

Giving a laugh and picking up her cup again Libby takes a nice long drink putting it down, grabbing a few more fry and than taking her back pack and standing up to put it on.

"Well I have the truck soooo..."

Libby started to walk out the door making sure Ty was close behind her before she stops right before the door and takes a step back bumping her back into his chest. Looking over her shoulder she gives Ty a smile as her eyes sparkle a little bit.

"..Since you don't have to work we can go to the park for a walk, than go to your place if you like and maybe watch some movies. I'm in no hurry to go home."

Hearing Alec's voice Misty looks up from her desk a smile that had not left her face for stays still formed on her lips. A new light filled her eyes since he had been back, people might not think going from Misty Miller, to Misty Banks was a big thing but to her it was totally something different.

Coming over to Alec Misty looks down at him shaking her head a little. A laugh almost slips out but she stops it in time.

"Alec Banks...looks like you were in a bar fight. Getting yourself into trouble while I was away I see. Just like your brother you are."

Leaning in to look at some of Alec's cuts and scraps some more to make sure they weren't getting infected.

"Looks like your cuts are healing nicely, and the sticks too. I guess your a fast healer."

Making her way to the library Hope looked through the books seeing what kind of reading materiel they had to take her mind off of things for a while.

Finally finding something to read Hope picks a overstuffed chair and sits down in the sun light. She would read for a little while and than go see Scott once more before leaving for the day.


"How many were there?"

"I just told you I couldn't see!"

"You said 'they' came up behind you."

"Well it sounded like more than one, I don't know."

"They didn't address you? Call you by your name?"

"I don't know. I was in a panic." Alec sits across from Reese in the interrogation room, holding one hand to his ribs. He felt terrible, but he'd been dragged over here to talk anyway. "Look, I told you. Ryan let me off, I started to walk and the next minute, I've got a blindfold on and I'm being pulled into a van."

Reese squints. "I thought it was a truck."

"No, I said van."

Reese turns his notepad around and points to the word "truck" he'd written.

Alec shrugs. "I meant van."

"How long did it take you to get where you were going?"

"Probably half an hour."

Reese looks at his notes again. They said fifteen minutes. "So they took you somewhere and started to question you."

"Yeah. Set me down in a chair and started asking me questions about the Elite."

"What did you tell them?"


"You sure?"

"Yes!" Alec cringes, as he got too excited and his body hurt. "I didn't tell them anything."

"So that's all they wanted? Was to know about the Elite?"

"How many times do I have to tell you that?"

"What about how you escaped? Why do you think they didn't just kill you off?"

Alec shrugs. "How should I know. You know how erratic Medridge is. Maybe they just wanted to scare me."

"How did you escape exactly?"

Alec sighs. "I already told you. I slipped my ropes and when I heard there was no one upstairs, I made a run for it."

"You ran... in your condition?"

"Well hobbled. Adrenaline. How should I know? I just got out of there as fast as I could and kept going."

Reese looks at his notes one more time. Duct tape, not rope. "And why did you head to Ryan's instead of here?"

"I thought you wouldn't believe me. Figured you'd think I double-crossed or something. She convinced me to come back here. End of story." Alec closes his eyes for a moment, just wanting to lie down. "Can we be done now?"

"Mm-hmm." Reese closes his notepad and nods. "Sure. Thanks, Alec. We'll talk more when you're feeling better."

"Yeah... whatever." Alec slowly rises from his chair and walks, slightly bent, back to the infirmary where he knew the bed still was. Making it inside, he simply slides onto the bed and lies on his good side, trying to relax. Something felt odd though. Opening one eye, he realizes that he isn't alone. It wasn't Rick though, it was Misty.

"Mm... sister-in-law back from her honeymoon, I see." He closes his eyes again. "Don't let me fool you... I'm fine... really."

Reese sighs and looks at his notes again. Alec was lying. He had to be. The more he was questioned, the more his story changed. But why? Why would he lie? Had he really been kidnapped? Or had he gone to the Agency of his own free will and was now back as a spy? Surely not, but... why else would Alec lie, unless he was guilty?

Dr. Hawks nods to Hope. "Thank you. This was a rough first time... I hadn't planned on things going quite like this yet but maybe it was for the best. I think I'm going to give Scott some space for a while... perhaps avoid these sessions until he's settled in more. I learned a lot today."

Standing, he offers a smile. "You're welcome any time as long as it doesn't upset Scott. Enjoy the library."

