
All day

Dylan gives a deep sigh, not knowing if this was really a good idea or not. Logic reminded him that he had no where else to go and at least back at the ranch he knew he'd get warm meals and a roof over his head. That was more than he had hitchhiking back to Colorado or anywhere else.

What about making good with his dad? He really didn't know if that could ever work or not. But... he was tired of living this way. He was tired of the constant fight. And there still was a part of him deep down that was simply a little boy looking for his father's love and approval. He never would outgrow that, and if he had a chance to satisfy it then... was it worth swallowing his pride?

"Okay." He shrugs. "I don't have any better offers right now, so... I'll come back. But I don't promise it'll be for weeks. Dad was ready to knock my block off last night and if he comes at me like that again, I'm taking off."

Gunner feels Bree's kiss and hears her words of love, giving her a little squeeze in response. He would have expressed more, but he was just too tired. He had someone to chase away the darkness tonight and he knew he would have the first good night sleep in way too long.

And he was right.

Shifting slightly, Gunner groans a little. His entire body was stiff. He must not have moved a muscle all night. He starts to stretch, then remembers that he's not alone, so he doesn't move too much, not wanting to disturb his couch partner.

Managing to open his eyes, he takes note that it's much brighter in the living room than he'd expected. Squinting a little and trying to get his eyes to adjust, he finds the clock on the back wall. No wonder it was light and he was aching. It was almost eleven o'clock. Talk about a good long night's sleep. Even now though, he felt like he could just about go right back to sleep. He was so warm and comfortable. He hadn't even heart JT get up and leave hours prior.

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly then yawns, moving just a little bit, his head sinking further down into his pillow. He couldn't feel the arm that had been wrapped around Bree all night - it was way past having fallen asleep and was numb now, but he didn't move it yet.

"Can we just stay here all day?" he mumbles groggily.

Kiss Chest, no OJ promise!!!!! O.O

"I know you didn't want him to get hurt, and Mick knows you didn't want him to get hurt, but he did get hurt. BJ is a special kind of kid ya know. He's smart for his age and understand a lot more than people know. But he's also just a kid and I think people forget that sometimes."

Taking his napkin and whipping his mouth Dan looks across the table again and cocks his head to the side for a moment studying Dylan. He was a sixteen year old boy with a head as thick as his fathers, who didn't like to be told what to do, so telling him to go back to the ranch just wouldn't do and Dylan would always feel it wasn't his choose.

" I do think you should go back and at least try to talk with Mick. How about this...come back with me, give it a few more weeks at the ranch and really try to like to talk with you dad, and work things out. After those few weeks are up you still hate it there, and you want to leave. I'll drive you to where every it is you want to go. But you have to at least put an effort twords working on things with you Dad. What do you say?"

Smiling through the darkness as Gunner shift Bree gives a little grunt as he bops her in the head but says nothing to on it knowing it was an accident. Just giving a laugh here and there Bree did her best to keep her voice down and not wake her Uncle.

Finally as Gunner is comfortable Bree lays half on top of him getting comfortable himself. Laying her head on his chest and feeling his warm skin under her face mixed with the rippled from his chest, and the rhythm of his breath seemed to make her eyes even heaver.

Feeling so safe wrapped in Gunner's arms Bree new tonight she would get a goodnight rest with no fear making its way into her dreams. Moving her head one more time Bree gives Gunner's chest a kiss than lays her head down again. Finding his fingers with her own she lays them on top of them. Staring into the night and just enjoying feeling Gunner so close, finally Bree's eyes fall shut but not before a whisper slips from her lips.

"I love you Gunner."


Dylan continues to look down even when Dan begins to speak. Feeling so lost today though, the words actually begin to sink in past his pride. And for the first time since this whole thing started, there was a part of Dylan that didn't feel alone.

Finally, his eyes drift upward to meet Dan's. His gaze was full of frustration for this battle, anger - more at himself than anything else, and embarrassment. There were two things happening inside of him. One was his own battle with what had happened to him and what was still going on, and one was his bitterness towards his father for feeling abandoned as a child.

