
Burger and Frys

Hearing they were both safe now was good, and coming from Gunner actually in his arms hearing him say it was even better. Things really had worked out in the end and now there life could start once more. Bree couldn't help the love that shown through her eyes when she looked at Gunner and how much they sparkled.

Sliding down from Gunner Bree's fingers lock with his not wanting to let go of him when she just got him back. Looking up at him again a small laugh rolls off her lips at his comment.

"I have no problem following you. I'm not ready to let you go again."

Standing tall next to Gunner as the faced the crowed of people Bree felt so proud. This was her man, this was her love and he'd stood up for her. Never had she felt a feeling like this before, but to feel so important, loved and respected. Now it was time for Gunner to see the others. Bree new they would have there time together alone, later, now she was ready to share. At least for a little while anyways.

Feeling Reese arms around her made Angelica feel good. Seeing him give her a little public affection was even nicer. Looking up at Reese Angelica's eyes shown big and bright.

"Thank you, I think most of it was Gunner's little speech."

Giving a little laugh and a small shake of her head Angelica new Gunner really was lucky, and Bree was too. His words were certainly powerful and came right from the heart enough to melt the olds judges heart. That didnt happen often, and the fact that it really proved how much Gunner cared.

"Cake huh? I'd love to go with you. I'll just leave my car hear for now and I'll come back later to get it. Riding with you sounds better."

Still holding his smile Dan motions for Dylan to get into the car. He wouldnt call Dylan a friend yet, but there was a connection made with him in the barn the other day and now Dan himself wanted to make sure the young man was ok as well.

"I know you don't it will be on me. Nothing fancy just burgers and fry than you can be on your way to where ever your going."

Waiting for Dylan to get in and close the door Dan turns up the heat a little. He was warm but from the looks of it Dylan was far from it.

Setting out once again Dan doesn't try and make conversation just letting the silence rain. If Dylan wanted to talk to him he would, if not Dan wouldn't force him. Though he did give him a sidelong glance here and there just studying him for a long moment.

Finally getting into town and to a small cafe nothing grand Dan parks the car. This was all about choosing and it was up to Dylan not him to make it. Turning a little in the truck Dan looks at him and gives a nod.

"I'll be inside if you want to join me. Having some company would be nice. But if you don't well than you can sit here or be on you way. Ether way though its your turn to choose."

Giving a smile and getting out of the truck shuts the door behind him dropping his keys into his pocket, before heading into the restraint.

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