Scott takes a sip of water and sets his glass back down, curling up again on the bed. He had nothing to do... nowhere to go. But he didn't want to sleep. No, he didn't want to face the nightmares that awaited.

Looking towards the door, he wonders if Hope will stop by again before she leaves. Part of him wanted her to, and part of him just wanted her to stay away. He didn't know which emotion would win out in the end. It was all just so... hard. Did everyone know he was here? At the very least, it was embarrassing that he had been admitted here. What would people think if he ever got out of here? What would Sapphire think? or Dalton?

Ty gives a soft laugh and shrugs. "Yeah, maybe I could talk to Rick I guess. Maybe."

Drinking the rest of his pop, he shakes his head. "I don't care what we do. But I don't work tonight, so... I leave it in your hands. We can go to the arcade... go to my place... walk in the park... totally up to you."

Deal with

Squinting her eyes from across the table Libby was not about to give up on Ty just yet. She'd promised him she wouldn't, so she would keep her word. Besides that she cared about Ty to much to just forget everything.

"Well if you think there is something wrong...why not have your friend Rick check it out. Maybe there is something thats connected backwards or something and he can fix it."

Libby gives a wide smile as she takes a sip of her pop before continuing what she was saying.

"I like you to much to just give up like that. So maybe its something we could look into."

Giving a little shrug Libby gathers the books up that they had been looking at putting them in her backpack. She new Ty had enough for now and that last thing she wanted to do was continuing to push when he had enough.

"So, we still have a lot of day light to deal with...what do you want to do now?"

Entering the room Hope sat a little twords the back of the office not watching to crowd Scott, or Dr Hawking with what he was doing here. So sitting quietly she folded her legs and just sat to listen.

..With every word Scott said it was like another dagger to the heart. It hurt to think she really had hurt Scott this much. Just listing though she said nothing and though as Scott stormed away she wanted to break down crying she didn't. All she did was stand and walk a little closer to Dr. Hawks desk thinking about his question.

"Yeah, thought I haven't seen much I've been told about some episodes he has had. I think he's got a lot of anger built up inside of him along with everything else he can't explain."

Moving away from the desk Hope makes her way to the door again. Butting her hand on the knob Hope stops before turning back to the Dr.

"Thank you Dr. Hawks. I think I'm going to go check out the library you have here before I head home. So if you have any other questions just let me know."


Ty gives a little smirk and lifts his eyes to the sign that Libby was pointing at. "Kinda looks funny to me." He shrugs. "Doesn't look much different, Libby. I can see far away and up close just fine. If I was trying to read numbers, it wouldn't make any difference what distance it was."

Sighing, he shakes his head and looks back down at the table, thinking for a long moment. "Maybe... there's something wrong with me, ya know?" He holds up his hands quickly, knowing she would get after him. "I'm not talking stupid, okay? I may feel like it sometimes, but I know somewhere I'm not stupid. But... this just isn't seeming to help."

His fingers pick up a napkin to play with. "Maybe this is something I just can't do... maybe my brain just... I don't know... has a short in it somewhere or something." He looks to the tinted menu again and bites his lip, pondering the whole thing before glancing back to Libby. "Maybe it's time we just moved on."

Scott is quiet for the longest time before turning back around to look at Hope. He didn't understand how he'd gotten here or why this was happening. He was frustrated and felt like he was being caged up. Why would he want the person who brought him here, in on his session? Then again, maybe if she saw how miserable he was, maybe she would find a way to get him back out again. He shrugs. "Fine. If you-"

"Knock knock." Jenny's sweet voice rings out as she pokes her head in the door. She smiles at Scott, then notices Hope, smiling at her, too. "Dr. Hawks is down in his office," she informs. "Would you like to go talk to him now? I know it's early, but he said if you wanted to come now you could, since you were going to skip eating."

Scott sighs. "Sure. Whatever." He looks lamely at Hope. "Guess you got your way."

Jenny backs into the hall and waits for both Hope and Scott to lead them back downstairs and through a hall to where a comfortable office was. Dr. Hawks was behind a desk and there were several chairs around and a couch. Photographs of scenery hung on the walls and the atmosphere was warm and cheery. "Hello, Scott. Why, hello, Dr. Garrison." He nods, not questioning her presence. For the first time meeting with Scott, he didn't mind, and maybe Scott would be more comfortable with Hope here anyway...

...Dr. Hawks leans back in his chair, taking his time with Scott. So far the questions had been very light without any pressure and more boredom was happening than anything else. "Scott..." He jots down a note on his pad of paper. "Can you describe how you feel in one word?"