Playing with his napkin, he mulls over Dan's advice to talk to Mick. Would it really do any good? Especially after what had happened with BJ? "I... don't know that he even wants to talk to me," he admits. Not after... well, with BJ and all." He shrugs lamely. "I didn't mean for the kid to get hurt, ya know. He was just being a pain and I didn't know he'd get lost." He looks at Dan almost pleadingly. "I didn't want him to. I just... I don't like him hanging around me and.... I guess I was irresponsible just like my dad said."

His head starts to hang again. "Do you... really think I should go back?"

A grin sneaks onto Gunner's face at Bree's comment, though his eyes stay closed. Sensing the light go out, he sighs deeply, right on the edge of sleep. Not expecting company though, his eyes open as he feels Bree climbing onto the couch with him and nesting down in what was left of a space between him and the back cushions.

Smiling in the dark, he shakes his head. "This'll never do," he mumbles. He raises himself halfway up and twists around, pulling off his t-shirt. Rooting around, he's pretty sure he bumps Bree in the head with his elbow at least once until he's on his back, with her halfway on top of him and halfway still in between him and the couch so she can rest her head on his chest.

Grabbing the soft blanket from the back of the couch, he throws one end of it so it covers them and settles his head back with a deep sigh, Bree's head moving with his lung's motion. One arm was tucked around her, while the other rested on the outside, his hand lying somewhere near hers.

Weak Human

Continuing to just sit back and listen to Dylan Dan gives a small nod here and there proving he was listing. Hearing his story Dan's face didn't really change much though his eyes did flood with emotions. It was easy to see just from looking at Dylan he was telling the truth and yet it still bothered him to talk about it.

Once Dylan was done Dan sits up and folds his hands on the table. Letting the silence just fall over the table for a long moment Dan just collects his thoughts thinking for a long moment how ironic that he was the one Dylan had deiced to talk to.

"Dylan, I believe you and I am probably the last person that is good to give you any kind of advice with out looking like a hypocrite. I don't even talk to my father anymore, its been well over five years. I should of put more effort into trying to contact him but I guess I was ashamed of my own self."

Dan stops again thinking. It really was true, Dan never put any effort into talking to his Dad after he got out of jail when maybe he should of. It had been so long was it really worth it now?

"I can tell you one thing though Dylan, before I came down to go to lunch I saw the look in your dad's eye when he saw you at the end of the driveway and there was so much love and sorrow that filled his eyes. and if you were to just tell him the truth, I know he would believe you. He dosnt think your a loser, I don't know why he never wanted anything to do with you as a kid, and I cant even guess but he wanted to be part of your life now, and thats something I wouldnt want to pass up."

Giving a nod and a sip of his pop just thinking again for a moment.

"Unfortunately out past will always follow us, and we will always remember the past, but thats because it will help us in the future when what we choose to do. I think one of the biggest steps we have to take though is forgiving ourselves. Thats the hardest thing to do."

That had been the hardest thing for Dan. Forgiving himself for what he did, and drying to live with the nightmares he had every night. It hadn't been an easy task.

"Weak...no human, you and me both. Drugs, alcohol....the ways of the world that temp who we are. Your not weak Dylan, just human and if these people are still after you I think its gives you an even better reason for telling you dad because he can keep you safe and anyone else who might get hurt so they could get to you. Its your desition but you keep saying you mess up left and right...maybe not its time to do the smart thing, and let your dad know! The choose is yours."

As the night drew to an end Bree could feel her own eyes starting to close and as Gunner makes it final they they were going home Bree didn't try and fight back. She had, had enough of the fun for one day and she could feel her own eyes start to close and she was feeling a little claustrophobic.

Once getting home and seeing Gunner crash on the couch after staying awake for a little while longer Bree can't help but laugh. He was so tired, and he deserved a good rest how could she not let him have it.

Giving over to the couch and sitting on the edge for a moment Bree rubs his back still smiling. Leaning down a little she gives him a kiss on the side of the face letting it linger for a moment.

