
No matter what

A faint smile curls Trent's lips, though his eyes were still so full of conflict and weariness. "Yeah... yeah, okay, we can keep in touch. I guess a man's gotta face his fears sometime before he dies, huh?"

Letting his eyes drop, he picks up a brush to fiddle with the bristles. "If you're... here for a couple days, we could... um... I don't know, go somewhere and... talk over a cup of coffee.... or something."

Looking back up to her again, he shrinks back a little. "Oh... you don't go anywhere without Ryder, do you?"

Not expecting anything from BJ, receiving the big hug, Dylan jerks as if receiving an electrical shock. If Mick weren't sitting right across from him, he'd tell his brother... cousin... whatever, to get lost. Thankfully the kid didn't linger and finally went to set up his checker board.

Dylan's eyes accidentally catch Mick's. Seeing humor in his father's gaze, Dylan's own eyes narrow. He found this irritating, not funny. Studying the table again, he leans on an elbow, his chin resting in his hand. What he'd really like would to just be shown his bunk then be left alone.

Mick watches his two sons and says a silent prayer that one day Dylan would return that hug. Turning his attention to BJ, he rubs his back and gives him a wink, letting him know that he was proud of him.

Waiting for Rosetta to return, he runs over the questions he had running through his mind. They were things he hadn't asked over the phone, but now that he was back, he'd like to get his bearings before talking with too many people - one of whom was Sparky, who was sitting a ways away in the corner with a woman Mick didn't recognize. Before speaking with his brother, Mick wanted to get details from his wife on who was still around, who was here now and how things had been going. He had some apologizing to do, but he didn't want to go into it blindly.

Gunner nods even though Bree couldn't see it. "Yeah... I'll look at the stars with you. When you find the moon, know I'm there, too."

He waits a moment to speak again, glancing at the clock. The phone would be taken away from him any minute now. He bites his lip, not noticing that his leg was bouncing. "No matter what, Bree... keep your chin up and... and remember that you're loved. Drink a rootbeer float for me."

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