
Slice of your dream

Leo grins a little at Cassy as she comes out and he continues to work. "Yeah... I guess I do better on the dance floor, or when there's not a big audience while I'm working. Ask the guys around J&J's and I'm the resident klutz." He shrugs and scrapes some more paint. "Guess somebody's gotta hold the title."

Pausing a moment, he leans on the ladder and looks down at Cassy. "Something about a dance floor though... I guess it's my getaway. The audience just... fades away." He chuckles. "And here, nobody's watching me work but you, so I can pretend I know what I'm doing and get away with it."

Turning back to his scraping, he falls silence for a little while. Maybe he was more confident than he used to be... he felt different than he had a while back. More... he didn't know what it was. Maybe less klutziness came along with him being a little less happy-go-lucky.

After growing thirsty, Leo takes a break and eases down the ladder, leaning back against the wall of the building, and accepting some lemonade. "Mm... you're a genius. Good stuff."

Sighing, he cocks his head at Cassy. "So... after this place doesn't have any more to fix, you'll get nice and busy with clients, huh?" He didn't really know what he was asking, and taps his finger on his cup absentmindedly. "Sounds like you're gonna get a slice of your dream."

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