"Yeah I will be here tonight. I am way to tired to drive home. So that means no running around the house in your boxers."

Giving a small laugh and standing from the couch Bree walks over to the light and turns it off. Standing in the dark room for a moment and watching Gunner's form on the couch almost like he might disappear Bree turns but than turns back to the couch again. Making her way back to the couch a little Bree squeeze herself between Gunner and the back of the couch making herself comfortable even if she was squished a little. Drapping her arm over Gunner's back she smiles before closing her eyes.

"Good Night Gunner."

Up in the night

Gunner's eyes widen at Bree's comment and he turns to her, letting out a low growl. He leans in towards her neck, but turns at the last second just to put his head on her shoulder instead of playing a vampire. "A bed... no bars... mmmm yeah, I think I can handle that... especially the door on the bathroom." Once his head has rested on her shoulder for a few moments though, his eyes fall shut, the grin slowly fading from his face.

Out of nowhere, he snaps up and stands abruptly, almost dumping his punch on the floor. "Okay, that's it, time to go. I can't stay awake another minute."

Still having Bree's hand in his, he pulls her up out of the chair and drags her to the door. "G'night y'all! Thanks for the party!"

The others laugh and wave, all knowing it was getting a bit late and glad that he'd been there for a while at all. JT sees Gunner and Bree disappear and downs the rest of his punch quickly. "I better go or they're gonna leave me here without a car." Grinning, he waves to the group and heads out quickly to follow the other two out.

The car ride doesn't take too long and Gunner winds up riding shotgun just so he can talk to JT and stay awake until they get back. Running on pure adrenaline, he manages to stay up a little while longer. Once JT has gone to bed though, Gunner kicks his shoes off and barely makes it to the couch to flop down on his stomach, not even bothering to turn out the light.

"Are you staying?" he mumbles to Bree into the cushions. "I don't wanna get up in the night and think there's not a lady in the house."

The party was over. TJY was cleaned up. People were going home and Reese was one of the few who was left. It wasn't for a pleasant task though. He'd been tempted to put this off, but he knew he needed to get it done before anything else happened.

"What?" Alec is sitting up in the infirmary bed, soon to be released to his room on the lower level again. He was going stir crazy, but at least Ryan had visited. Now though... "You can't do that."

"I can keep out whoever I want to keep out," Reese retorts as he stands beside the bed, his arms crossed. "You won't talk, Ryan won't be allowed back."

"I've been telling you the truth!"

"Then try sticking with the same story for once." Reese's eyes narrow. "I'm through playing games, Alec. Either you talk or Ryan will be escorted out next time she tries to come. It's that simple."

Alec glares at Reese, feeling his insides churn.

"Think about it." Reese turns to leave. "I'll be here in the morning."

Dylan thinks for several long moments as his jaw muscles work out his tension without realizing it, just like his father. Everyone thought he'd caved to peer pressure or had just been stupid... the problem was that he hadn't given them anything else to believe. After recent events, something deep down just wanted someone to believe in him again. And if it wasn't going to be his father, anybody would do. Would Dan really listen? Would he really believe him? Dylan had heard Dan had a past of his own... maybe there really was some sort of connection there.

"I didn't want to do it." On the surface, Dylan didn't want to talk about this at all. But something deeper wanted release from these chains.

"My friends were crap... and I knew it. But I didn't have anybody else." He shrugs lamely. "I wasn't doin' good in school and I don't know... I didn't get along with Ben, and me and my mom weren't doing real well so... I hung out with the losers. Got in a bit of trouble now and again. Got picked up by the cops a couple times, but it wasn't anything major enough to send me away."

Dylan's eyes drift to the table where he picks up another french fry to play with. "One night there was a party. I snuck out of the house to go 'cause I was already grounded. Most of the others were getting drunk or smoking weed out back. I drank once in a while, but never did any more than that... always figured I was smart enough to stay away from anything else whether they offered it to me or not. I hung around for awhile then a few of my buddies dragged me into a back room. They didn't tell me what was going on - I thought they were just fooling around or something. Then they sat me down and held me in a chair. I think they were half drunk themselves and they thought it was pretty funny."

