

Rosetta gives a small nod understanding what Mick said. She hoped whatever it was they could work it out. Dan had helped her a lot while Mick was gone and she got to know him a little better herself. He had problems like everyone but for the most part he seemed like a very nice christian young man.

"Just give him a chance for me, try to get to him know before you jump the gun. After wards if you find any fault with him, or have any problems we can talk about what to do from there ok?"

Taking a sip of her own coffee Rosetta thinks about Mick's next question. She didn't really know to much of Jade's personal life. Though she kept on eye on her, while Mick was gone she had little time to really sit down and chat with her step daughter. The only thing she had was observation.

"Honestly, I'm not to sure. I know Jade and Dan have been together alot. Around the barn with chores, sitting together at dinner. So one would come to the assumption there were dating, but again thats only an assumption. She is happy though Mick, smiling a lot, and laughing. It's good to see that, knowing how much she miss you and all."

Receiving the welcome and joy she was hoping for Katie's nerves seemed to vanish. Why she had felt like that to start with Katie didn't know, but now it just all seemed to dissolve.

"I'm doing pretty good. Was at the ranch for Christmas and was hopping I'd see you here. But than when I didn't I figured you had a lot of stuff going on there and I could call you all the same. I hope I didnt interrupt you with the family or anything. I just missed you."

Laying back on the bed and looking up Katie's eyes watched the lights that darted on the ceiling from outside. She really had missed Jay, no matter what someone might think even though Jeff was her dad and she loved him dearly Jay was still her dad too. Since she was little she had always grown knowing him as her father, he dried her tears, and comforted her. He'd always be her dad too.

"How are you? Hows everyone there?"

Hearing the familiar voice behind her Libby turns around in her booth to see Ty. A smile forms on her face. She'd seen Ty since the arcade just a few times but they always had different destinations with little time to chat in between. But see him now, here, it might be a good catching up time. Also seeing he was having a bit of trouble with the menu Libby thought she could help.

Sliding out of the booth but leaving her stuff at the table to show she was still sitting there she comes over to Ty putting an arm around him in a friendly hug manor.

"Well I'll be, Ty..I havent seen you in a while. Did you come to check out what was done new with the place?"

Libby lets little time in her conversation for to much talking just acting normal and slidding into reading a few things from the menu like it was normal and she was just admiring the new stuff.

"Its pretty cool what they did. They kept some of the other stuff like the chicken fingers, and the chicken wrap, Chicken finger sub, but they also added some new stuff like Tuskin B-B-Q sandwatch, Bacon Ranch wrap, and they even have mozzarella sticks now too. I think this is going to be my new fav place to eat."

Turning to look at Ty a little better Libby smiles at him and throws a wink. She new he was having a hard time and though they hadn't gotten together to practice working on his reading yet Libby would help him now anyways. Not because she felt sorry for him but because thats what a friend does.

"If you want you can sit with me once you get your food. I could use some company today!"

Bree gives a small nod to her Uncle sitting down next to him on the bed. She liked the idea of camping it sounded like a lot of fun. And being able to see the starts better with Gunner that sounded even better.

"Ok, that sounds like a good idea. When...I talk to him again..I'll tell him."

Giving one last sniff Bree looks up at her uncles and trys to give a small smile. Wrapping her arms around him again.

"Thank you Uncle JT for everything."

New look

Hearing Dan was still at the ranch, Mick really wasn't surprised, but he wasn't all that thrilled either. "I see."

He reaches for his coffee and takes a sip, his eyes showing he was thinking. "I know he's a good worker," he admits. "I don't know... maybe I just got off on the wrong foot with him. Sensing there was more to his past than he said, but not realizing I should have known it in the beginning. I don't know. Maybe it's a personality issue."

Mick sighs. Or maybe it was seeing a greater potential than he had in other young workers so he wanted to push Dan to make him go far. Maybe there was a part of Dan that reminded Mick of himself and that's what was the scariest part. He didn't want to see Dan make some of the same mistakes he had.

Another connected subject comes to mind, but he's afraid to ask. The reason he'd left on bad terms with Dan wasn't because of personalities or potential - it was because of his daughter. "And... him and Jade?"

