

Smiling back to Leo as he starts back up the ladder Cassy watches him adamantly for a moment. He never really through highly of himself, and Cassy wished he would. He had more talent than just being a klutz. Just from watching him over the last couple of weeks.

"If I build it they will come...thats something right out of that baseball movie. Its a good movie."

Turning a little to walk back inside Cassy stops again looking up at Leo from under the ladder.

"Hey...maybe you can bring some fliers at you work in the waiting area for people to see. That would be helpful."

Giving a smile she new Leo would think about it first and than let her know if he would or not. Though she didnt think there would be a problem with it.

Slipping inside for a moment to put the glass back Cassy comes out once again. Standing a little closer to the ladder this time so she could hear Leo better.

"Do you have any plans tomorrow?"

Shifting around a little but not moving from Ty's lap he was so comfortable she hated having to move.

"Do you have to work tonight? I'm super comfortable."

Finally and a little groggy Libby sits up and slides to the edge of the couch. Her face was flush still showing her stress but the little bit of sleep had helped.

"Wyatt's gonna be ok with me here for a while..right? I don't want to impose or anything."

They'll come

Leo looks down at Cassy, a gentle smile on his face. "It's... nice to be wanted."

Feeling her fingers run over his, he just pauses a moment, swallowing hard, then finally draws away, letting her keep the glass. "I think, um... the eves are calling me. Maybe I can get all the paint off before the sun sets."

Backing away a little, he picks up his tool again, fiddling with it in his hand. "So..." He climbs the ladder again, starting back to work. "...No calls yet, huh? I bet they'll come."

Ty murmurs and stretches a little, groaning softly as he sees what time it was. He needed to get up and get some supper before going in to work.

Feeling Libby still with him, he runs his hand through her hair, not realizing how much he liked her lying here with him... it was so comfortable... so warm.

"Hey," he croons softly. "I gotta get up... you can sack out in my bed if you want."


Giving another smile and a slight nod at Leo's comment Cassy was happy this gave him something to do and he was enjoying himself. She certainly liked his company. He helped keep her mind off her ex and slowly it felt like a heavy weight was lifting though it still did hurt a little.

"Ha, I think its kind of ironic, the first business I am gonna have in my studio, is someone helping me..."

Going to take the glass from Leo and feeling his fingers brush hers Cassy stops for a moment letting her hand linger. Moving her fingers a slights she lets the one run over his finger for a moment. There was that feeling again. Faint, but it was still there non the less.

Looking up at Leo a little color comes to her own cheeks as she smiles at him, her eyes giving a twinkle in the sun light biting her lip a little..

"...not that I mind. Its nice having you around."


Leo laughs a little, his cheeks turning just slightly pink. "I guess practice pays off."

Taking another sip of lemonade, he clears his throat again, one hand in his pocket as he looks at the ground. How little time had passed since he'd felt happy. And now... he just wasn't sure.

"Well, I'm glad I've been able to help at least this far... it's given me something to do, other than visiting the bar stool." Things at the shop weren't so bad lately... he didn't talk to Ryan much... he kept to himself most of the time now, and she was gone most lunch breaks any more.

Looking back to Cassy, he brings himself back around to be on topic. "Uh, well... I guess if you keep having stuff for me to do or... you wanna dance more or something..." He shrugs and hands his now-empty glass back to her, his fingers brushing hers. "My hours aren't changing that I know of."

The way you move...

Continuing to watch Leo work Cassy did feel bad she couldn't help him. Though she herself didn't really know what she was doing would give anything to be on a ladder on the other side working twords Leo. Maybe it was the fact she couldn't, that really made her want to more.

Once Leo comes down Cassy nods to the other chair. It was so nice out and there was a slight breeze if Leo wanted to come and sit for a little bit and catch his breath he was more than welcome to.

Thinking on his question Cassy wonders herself if she would be busy or not. There were always a lot of the studio's around but one more couldn't hurt. Would she get the people she needed?

"I'm not sure if I will be busy or not. I've started getting fryers out but so far no ones called me for more information. But even when I do get more people, I am going to have Friday, Saturday and Sundays off. I can still have time to practice myself and spend time with my friend. I mean if he's not busy himself."

Giving a smile Cassy new Leo would know he was talking about him. They saw each other about every few days now and she really had enjoyed his friendship. It was nice having someone to call and to look forward to seeing. She'd hate to break that just because there was no more work. Who knows maybe even after he could still help.

"Mmm...this is an idea thats starts to form. My dream will be getting on the dance floor again. I guess we can all have more than one dream though right?"

Dancing was her life and her passion to be out on the floor again, it was her dream to give her soul to dancing again, putting all her feeling and emotions into it. But Leo was right this was a dream as well. Helping others to feel the joy she found in dancing while she couldn't right now.

"Maybe..when your done fixing everything you can help me practice more? I always did like the way you moved, and today you proved you have gotten even better!"

