time with women but there was never that one that stuck and gave him the look in his eyes. But this new one she was different.

Turning around again and going back to the stove Ryan continues to cook her own food. With her other hands she pulls out her phone and dials TJY. Getting Susanne she asked if she can talk to Alec not sure if he was around or not. Waiting and finally hearing Alec's voice on the other end Ryan smile.

"Morning, I didnt have my spy Carma on to you so I wasn't sure if you'd be awake or not. I was wondering if you'd like company for dessert and lunch today?"

Still standing with Scott Hope lets out a small sigh. The look of hurt passing through his eyes once more and she can feel the yank on her heart.

"I know you don't know who you are anymore Scott and I know it can be frustrating, but thats why your here and why everyone is trying to help you. To help you fight and win this Agency battle and find who you are again."

Turning to look out over the flowers again Hope just tried to concentrate. She new Scott was still hurting and it hadn't been nearly enough time here for him to heal. In a way she felt like she was failing Scott herself even though she new there was nothing more she could do.

"Bad things happen ever day Scott and though its not the same as the pain you went through everyone always blames themselves. You have started to make some big steps already admitting you need help. I just don't want to see that all lost because what happened was not your fault, and even if you had been stronger there is no telling if you could of stopped them or not. I just want to see you get better, not for me but for yourself because you deserve it, and you deserve better than this."

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