"Yeah, hello?" Jay answers the phone holding a hand over his open ear to block out the background noise. Hearing Katie's voice, he immediately breaks into a wide smile. "Katie!" He couldn't hide his pleasure if he wanted to. Not only had she called him on Christmas, but she'd called him Dad too.

"Hey, kiddo. Merry Christmas! How are you?"

JT nods, holding Bree a little tighter. "Amanda and I have already talked about a foursome camping trip. No city, no work, no phones.... just the four of us. I think it'd do us all good and I betcha Gunner would come too."

Guiding Bree to the bed, he sits down with her. "We could even bring his telescope. The stars must look amazing out beyond the city lights."

Hands stuffed in his jacket pockets, Ty wanders down the sidewalk. It was quiet... much quieter than normal. Shops were closed and there was far less traffic. People were inside homes with families or out of town on a day like today. But not Ty.

He'd been asked by Wyatt to join him, Aerith, Reese and Angelica for dinner, but he'd declined, saying that he'd been invited to Texas. That was true - he'd been asked by his mom. When she'd asked him, he'd told her that he'd been invited to a dinner here - which was also true. He'd just left out the part to either person that he'd declined the other offer. He really wasn't sure why, but he didn't feel in the festive spirit this year. Come to think of it, he couldn't remember when he really had. His home life hadn't been great and by the time he left there, he'd been in some trouble with company that could care less about Christmas. This year he just felt like keeping his distance from the hubbub. No one would miss him.

Continuing to walk, his stomach growls. Lunchtime. And he'd skipped breakfast. He couldn't be seen around the house until later though, so he'd have to find something out here to eat. Good luck finding that.

But luck was with him more than he thought. Coming to a familiar little cafe, he sees that they're open. The owners either weren't festive either or they wanted to cater to people like him.

Entering by the front door, Ty sees that there are very few people inside. Only two or three at this point. He wanders to the counter and stares up at the menu board like he normally did. But this time, he was met with a surprise. "Hey, Joe, you've remodeled!"

"You bet we have." The guy behind the counter grins. "New color, new logo... What do you think?"

"It's pretty," Ty agrees. There was only one problem. The number menu was gone.

"What'll it be today, Ty?"

"Um... I don't see your number five anymore."

"Nah, we've switched things around a little bit. All the chicken is there on the left panel." Joe points with a pencil. "Few new things, too."

"I... see that." Ty shifts his weight and stares at all the words that were up there. There weren't as many pictures anymore either. "Um..." He sees that one of the customers has come back to the counter and was waiting for him. Being polite and buying himself some more time, he steps aside, letting the gentleman go ahead of him. Still squinting at the board, he backs up a step, not realizing that Libby was in the booth behind him.

Good Worker

Receiving her Uncle's hug and gentile kiss to the top of her head it was almost like an open invitation to cry. Nuzzling her head into his shoulder Bree let the few tears fall from her eyes. A vacation sounded nice but just being able to go home sounded even better. She missed her apartment, her own bed, Gunner, and her pets.

"Can Gunner come too with us? I...think he'd like some time away too. If you want it to be just us to, thats ok."

She didnt want JT to think she didnt want to spend time with him because she hoped once everything was over things would go back to normal and she could. It just crossed her mind that Gunner had been through a lot himself and could use to nice day away.

"I've never had half and half before. Maybe I can try it when we go out?!"

Stepping up to the horse again with Trent Thirteen runs her hand along the soft coat. It felt so nice under her fingers right after Trent had taken the strokes with the brush. She had leaned something new today, something her Dad had taught her about brushing the horse. It wasn't much but it made Thirteen feel like a million dollars.

Watching him turn and leave a smile forms on her lips, the warm feeling going from head to toe. The feeling Ryder gave her was amazing, and this feeling of her dad was just as good.

"Merry Christmas Dad."

Seeing movement on the other side of the stall Thirteen quickly looks but seeing its Ryder her nerves calm as she gives a smile and a nod of her head.

"Yeah...my dad said if we stay around for a few days we can go to him for coffee and talk. He said it was ok if you came too."

