
Something Lost

Standing outside the door Phinox kept watch. Being pulled away from his other work was ok, he didn't mind a break and the guys that were finishing up the interior of the buildings new what they were doing. For now his post was here gun at his side, so if anything happened he was ready.

Exiting the bathroom as she ran a brush through her wet hair Ryan hears the front door close knowing her brother was off to work. She hadn't talked to him much since yesterday just not having the time, but today she was in a better mood so maybe a little later she would call him, if nothing else just to say hello.

Going back into her bedroom Ryan hears the front door again. Odd, usually Eli didn't double back. Glancing down at her dresser her realizes his keys were sitting there. That was odd, if Eli had gotten home late, that were they doing in her room? Question filled her mind but no time to figure it out she new Eli was late and needed them.

Throwing on her white tank top and than her button up auto shirt over top Ryan exits her room finding her brother searching around. Heading into the kitchen she grabs some coffee yelling into the living room.

"Looks like your trying to find something you lost."

Taking a sip of the warm liquid Ryan makes her way to the living room a smile on her face as she enters watching her brother search. Her eyes seemed a little brighter today than they were the other day. Having Alec back, it and knowing he hadn't run from her she felt ok.

Holding out her brothers keys Ryan clears her throat out to get his attachen.

"If your looking for these I found them in my room on my dresser."

Clipping her name tag to her shirt to ID who she was Hope makes her way through the building following the same path she had gone before. Taking in everything a little more than she had the day before. It seemed nice, clam and peaceful here, Hope liked the atmosphere it gave off.

Getting to Scott's room Hope knocks on the door before opening it a little. Entering and closing the door behind her Hope smiles at Scott. Coming over to sit down on the bed with him Hope takes his hand into hers.

"Hey Scott. How are you today?"

It made Hope sad to see the blank look in his eyes still. She hopped things would get better as the time moved on and if Scott just gave it a chance she new he would get help here.

"They are going to serve lunch soon, would you like to go with me to grab something to eat?"

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