Slice of your dream

Leo grins a little at Cassy as she comes out and he continues to work. "Yeah... I guess I do better on the dance floor, or when there's not a big audience while I'm working. Ask the guys around J&J's and I'm the resident klutz." He shrugs and scrapes some more paint. "Guess somebody's gotta hold the title."

Pausing a moment, he leans on the ladder and looks down at Cassy. "Something about a dance floor though... I guess it's my getaway. The audience just... fades away." He chuckles. "And here, nobody's watching me work but you, so I can pretend I know what I'm doing and get away with it."

Turning back to his scraping, he falls silence for a little while. Maybe he was more confident than he used to be... he felt different than he had a while back. More... he didn't know what it was. Maybe less klutziness came along with him being a little less happy-go-lucky.

After growing thirsty, Leo takes a break and eases down the ladder, leaning back against the wall of the building, and accepting some lemonade. "Mm... you're a genius. Good stuff."

Sighing, he cocks his head at Cassy. "So... after this place doesn't have any more to fix, you'll get nice and busy with clients, huh?" He didn't really know what he was asking, and taps his finger on his cup absentmindedly. "Sounds like you're gonna get a slice of your dream."

With a friend

"If I new who on earth Dave was I'd tell him for you."

Shaking her head and staring at Alec for a long moment Misty just can't believe him. He was totally wired and it was humorous but she could see why Rick was going crazy. Maybe after he has something to eat He'd feel a little better.

Exiting the studio a nice blue scoop neck shirt on and a pare of jeans Cassy holds two glass of the lemon aid her hand over the top so paint chips don't get into the drink. Ambling for the chair that had already been placed outside she sets the glass down at the little table.

"It doesn't looks like it will be to hard to fix that."

Cassy squints up in the sun light at Leo giving a smile. It defiantly was a nice day out for doing something like this.

"So I still think your a naturel at being my fit it. You really have helped me a lot."

Cassy gives a little laugh sitting down letting the sun light wash over her. Its felt so nice to be out enjoying the weather with a friend.


Alec scratches his head then sighs in defeat. "Okay... I'll try." He settles back on the cot, but then springs up again. "But no promises. I have begun to realize that this is completely beyond my control." He waves his arm around. "So... anything I sayer do... can't be... uh.... held against me."

Flopping onto his back again, he gives Misty a little wave. "Have fun, hott stuff. Just don't... mind me."

Finally closing his eyes, he lets his head settle back in the pillow and he yawns. "Tell Dave I'll talk to him later."

"Mm... lemonade sounds good." Leo grins and nods, heading back over to the tools. "Alright... see you outside."

Pausing at the counter, he watches Cassy leave, his eyes lingering on the empty doorway for a moment. Sighing, he picks up the tools he wants and heads outside. Arriving on the sidewalk, he looks up to the eves above the door. Looked like it needed the old paint scrapped, a few new nails and some new paint. He didn't think it looked like it needed any new wood so it shouldn't be too hard of a job.

Fetching the ladder, he sets to work, climbing up so he can reach above the doorway. Starting to scrape off the paint, chips and flakes flutter down to the ground. A little sweat forms on his brow as the setting sun bathes the building in a warm glow.

Strap down

"Mmmm...I'd help you up, your brother would kick your face in from flirting with his wife no matter what I see it ended badly. Though I could leave you were for Ryan to pick up but...my luck Rick would come back and fire me for leaving you there. Now lay back before I strap you there myself."

A twinkle shown in Misty's eye. She new he didn't mean to be like this right now it was just the medication but if she could get him to calm down at all that would be great.

"You can ramble and talk to me all you like I don't mind just lay back and sit still for a little bit. The drugs should be wearing off soon."

Giving a smile and taking a few steps back from Leo Cassy gives a nod. Every very grateful for all the help and hard work Leo was putting into this place with her.

"I'd help but I think today my leg is stilling me no more. So I'll pull a chair out and at least sit so you have someone to talk to. I brought some fresh Lemon Aid with me to so that you have something to drink as well."

Taking another sip of her own water and grabbing her bag Cassy gives a smile to Leo before turning to head for the bathroom.

"I'm just going to change up, I'll be out in a moment."

Don't mind

Alec's eyes widen a little and he leans over to look at the floor. "Yeah... yeah, that might kinda hard. Of course..." He looks back up at Misty, eying her hand, then her face. "Might not be too awful bad... you might hafta help pick me back up."

A silly smile creases his lips. His brain knew good and well that there was no chance of anything here, but his mouth just wouldn't stop. He'd be frustrated if he really didn't seem to mind much at all at the moment.

Leo lets his arms drop too, looking back at Cassy and seeing a soft look in her eye. It was... warm... gentle... almost hopeful of... something.

He swallows hard and manages a crooked grin. "You're welcome. I don't mind dancing, you know that." He laughs a little then clears his throat. "I guess the eves are waiting. I'll, um... get started on that."