Thirteen's eyes shown bright. Things seemed to be going good, and she was happy. Most was with the help of Ryder. He'd given her the strength, and had faith in her from day one. Seeing the light that had been dim.

Sitting with Mick Rosetta didnt mind the silence that rained for the first half of Mick's meal. Just knowing her was there was enough for Rosetta. But as the time passed and most of his meal was gone Rosetta new she needed to fill in Mick on what was going on.

From the barns, to the paper work, to horses who have come in and out, to anything else Rosetta could think of Mick was filled in. Finally coming back to the people who were still here. Thinking for a moment on Mick's question about Dan she new she would have to tell him the truth but how would he react? He had told Dan to leave yet he was still here. Maybe He wouldn't be upset now.

"He's not here at the moment, but yes he is still working at the ranch. I couldn't just fire him with he hadn't done anything wrong. Not to mention he is one of the real good workers."

I'm almost ready J. I just have to finish up something here fast.

Sitting down on her bed Katie pulls out her phone. Holding it for a long moment she debated weather she should call or not. She didn't want to bother anyone not sure what would be going on for Christmas.

Rolling her eyes at herself on even thinking about maybe bothering them Kaite just dials the number into her phone. Bringing it to her ear she waits until she hears the familiar voice of Jay on the other end.

"Merry Christmas Dad!"


Trent's grin grows just a little. "Your mom liked both. Half coffee and half cocoa."

Moving back to the mare who was still standing patiently, he gives her coat several more swift strokes with the brush. It would be okay if Ryder was present when he and Thirteen talked. He knew most of the story already anyway. And Trent did see that Ryder was more than a best friend. From what he could see, they not only were friends, but were also dating, and at this point, Ryder was her lifeline.

"Okay," he finally concludes quietly, almost in surrender. "We'll talk more soon."

Turning to Thirteen again, he hands her back the brush. Starting to leave, he stops one more time and looks back at her. "Merry Christmas." Then putting his hands in his pockets, he heads out of the barn.

Ryder wanders around the corner, having caught just part of the conversation going on, and he had to admit he was surprised Trent had been talking to Thirteen at all, let alone as nicely as he had.

Ambling closer to Thirteen, he cocks his head with question. "You alright?"

Receiving back the phone, JT quickly ends the call. "Thanks, Gunner. Talk to you again soon."

Shutting off the cordless phone, JT looks to Bree and puts his arm around her shoulders, bringing her close to kiss the top of her head. "I'm sorry this Christmas has turned out so lousy," he apologizes quietly. "When it's all over... we're gonna have a vacation. And that's a promise."

Dylan doesn't look up as Rosetta brings the breakfast and remains still for several minutes before finally picking up a fork. Scooting the food around on his plate, he eventually tries the eggs and some of the bacon, but his small appetite proves why he's become so thin.

Mick smiles as Rosetta sets his plate down. "Mmmm.... I've missed the cooking around here."

Slipping his arm around her, he eats with one hand, keeping her close to him. He had missed her a whole lot more than anything else... though he'd been surrounded by people, it just hadn't been the same. It was his goal to remember that feeling of missing her presence in order to never let this happen again.

Once half his breakfast was gone, he slows down a little, talking in between his bites. He asked her how things had been going, who all was here and asked about updates on the barn and everything going on there. They had talked on the phone every so often, but there had been a whole lot that had gone unsaid that now he wanted to know about.

He was glad Annie was still around and that Eric had made it back. He was surprised to hear they were harboring the three from Nevada, but agreed it was the right thing to do. Hearing about Thirteen's arrival and the night before had him a little concerned, just for the sake of relationships in the family. He'd caused enough damage around here himself - having something else going on just made things worse. Mick knew that Jade had gone to Colorado for Christmas, so he wasn't surprised he hadn't seen her yet. There was more he wanted to say to Rosetta about how he wanted to mend his relationship with his daughter, but he held his tongue in front of Dylan and BJ. They didn't need to hear everything. He also held back from talking about Sparky and what needed to be mended on that end.