Scott's eyes narrow slightly as he slouches in his chair. "Are you asking me if I would, or if I'm capable?"

Though it was obvious which one, Dr. Hawks doesn't bat an eye. "Would you?"


Now Dr. Hawks looks up, not sure how to take that one. "Methodical. Okay. Why that word?"

"Because I'm strategically planning how to behave around my so-called friends from now on so they don't stab me in the back again."

Dr. Hawks lets an awkward pause follow. "That statement makes me think you're pretty upset."

"Wanna trade places and find out for yourself?"

"At least I'd be surrounded by people who care."

"Or people who just wanna make a buck off of the loonies."

Dr. Hawks folds his hands on his desk. "Do you miss your house?"

"No, I miss my home."

"Your friends?"

"What friends?"

Dr. Hawks purses his lips at Scott's bitter tone. It wasn't surprising, but still sad. These surface questions weren't going to get them anywhere though - that much was obvious. Dr. Hawks sensed the anger in Scott and knew that his problems ran deep. It was only the first day, but he needed to find out where Scott stood and where the pressure points were so they could work their way up. He knew a little bit from Hope and Reese so he decided to start probing, even though it was earlier than he wanted. On some patients, he would wait to hit a nerve, but he needed to see where Scott hurt the most.

"What do you dream about at night, Scott?"

Scott can feel his nerves immediately heighten and his fingers grip the arm of his chair. He refuses to look at Hope. She'd been there when he'd had a nightmare. She had seen how severe they were. "Clouds."


"Yeah, you know, the white puffy kind. Well, sometimes they're kinda thin and wispy."

Dr. Hawks glances to Hope, knowing Scott was being dishonest. He clears his throat. "Okay. Are there ever people in your dreams?"


Dr. Hawks blinks. "Do you interact with these... munchkins?"

"Sure. We sing songs and dance around a yellow brick road."

Dr. Hawks finally sighs and sets his pen down. "Okay, Scott. Why don't you want to talk to me? Why won't you tell me the truth?"

Scott's voice develops a cold chill. "Because you might need to be committed afterward."

The sudden change in tone makes Dr. Hawks more curious. "Try me."


A chord had been struck. "Come on. Give me your best shot."


"One dream. Describe it for me."

"No!" Scott stands from his chair. The haunting pictures were already starting to come to mind.

"Okay, okay." Dr. Hawks holds up his hands. "Relax. We're not going to talk about anything you don't want to."

"Every time you drag me in here, it will be about what I don't want," Scott hisses. He leans down, placing his hands on Dr. Hawks' desk. "There are things running through my mind that would make your skin crawl. I've got enough trouble at night, I don't need my days ruined, too!" His palm slams down onto the desk, making everything rattle. "So either let me go, lock me up, or send me away. I was held prisoner once... I don't intend to be again." Spinning around, he stalks out of the room, slamming the door on his way.

Dr. Hawks lets out a long sigh, pursing his lips in thought. he looks to Hope, contemplating this episode. "You know, when I read what you and Reese gave me, I would have though Scott would be more passive... more scared and timid, and that's how he was last night. But this... He's got quite a little stronghold of anger inside of him. Have you seen this kind of behavior with him recently?"

...Scott slams shut his own door and goes to flop down on his bed, hugging his pillow tightly. Tears wanted to come, but he held them back. He had to live through his nightmares while he tried to sleep, why were they forcing him to think about them during the day too? Couldn't he have a few hours of relief? Did they want to make him even more crazy?

Scrunching his eyes shut tight, his blind eye burns, but he ignores it. He had drops to ease the pain but he lets it go this time. The pain felt good... it distracted from his inner pain.


Ryan thinks for a long moment on her brother question. Lunch would be nice, get away out of the shop than for dinner she could bring something for Alec so he didn't have to suffer Hal's cooking again.

"No plans for lunch only for dinner, so...tell me where you want to go and I'll be there."

Looking up at her brother Ryan gives a smile. She hated that Eli broke her trust and it didnt feel good, but she still loved him and it was the only family she had. How could she be mad at him for long.

Continuing to look at Scott as he stands Hope heart breaks just a little more but her smile doesn't fade. Hope didn't bother trying to explain everything to Scott again because she new he wouldn't listen, and he would only feel the same as he did now. Scott just needed time she understood why he was still upset, it was normal. Hope only hoped he wouldn't hold onto it forever.

Just staying seated on the bed Hope looks around the room for a moment before looking back to Scott.