He pauses and rubs his arm where one could still faintly see the marks of needles. "I... tried to get away when I saw them come out with the needle. They were laughing. Talking about seein' me high in the clouds. I tried to fight them off but they were stronger." He shrugs lamely. "So they shot me up."

It was obvious from the look in his eye that even though he tried to be tough about the whole thing, that it really bothered him still. It had been a very bad experience that haunted him still, though he'd never admitted it. He'd told people at he McClains that his nightmares had just been about a fire or something, when in reality, they were of that night.

He looks away for a moment, finding something else to focus on, then eats a fry, not even sure himself if he was going to go on. But after a sip of his pop, he does, still not looking up at Dan. He was too afraid he'd find disbelief or disappointment.

"Um... anyway, I don't remember much else about that night. I think the guys brought some girls in or something and I don't remember what happened but I don't think I did things I should have. Somehow I got home. I almost thought it had all been a bad dream 'cept the mark was still on my arm. I didn't say anything to anybody 'cause I knew there was no way they'd believe me. 'Oh sure, Dylan, they "forced" you.' So I kept my mouth shut over the weekend. Only thing was, come Monday, I was wanting whatever they'd given me real bad."

Dylan's face gains color, proving how embarrassed he was. "I... I tried to get past it. Figured if I just waited it out, I'd be okay. I didn't want to get hooked... I knew it was bad stuff. But... after school that day, on my way home, those same guys nabbed me again. And... it happened all over again. They threatened me... said if I told anyone, they'd hurt my mom and sister. They were serious so I... got scared. A few more times just like that and... they got what they wanted - me, addicted to their drugs."

He starts on another fry then lets it drop back to his plate, feeling sick in his gut just thinking about it all again. "I kept wondering what the point was... them getting me addicted. It didn't make sense. But all I ever got was hearing them boast about how much they'd got paid." He scoffs in disbelief. "Someone paid them to get me high. It got bad enough that it wasn't even hard for me anymore to get the stuff. Mostly I found 'em after school or at night when I'd sneak out of the house. Sometimes they'd make me do things for 'em for a fix. Nobody ever got hurt, but I stole more than one thing from the school. I only heard them talking once or twice and it sounded like someone was still payin' them, and they were just taking advantage by getting me to do things for them."

Dylan swallows hard, looking at his hands. "I wanted out so bad, I just... I was too weak. I couldn't say no anymore. Every time I tried, I just..." This was the worst part. Admitting he'd wanted off the stuff but couldn't do it. It just proved how weak he was.

"Eventually, there was a bunch who said they were goin' for a one-way joyride. I just wanted to get out of town and leave it all. So... I went with. I figured I was enough of a mess I deserved whatever I got. There were guys, girls... I don't remember much other than trying to forget and not caring what I did with who or how or how many." He scoffs again. "Yeah... Mama's little boy done did things that'd make her heart stop."

Dylan stops once more, not even sure why he should go on. This was the first time he'd told anybody any of this. The trouble, the drugs, the girls... all of it. He might as well finish now. "Next thing I remember is being totally doped up and the gang from TJY found us. I... found out Dad was involved and it just made me mad 'cause..." He shrugs. "He didn't care about taking care of me when I was a kid, and now he showed up to tell me how to live, while showing off how he was weak-willed himself."

Emotion floods Dylan's eyes as his gaze remains downcast. His hands grip each other so tightly that his knuckles turn white. "I hated it the whole time, Dan. I never once got enjoyment out of sticking myself or getting higher than a kite or doing stupid things while I was there. I just... I couldn't help it and every time I came back around, I wanted to go walk in front of a mac truck 'cause I felt so stupid. I hid it all well but it didn't matter."

Pausing again, he tries to stay in control. "Part of me was glad to be at the McClain's. I finally got off that stuff but they all automatically thought I was just some punk kid who'd had too much fun... even my dad. I knew that my story was impossible to believe. I just wanted to be gone but they wouldn't let me. I didn't want anything to do with my dad, but he had to be there too... I suppose the rest isn't worth saying. You know how things went after I got here."