Pitter Patter

Having Leo there might not have been really major for most but to Cassy it did help. Just having him there to hold for a little support took a lot of the weight off her knee in itself.

Following Leo's lead and adding in her own moves she wanted to practice Cassy did them less than smoothly but to the best of her ability with her knee. Even if it wasn't great right now, it was better that what most people would try or do.

The smile that held on Cassy's face was one that though she was in a little pain she was enjoying herself, having a nice time and so thankful Leo was there.

Feeling Leo's hands go to her wast is was only natural to take the pose to be picked up. Being ready, and straight but not complete dead weight making sure she kept it right so Leo wouldn't get hurt. Cassy's eyes seeming to find Leo's, the twinkled and sparkled as she looked back into his searching them, thanking him. She just relized how blue they were were, being this close to him now, and how much life of his own sparked in them.

As the music fade, and the stops Cassy just stands there a few moment's longer holding Leo. For some reason she didn't want to let go yet, not yet. Finally feeling silly though she let her hands fall to her side trying to ignore the little pitter patter her heart felt.

"Thank you Leo, I might end up using you more often. It's always nice to have a dance partner. Not to mention one as good as yourself. and in my position it makes it a little easier as well. So thank you...for catching me."

Looking up at Alec and giving a slight nod of her head she could see why he hated dogs. They could be mean little suckers and she'd rather not deal with that herself.

"I guess if I got attacked everyday I'd have a pretty good fear of dogs too. I have two farrits. They work good for me. Small, can cuddle, I can take them on a leash if I want they don't ever bit bit if they do its not hard."

Misty gives another laugh quirking an eyebrow at Alec. She remembered when Carson was on pain meds..Alec was ten times worse. Standing and going over to him she puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Would you lay down before you fall down. Your swaying all over the bed. Last thing I want is for you to be a big heap on the floor."


Alec swings his head around to Misty, his eyebrow still quirked. "Mmm....yeah... yeah, I guess she is." He nods, then snickers. "Gotta be careful with wildcats - they got claws. 'Course... not as dangerous as them dogs."

He grows solemn again and shakes his head. "Hate 'em ya know. Ever since I's little. I's only six years old, but I remember it. Had to go to the hospital and everything after that neighbor's dog attacked me." He grimaces. "It was kinda nasty."

Leo smiles as Cassy takes his hands and he backs up onto the floor. "Yes."

Hearing the music that was still playing from her earlier practice, Leo starts to sway a little, then begins to dance slowly with her. He could do a lot more, but he didn't, just letting Cassy do her best as he stayed close, always keeping at least one hand in hers. Though taking the lead for speed and style, he let her fill in whatever she wanted.

Slowly turning and spinning around, their movements were reflected in the mirrors. Leo wasn't in his preferred attire for dancing, but since the new floor wasn't down yet, his sneakers would suffice, and his jeans kept him from doing anything too crazy.

Watching Cassy as she spun slowly under his hand, he smiles at her. It was good to see her so determined to keep dancing. In a way, he was proud of her.

As the music builds, he ventures some stronger moves, careful not to push Cassy too far. And with the rise in music, Leo's hands move to her waist to pick her up as he turns, never breaking eye contact as he slowly spins then ever so gently sets her down once more. And the music begins to fade.

Catch me

Rolling her eyes she shakes her head and laugh. Ryan had to remind Rick never to give Alec that again.

"Ok well you sit with you darling sister in law, I'll get good and some movies and we can just cuddle. ok?...ok good. I'll be back."

Shaking her head as she stands once again Ryan throws an extra look to Misty with a smirk.

"Keep him in line while I'm gone."

Once Ryan is gone Misty looks over to Alec on the cot and lets out a long sigh. He did act just like Carson. Must run in the banks genes.

"So...whats your girlfriend huh? She seems pretty nice. A wildcat so that fits you."

Looking down at Leo's hands for a long moment she contemplated his offer. It could be good for her but at the same thing she didn't want to her him by being a little still with her legs.

"You would have to lead, or I can just do some of my moves and you can add to it if you wanted."

Finally letting her hands fall into Leo's she looks up as him and gives a smile and a nod. He new what he was doing they had danced before, long time ago but they had and it was the best show out there. She new he would let her fall to hard.

"Are you really going to catch me if I fall?"

Problem is...

As Ryan's question hangs in the air, a sly smile spreads on Alec's face, though somehow he manages to keep his thoughts to himself this time. "Don't ask that," he chides, and takes another sip of water.

"I don't know... whatever... anything... everything." His grin returns. "I don't have as many rules here as the couch, ya know."

"Ahhh." Now Leo understood. He could tell that Cassy was taking her little mishap harder than she was showing. "Well... the problem isn't your knee, ya know."

Rummaging a little more, Leo finally produces the scraper he was looking for. But instead of heading outside, he sets the tools on the counter instead. Looking at Cassy, he offers both of his hands. "The problem is, that there's no one there to catch you."