"Would you like me to go with you when you see the Dr.?"

Leaning back in the booth Libby lets out a long sigh. She wasn't frustrated with Ty, or upset she new he was trying his best. They always made some footholds but than after a day or two of not doing anything it was almost like they started at square one again.

Cocking her head a little bit as Ty read off the menu that was a little ways away she cocked her head. Interesting how he could read that but not that stuff that was in front of him.

"Ty, I know your trying and you can't give up. I had an idea..."

Libby thinks again for a moment bringing a hand to her lips as the wheels in her head started to turn.

"...have you ever seen a Dr Ty? Like...and eye Dr? Maybe you need glasses since the words look all run together."

Turning to the sigh that hung a few feet away Libby pointed to it?

"Can you read that?"

Ripped out of my hands

Eli stops his scrounging and raises his eyebrows. "Your dresser? How on earth....?" Shaking his head, he rolls his eyes. "Last week I found my wallet in the bathroom. One of these days, you'll find my brain in the refrigerator."

Closing the gap, he accepts his keys, but lingers a moment, looking down into his sister's eyes. Yesterday had been a tough day between them. He knew he'd broken some trust and though maybe not willing to say he would have done things differently, he felt bad for the rift. "You wanna do lunch with your brother today? Or... you got plans?"

Scott looks up dimly as Hope comes into his room. He wanted to be glad to see her... he wanted to feel the warm, happy feelings he usually got when looking into her eyes. But after yesterday... those feelings just didn't want to surface. Or maybe it really was him... maybe he really didn't want to feel them, so he kept them at bay.

Having her take his hand, he didn't know whether to return the gesture or not. Last week, they would have leaned back and kissed, enjoying a tender moment together. Today, a dark cloud loomed over them.

How was he? It felt like a silly question. And lunch? He'd rather not, let alone socialize.

Lowering his legs, he slides off the bed and walks away to look out one of the windows. "My whole life just got ripped out of my hands, Hope." His voice was quiet, but there was an underlying tone that was hurt and upset. "How do you think I am? I was doing my best and you and Reese just took my livelihood into your own hands and decided you knew better than me. I've been uprooted and taken away from my only comfort zone. And you ask how I am?"

Turning around, he folds his arms. "I don't really feel like eating right now," he concludes numbly. "I'm supposed to have some stupid evaluation session later and I don't fancy the idea of throwing up all over the doctor when he works me up with questions I'd rather not think about."

Shifting back to the window, one hand falls to the little table, his fingers running over the empty space where his camera had been yesterday. It just wasn't worth it anymore. Leaning an elbow up on the window frame, he stands just looking down at the ground below.

Ty gives a groan of frustration and slams the book shut, planting his face in his hands, his elbows resting on the diner table. After lunch, another reading session had begun, and he was getting nowhere. Libby was being so patient, but he was just growing more frustrated.

"I can't do it," he mumbles. "I just can't make any sense of those stupid letters. They don't even look like they're anything that could be sounded out."

Sighing, he looks back up at Libby, resting his chin on his hands. "I can't tell if I'm reading about Jane, June or Joan anymore." He didn't want to give up... he really didn't. But he wasn't getting anywhere. Every time they got together, it was like they were right back at the beginning again. He knew the alphabet. He knew the sounds. But once he tried to read, nothing made sense.

Glancing over to the little specials ad on the table, it was held in a rust colored transparent sleeve to show off drinks and desserts. "Now that - " He points to the list of items. "I see... iced tea... and a list of pop and... lemon pie. But this..." He opens the book again and puts his finger on the page that held a few simple sentences. "It just doesn't look the same! Was it a hill or a hall? Or maybe it's a bell." He shuts the book again and sighs. "I don't think I can do this."

Something Lost

Standing outside the door Phinox kept watch. Being pulled away from his other work was ok, he didn't mind a break and the guys that were finishing up the interior of the buildings new what they were doing. For now his post was here gun at his side, so if anything happened he was ready.

Exiting the bathroom as she ran a brush through her wet hair Ryan hears the front door close knowing her brother was off to work. She hadn't talked to him much since yesterday just not having the time, but today she was in a better mood so maybe a little later she would call him, if nothing else just to say hello.

Going back into her bedroom Ryan hears the front door again. Odd, usually Eli didn't double back. Glancing down at her dresser her realizes his keys were sitting there. That was odd, if Eli had gotten home late, that were they doing in her room? Question filled her mind but no time to figure it out she new Eli was late and needed them.