Dylan still avoids Dan's eyes. "So that's it. I was stupid. I couldn't even stop myself from getting hooked by some mongrel high school thugs. I was born a loser and always will be. Family thinks so and they're right. Doesn't matter what I do now... I'll always have been a druggie and a petty crook." His thumb runs along the table, his food now forgotten. There was only one thing left. "And they're still after me."


Taking another bit of is own burger Dan turns a little listing to Dylan and puts his feel up on the booth seat and leaning his back in the crack where the wall and booth met so he could still listen to Dylan and look him in the eye.

Just staying silent Dan chews on his frys or takes a drink of his pop not interrupting Dylan but listening to him. Oh yes how Dylan reminded him of himself in his younger years. Just wanting someone to listen, or just someone to believe him. It was hard road to travel when everything was stacked against you.

"I'd believe you and listen because I have been down that road a time or two myself, and when no one will listen it sucks."

Dan gives a small nod to Dylan, he was in face more than what people though on the outside, and his closet had there own hidden skeletons tucked away. He was far from perfect and maybe that was why he felt even more to Dylan. But Dan left the ball in Dylan's court again if he wanted to keep talking he could Dan would just listen.

Keeping close to Gunner at TJY Bree can't stop smiling. Her cheeks were starting to hurt but she didn't care, the smile never moved. How could she be so happy and not smile? It was just not possible.

Hearing Gunner's comment to Susanne Bree can't help the short laugh the escaped her lips from Susanne's own confusion.

"Thats later."

And as the night continues the laughs do, and the fun just keep rolling, a few different times color coming to Bree's cheeks as she was talked about, or Gunner would tell someone else she was the best thing in the world. Being in the spot light with Gunner was different, and she liked it even more because it was with him.

As the night continues and Bree follows Gunner to the quiet part of the room Bree didn't mind at all. It was nice being around the people, but just time alone with Gunner was good to where she could hear her own thoughts.

Looking up at Gunner still holding his hand Bree's eyes twinkle a little as she just looks back into Gunner's.

"I am happy he drove too. I think I am gonna be snuggling in the back with you and possible pass out myself. I bet its going to feel nice not sleeping on that horrible cell bed and having a potty with a door..."

Bree's lips curl a little as she slipped her next comment in.

"...and not having bars in the way of doing your vamperic duty.


Dylan surprises even himself by listening quietly to Dan. Maybe he was down far enough that anything close to advice wasn't so repulsive anymore. Maybe for once he was confused enough that answers didn't seem so bad.

Was it true that his dad really didn't hate him? Was it true that he would listen? Was it true that Mick had let Dylan go because he really didn't want to push him away? Dylan wondered.

He chews on another french fry, still quiet for a few moments and mulling over what Dan had said. "He wouldn't believe me," he finally responds. "Who would believe someone who said they'd wanted nothing to do with drugs but who'd been found as a doped up addict? Who would believe someone who said it wasn't their choice, rather than saying they'd caved to peer pressure?" He scoffs at the idea.

"Why do I act like I do? Because it's more believable." Glancing up, he finally looks into Dan's eyes. His own gaze betrayed him as it begged for a chance to tell his story to someone who would listen. No parents to chide him, no counselors to coax him, no sister to tell him what to do. He was tired of living in this lonely, quiet world. But who could he trust to believe him? Who could he trust to just... listen?

It took a while and there was quite a bit of chaos, but once the dust settled and darkness had settled over the sky, finally everyone was together again in the rec room at TJY. It was the best room for a party and even Gunner had been surprised at the work they'd put into dolling up the room. Apparently most had been pretty confident that the case wouldn't last past today, and everyone was thankful they'd been right.

"We're so glad to have you back, Brent." Susanne's eyes shine as she gives Gunner a little hug.

Gunner smirks at her. "You know better than to call me by my given name," he teases.

"Oh, pooh." Susanne rolls her eyes. "Don't make me sorry for ordering a cake."