Scraping the last bit of eggs from his plate, Mick wipes his mouth with his napkin and just thinks in silence for several moments. Glancing to Rosetta again, it was obvious there was a question he didn't want to ask. But he needed to know. "I, um... never asked you over the phone. Is... Dan still around?"

By now, Dylan had shoved his plate and leftover food aside, still having not spoken a word. His eyes roamed the dining hall, bounced off of Mick and Rosetta, BJ, his uncle and the strange woman over in the corner, then back to the table. He wasn't really bored, but he didn't want to be here either.

Eventually without saying anything, he gets up from his chair and walks to the nearby window to look out on the chilly day. It was gray out. He preferred it that way.

Best Friend

Looking up at Trent a smile forms on Thirteen's face hearing that her dad would stick around. This was real, she was going to get to know him and it made her so happy.

"I think we are going to be staying around for a while. I think I'd like that but no coffee for me, I like hot coco!"

Stepping back just a few feet Thirteen gives a nod to Trent about Ryder. She didn't think it would be a problem having him around though.

"Mmmhmm...He's my best friend and so much more. We can bring him along too if its ok with you."

Hating that there time would be ending any minute Bree didn't want to let Gunner go. She heard his voice, and not it felt like he was being ripped away all over again.

"They don't have Root beer floats here, but....when I can I will."

Letting out a long sigh Bree new she had to give the phone back to her Uncle less her be caught by anyone other than Gunner on the other line.

"You're loved to Gunner, have that help you get through the day if nothing else does. I'll see you soon..ok?"

Choking on her own words Bree new she had to now, no matter how hard it was. Standing from the bed Bree goes over to her Uncle. Her eyes show she didn't want to give the phone back.

Returning to the dinning room Rosetta places two plates on the table. Waffles, eggs, and bacon seemed to heap on the plates. Putting on in front of Dylan, and one in front of Mick. Returning to the kitchen Rosetta gets some OJ and coffee, along with any fixing for there food.

Coming back to Mick's side Rosetta gives him another hug and sits down next to him. She new he probably had a lot of questions but she would let him take them at his own speed. He might want to eat before talking she was just happy to have him back.

"Its so good to have you sitting here again Mick. I've missed you so much."

No matter what

A faint smile curls Trent's lips, though his eyes were still so full of conflict and weariness. "Yeah... yeah, okay, we can keep in touch. I guess a man's gotta face his fears sometime before he dies, huh?"

Letting his eyes drop, he picks up a brush to fiddle with the bristles. "If you're... here for a couple days, we could... um... I don't know, go somewhere and... talk over a cup of coffee.... or something."

Looking back up to her again, he shrinks back a little. "Oh... you don't go anywhere without Ryder, do you?"

Not expecting anything from BJ, receiving the big hug, Dylan jerks as if receiving an electrical shock. If Mick weren't sitting right across from him, he'd tell his brother... cousin... whatever, to get lost. Thankfully the kid didn't linger and finally went to set up his checker board.

Dylan's eyes accidentally catch Mick's. Seeing humor in his father's gaze, Dylan's own eyes narrow. He found this irritating, not funny. Studying the table again, he leans on an elbow, his chin resting in his hand. What he'd really like would to just be shown his bunk then be left alone.

Mick watches his two sons and says a silent prayer that one day Dylan would return that hug. Turning his attention to BJ, he rubs his back and gives him a wink, letting him know that he was proud of him.

Waiting for Rosetta to return, he runs over the questions he had running through his mind. They were things he hadn't asked over the phone, but now that he was back, he'd like to get his bearings before talking with too many people - one of whom was Sparky, who was sitting a ways away in the corner with a woman Mick didn't recognize. Before speaking with his brother, Mick wanted to get details from his wife on who was still around, who was here now and how things had been going. He had some apologizing to do, but he didn't want to go into it blindly.

Gunner nods even though Bree couldn't see it. "Yeah... I'll look at the stars with you. When you find the moon, know I'm there, too."

He waits a moment to speak again, glancing at the clock. The phone would be taken away from him any minute now. He bites his lip, not noticing that his leg was bouncing. "No matter what, Bree... keep your chin up and... and remember that you're loved. Drink a rootbeer float for me."