Throwing on her white tank top and than her button up auto shirt over top Ryan exits her room finding her brother searching around. Heading into the kitchen she grabs some coffee yelling into the living room.

"Looks like your trying to find something you lost."

Taking a sip of the warm liquid Ryan makes her way to the living room a smile on her face as she enters watching her brother search. Her eyes seemed a little brighter today than they were the other day. Having Alec back, it and knowing he hadn't run from her she felt ok.

Holding out her brothers keys Ryan clears her throat out to get his attachen.

"If your looking for these I found them in my room on my dresser."

Clipping her name tag to her shirt to ID who she was Hope makes her way through the building following the same path she had gone before. Taking in everything a little more than she had the day before. It seemed nice, clam and peaceful here, Hope liked the atmosphere it gave off.

Getting to Scott's room Hope knocks on the door before opening it a little. Entering and closing the door behind her Hope smiles at Scott. Coming over to sit down on the bed with him Hope takes his hand into hers.

"Hey Scott. How are you today?"

It made Hope sad to see the blank look in his eyes still. She hopped things would get better as the time moved on and if Scott just gave it a chance she new he would get help here.

"They are going to serve lunch soon, would you like to go with me to grab something to eat?"


"Right... right." Alec gives Ryan a sidelong glance as she kisses his cheek, his fingers tightening a little around hers. "I think I'm just gonna... take a moment..." His eyes drift shut. "And... rest... or something..." Or something. He was already asleep too exhausted to stay awake any longer.

Rick keeps an eye on him for a while and eventually lets Ryan know that he should be find for the night and she could leave. With Alec still asleep, Rick leaves for a while as well, making sure Phinox was out in the hall to keep an eye on things, whether it was Agency or Alec pulling a fast one.

The night goes quietly without any mishaps. Alec sleeps most of it through and does pretty much what Rick tells him. At this point he was hurting enough that he really didn't care as long as he got more pain killers. By the time morning comes around, he's sitting up a little in bed and managing to eat a little for breakfast, but he was even more sore than the day before so Reese puts off the questioning until that afternoon.

Eli downs his cup of coffee on the way through the kitchen, late for work. He'd gotten home late last night, in time to just go to bed, so he hadn't yet spoken to his sister since she'd been upset with him about Alec. He'd decided it was better to just let the whole thing lie for now until it had cooled off a little bit.

Grabbing his jacket, he's out the door, only to realize he didn't have his keys. Back in the apartment, he scrounges around the kitchen, his bedroom, then to the living room, having no idea where he'd set his motorcycle keys.

Scott sits on his bed, his knees pulled up to his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs as he stares into nothingness. He didn't have his contacts with him, but he hadn't bothered using his glasses either. He'd just as soon not see anything clearly. Dr. Hawks was supposed to see him sometime today, but for now, he'd only left his room to go to the bathroom and to wander down one flight of stairs once. He'd ended up drinking a little juice and nibbling on some bread last night, but he'd refused breakfast this morning. No... he would just sit.... and wait. Wait for time to pass. Would Hope come? He didn't know. He didn't even know what he'd say to her if she did.

Jenny makes her rounds upstairs with a garbage sack, emptying waste baskets. It was usually the janitor's job, but during slow times, she gladly picked up the slack and helped out with some housekeeping as well as being an aid.

Checking the trash in the hall at the end of the second floor, she dumps the waste basket, but something seemed heavier than it should. Thinking she should check it, she rummages through the bag to find what had been so heavy. In the end, she pulled out two objects. One was a very expensive camera, and the other was a box of film. Furrowing her brow, she just looks at them, wondering why on earth they were here. No one on staff owned a camera like this that she knew of, or at least wouldn't have it here at work. And none of the... wait... She had seen this before. Yes, it had been on Scott's table last night. Then she remembers reading in his file that one of his pastimes was photography. Jenny knows without asking that he had thrown this away intentionally. Something about being here had made him feel that his hobby was useless. Whether it was because he thought there was no one to take pictures for, he was giving up on things he enjoyed because he wanted to be miserable, or because he thought now that he was here, that the hobby in itself had no point. Maybe it was a combination.

Jenny sighs, but doesn't return the camera to the trash. No, she would take it to the lost and found for now where they would keep it safe. If Scott stayed here long enough to recover, he might later regret having thrown it away. If he was ever ready again, his camera would be waiting.