"Mmm... cake. We got blood to drink?"


"Never mind." Gunner gives Bree a sidelong glance, knowing she'd probably be the only one who got the joke.

Just about everybody greets him and shakes his had, seeming to be very pleased he was back. It felt odd in a way... to Gunner, it felt like he'd never left, yet at the same time, it felt like years had passed.

"Speech! Speech!"

Gunner whirls around, his eyes narrowing. "Conrad," he growls. "Don't you dare."

Con grins and holds up his cup of punch. "I dared. Speech!"

As the others chime in, Gunner shakes his head. "Alright, alright! If you lot would quiet down, maybe a man could get a word in edgewise." Once the room is quiet, he looks around at all the faces then chuckles. "I don't know what you want me to say. Thanks for... waiting for me and... for having this party. Makes a guy feel good. I'm glad to be back, that's for sure."

"What's the best part about getting out of jail?" Jason teases.

"That's easy. Holding this girl's hand and getting back into my own clothes again."

Several people laugh, though a few murmur, "Awww," as they see him holding Bree's hand.

"I expect you to be to work at seven in the morning," Reese comments dryly. He can't help but smile though. "No, I think you've earned a couple days of R&R."

As the little party continues, Gunner finally finds his way to a more quiet corner, totally exhausted but not wanting to be rude and leave. Sitting next to Bree against the far wall, his hand is still in hers. "Good thing your uncle drove," he muses. "I don't think I could make it back across town without falling asleep."

If you tryed

Continuing to eat his meal Dan doesn't say anything only looking up brefly as Dylan sits down. Though he didnt say a word Dan was happy that he had choose to sit with him and eat. Even if they said nothing at all the whole meal he new God had some plan at work and if he could be a part of it that would be great.

Looking up from his meal as Dylan talks Dan is a bit surprised. He really hadnt exspected Dylan to say anything to him, let alone what he did.

Taking a fry of his own and dipping it in some ketchup Dan thinks for a long moment before talking. In a way Dan new how Dylan was feeling. If not for the same reason, he did understand. It had been a long time since he talked to his own parents and when posed with the question he new they would want nothing to do with him, but still he should of at least tried.

"Mick does not hate you Dylan. Disappointed yes maybe...but far from hates you. He might be a hard guy to get a long with, but I don't think there is a bone in his body to hate."

Thinking again for a moment Dan takes a sip of his drink.

"I think your dad just realized the more he pulled, the more you would push away and he didn't want to lose you completely so it was best to just let you go."

Leaning back a little Dan looks across the table at the young man that sat before him. Dylan seemed so hard yet so soft at the same time. Lost in a world he grew up to fast in. In a way he reminded him of himself.

"If your not who they think you are than why do you act it? Wouldn't you rather prove them wrong? I bet your Dad would listen if you just tried to talk to him."

Hates me

Dylan remains quiet on the long ride to down, thankful for Dan's silence as well. He huddles a little closer to the vents to absorb some heat as he begins to dry off a bit, though his hair still drips.

By the time they get to down, he was about halfway dry and finally warm at least. But as they pull up in front of the little cafe, he again had to make a choice. At least Dan was letting him decide what to do. But at this point, he didn't feel much like doing anything, whether it was going inside or heading out. Even if he did head out though, he'd have to hitchhike and it was still raining.

Giving Dan a sidelong glance, he watches him get out of the truck and go inside. Sighing, Dylan unbuckles himself but just sits for a while, thinking things through and trying to decide where he would go from here. If he went home, it would be a nightmare all over again and his mom and Ben didn't want to deal with him anyway. If he went back to the ranch, he wasn't really wanted there anyway and just caused trouble. If he headed out on his own, who knew where he would end up at. A few months down the road and they'd probably find him doped up again, or worse.

His stomach growls. Dylan's gaze shifts to the restaurant again. It was kind of stupid to pass up a free meal, especially if he would have a lot of walking to do. He finally makes up his mind and gets out of the truck, walking in the rain to make it inside. Looking around, he spots Dan off to the side already eating. Wandering over to him slowly, he sinks into the booth across from him, his eyes still aimed downward. He was still half wet, making him look just as miserable as he felt, if not more so.

Accepting a meal wasn't the worst thing in the world. He didn't like it, but he'd do it, knowing it was the smart thing to do this time. Not saying much other than to tell the waitress what he wanted, Dylan's eyes remained glued to the table as he remains quiet. Eventually he sheds his wet jacket and starts in on his hamburger, taking a little more time than necessary. Maybe he didn't even realize himself that he was stalling.

He wasn't sure what compelled him to finally speak. Maybe it was because Dan didn't ask it of him and it was on his own terms. Or maybe it was because he was at a complete loss and really didn't know which way to go. He'd made an awful lot of decisions for someone his age, but too many had ended up sending him down paths he never should have taken. Today he was doubting himself.

"I'm really not who they think I am," he mumbles, staring down at his plate as he doodles in his ketchup with a french fry. "To them I'm just some punk druggie who wanted to get that way."

He shrugs lamely. "I guess it doesn't matter though. Either way I wound up a loser so I guess they can just think what they want. The truth wouldn't matter now anyway since Dad hates me."

Burger and Frys

Hearing they were both safe now was good, and coming from Gunner actually in his arms hearing him say it was even better. Things really had worked out in the end and now there life could start once more. Bree couldn't help the love that shown through her eyes when she looked at Gunner and how much they sparkled.

Sliding down from Gunner Bree's fingers lock with his not wanting to let go of him when she just got him back. Looking up at him again a small laugh rolls off her lips at his comment.

"I have no problem following you. I'm not ready to let you go again."

Standing tall next to Gunner as the faced the crowed of people Bree felt so proud. This was her man, this was her love and he'd stood up for her. Never had she felt a feeling like this before, but to feel so important, loved and respected. Now it was time for Gunner to see the others. Bree new they would have there time together alone, later, now she was ready to share. At least for a little while anyways.

Feeling Reese arms around her made Angelica feel good. Seeing him give her a little public affection was even nicer. Looking up at Reese Angelica's eyes shown big and bright.

"Thank you, I think most of it was Gunner's little speech."

Giving a little laugh and a small shake of her head Angelica new Gunner really was lucky, and Bree was too. His words were certainly powerful and came right from the heart enough to melt the olds judges heart. That didnt happen often, and the fact that it really proved how much Gunner cared.

"Cake huh? I'd love to go with you. I'll just leave my car hear for now and I'll come back later to get it. Riding with you sounds better."

Still holding his smile Dan motions for Dylan to get into the car. He wouldnt call Dylan a friend yet, but there was a connection made with him in the barn the other day and now Dan himself wanted to make sure the young man was ok as well.

"I know you don't it will be on me. Nothing fancy just burgers and fry than you can be on your way to where ever your going."

Waiting for Dylan to get in and close the door Dan turns up the heat a little. He was warm but from the looks of it Dylan was far from it.

Setting out once again Dan doesn't try and make conversation just letting the silence rain. If Dylan wanted to talk to him he would, if not Dan wouldn't force him. Though he did give him a sidelong glance here and there just studying him for a long moment.

Finally getting into town and to a small cafe nothing grand Dan parks the car. This was all about choosing and it was up to Dylan not him to make it. Turning a little in the truck Dan looks at him and gives a nod.

"I'll be inside if you want to join me. Having some company would be nice. But if you don't well than you can sit here or be on you way. Ether way though its your turn to choose."

Giving a smile and getting out of the truck shuts the door behind him dropping his keys into his pocket, before heading into the restraint.

Better come with

Though people were still clamoring around the courtroom, Gunner can only focus on Bree coming towards him. He loses her for a moment, but she reappears again, having climbed her way to the front. And as she stands just looking at him, he can only gaze upon her. It felt so unreal that this was finally over... that she was finally free... that he was finally free.

Seeing her start for him, Gunner automatically opens his arms wide, catching her as she jumps into him. His arms wrap around her tightly, unwilling to let go now that he could finally hold her.