In case

Ryan stays by Alec's side while Rick cleans him up, not getting in the way but not leaving again ether. She just wanted to make sure he was going to be ok. Not knowing Rick to well she assumed he new what he was doing after all She'd meet Misty once or twice when they came to see Axel before so and she worked for Rick so it couldn't be that bad.

Looking up and watching Rick and Reese for a second Ryan couldn't hear them but she could read there lips. They wanted someone to stay she wasn't sure the name though. Than again a lot of the names here she didn't know.

"They are putting someone out side to stand watch not because they don't trust you, but I bet it's because they think someone might come back looking for you since you got away. Last thing we want is for the Agency to get you again right?"

Pulling a chair up Ryan sits down next to Alec, her hand seeming to find his. Giving a grin she leans into him a little and give a soft kiss to his cheek.


Reese nods again. He hated telling all this to Sapphire, even though it had to be done. He knew he needed to tell Dalton about it too. "I think Hope is going to take care of Domino, but you can ask her about that. If you-"

His words are brought to a sudden halt as he sees Ryan and Alec and hears her shouting for him. "Good land... Sapphire, I'll keep you updated about Scott." Getting up quickly, he jogs towards Ryan and Alec, having no idea what really was going on. The Agency? Great.

Coming alongside, he takes some of Alec's weight. "It was the Agency?"

Alec nods, wincing as they move down the hall. "Yeah..."

"We thought you split on us."

"Do you really think I'd be back here if that were the case?" Alec hisses, cringing as they stop at the infirmary.

Reese shakes his head. "No. I'd have a harder time believing that one. Rick!"

Rick was right nearby and opens the door for them, his eyes widening. "Alec. Ryan? What on earth happened?"

"Agency," Reese confirms.

Rick knew that meant it was serious. The Agency was far from nice when it came to beatings. It had been proven one too many times. "Get him on the bed over there. Take off his jacket and shirt." He moves quickly to gather what he needs.

Alec bites his tongue from cursing as he's laid on the bed. Every bone in his body hurt. With Reese's and Ryan's help, he gets his jacket and shirt off, exposing the black and blue marks all along one side of his rib cage.

Rick is solemn as he comes back, taking it all in at a glance. "Pretty. Who cleaned up your face?"

Alec gestures to Ryan. "She did."

"Good." Rick nods to Ryan. "You did a good job. At least we can hold on that for a while. Looks like you might need some stitches though, Alec."


Rick smirks and sets about examining Alec. It takes longer than expected... Rick wanted to be sure that there were no rib fragments to cause any damage, so x-rays were taken. Eventually though, Alec is in bed again, this time to stay for a while. His ribs were taped and he had stitches in two places on his face. An ice pack had started to take the swelling from his eye, and pain killers had made it livable.

A bit groggy from it all, he looks over to Ryan. "Show's over." He waves at her.

Reese was still present. "Maybe for now. But you've got a lot of explaining to do."


"No. Tomorrow morning. Get some rest first." He wanders over to Rick, speaking more quietly. "I'm going to have Phinox spend the night on guard, just in case anything happens."

Alec catches Ryan's eye and shakes his head slightly. See? They didn't trust him, just like he'd said.

"Scott?" Jenny knocks on his door for the second time. Still receiving no response, she lets herself in slowly, seeing Scott was still curled up on the bed. Her warm smile returns and she approaches carefully. "Scott, are you awake?"

Scott opens his eyes and gives a little nod.

"We've got some supper downstairs. Some broccoli soup and homemade bread... do you feel like eating?"

Scott shakes his head, making no move to get up. His stomach hurt badly from not eating in over a day now. But he wanted nothing.

Jenny lets out a small sigh. "You know if you don't eat, the doctor will have to come in and take care of you. He'll move you to another building and put you on an IV and it's not any fun. You don't want that, do you?"

Scott shakes his head again.

"Well alright then... how about I bring you some bread and some fruit juice and you can eat it whenever you like?"

Scott nods numbly.

Jenny smiles. "Okay. I'll be back in a few minutes. Do you want grape juice or apple juice?" Receiving no response, her smile doesn't fade. "I'll bring you both and you can have what you want."

Left alone again, Scott finally moves. He was stiff all over and felt sick. Standing up, he wobbles a little before wandering over to one of his windows. It was growing dark. Lights dotted the grounds below and a few people were milling around outside. He slowly reaches out and places his palm on the cool class. And in his mind, he was in Hope's old office, standing at the tall window that he'd looked out of as he'd talked to her. It was warm and bright and peaceful. Then just as quickly, reality was back, and he was back in this little room again.