Without even time to say hi, he's drawn into her kiss. Words could be so useless when they couldn't do justice and this was one of those moments where words would just mess things up. Gunner's pulse races as he allows Bree to deepen the kiss, giving passion right back to her. He did love her. He knew that now and he was no longer afraid of it. Forced to fight for it, it had become so precious, and he knew that he would never be willing to give it up.

As her fingers rake through his hair, his eyes remained closed, feeling in the state of perfect bliss. The rest of the room simply didn't exist. Nothing did. Not even time. It was just him and her as their hearts beat in their chests.

Finally though, Gunner pulls back just slightly, kissing Bree's nose and her cheek tenderly before looking into her eyes once more. He could hold her here forever. "It's all over," he whispers. "We're safe now... both of us."


He turns his head a little to see some of the others waving to him from behind where the guards were keeping people back. He looks back at Bree and winks. "Looks like this vampire has to go meet the mob."

Letting Bree slide back to her feet, he keeps his arms around her. "I worked this hard though... I'm not letting you out of my sight, so you better come with me."

Reese straightens a little as Angelica approaches and a smile spreads on his face. "I'd care very much to be your date."

Slinging an arm around her shoulders, he gives her a little squeeze. "Congratulations, by the way. This was quite a victory." Wandering through the doors, he looks down at her for a moment. "Party's back at TJY but I gotta pick up the cake... want to go with me?"

"Yeah..." Scott finally turns around to look at Dalton as his friend prepared to leave. "Don't let Reese wait too long for another tech guy if TJY needs one. They probably don't, but if they do... don't let Reese wait for me to come back."

Though his voice is determined, it was his eyes that betrayed him. There was a part of Scott that was missing since he'd left TJY... a part of him that was no longer being fulfilled. He'd been a perfect fit for that job and now had taken it away from himself.

Turning back to the window, his palm returns to the glass, not to look back over his shoulder again until Dalton was gone. Alone once more, he sets down his half can of Mountain Dew and wanders over to the basket they'd brought again. There were a few more goodies in there... but it was the two envelopes that caught his attention.

Taking them out, he goes to sit down on his bed. He opens the card first. Finding the words a bit fuzzy, he finds his glasses and starts to read again. It was a simple "Thinking of You" card, signed by everyone at TJY as far as he could tell. It even had Carson's signature on it. Scott was sure it had been Susanne who had gone to the work to track everybody down. Even if he was embarrassed to be here, he couldn't help a little feeling of warmth, knowing how many people had cared enough to sign the card and write their well wishes.

Next, Scott slowly unfolds the letter from his sister, pulling his legs up a little tighter to himself. It was a short letter, but the words embed themselves in his mind.

Letting the letter drop to his side, he leans back against the wall an sighs. She loved him. Despite all that had happened, she still loved him. That was nice to know. He loved her too. She was his sister... his twin. He'd always love her. But... how could they get along when she was going with a guy that Scott felt so much hate towards? It was hard to separate the two. He hated Gage, but his sister had chosen to date him. So hating one and loving the other was not an easy task.

Folding up her letter again, he sets it on his table for now, and sets the card up so he can see it. What would he do with Sapphire's words later? He didn't know. Had it changed anything? He didn't know that either. But maybe... just maybe... the first brick had been laid to building a new bridge.

Hearing a vehicle right close, Dylan jumps a little and looks up through the rain. Seeing the open door and hearing Dan's voice, he hesitates. Was this some kind of ploy? Or just a casual invite? Surely Dan knew by now that Dylan was intent on leaving.

But it was either go with or continue to sit out here in the pouring rain. Blinking away the rain, Dylan finally gets to his feet. Getting into the truck, he puts his backpack on the floor and shuts the door. He puts his seatbelt on and hunches over, his hands tight in his lap as he shivers. It looked like he was half-drowned, as wet as he was.

Unwilling to look at Dan, he just stares at the floor, cold, wet and miserable. "I don't have money for lunch," he mumbles.