
Sharp corners

Jade gives a little shriek as Dan picks her up, not having expected it, and her arms automatically wrap around his neck. Being brought to the window, her eyes widen at the white sight. She knew it wouldn't last long, but she never would have expected it at all. They'd predicted rain, but it must have been colder than the weathermen thought.

A smile curls Jade's lips as she hears Dan's questions and she turns her head to his, her forehead right up against his. "Yes and yes. I wouldn't miss time with you for the world." 

Her arms still around him, she cocks her head to feels his lips on hers with a warm, passionate kiss. Her fingers feel of his hair at the base of his neck, hoping that maybe for once, a wish for a forever moment might be granted.

Drawing away to tilt her head the other way, she returns to the kiss, happy that Dan was there, happy he'd come to wake her up and happy that this day was theirs.

Kip seems to ignore Karla's comment about his dad, and he moves right along with her topic change. "I... think they might." He laughs. "And if they don't, then we'll special order it."

Getting to the little diner, Kip leads the way inside, holding the door for Karla. Finding a seat at his favorite table, one of the waitresses comes over. She was of medium build with just a tad bit of gray starting to show in her hair. As she approaches the table, her eyes widen. "Kip, what on earth did you do to yourself this time?"

Kip smirks a little and shrugs. "Doors... Hate them sharp corners."

The waitress shakes her head, her eyes narrowing. "Looks like this door had knuckles just like the last one did."


It was very apparent that not only did Kip frequent this diner, but it wasn't the first time he'd come in here black and blue. It was also obvious that while Kip was unwilling to talk about what had happened, the waitress had it figured out, and Kip knew she did, so their little game continued without either of them ever saying what had actually gone on.

She shakes her head again and retrieves a notepad from her apron. "What can I get for you two?"

Once the orders are placed, Kip leans back in the booth, closing his tired eyes. But he had to talk, lest the conversation revert back to something he didn't want to think about. "So... mall? Downtown department store? You name it, we go."

Jason isn't convinced that his phone volume was turned up, but he drops the issue for now. Something did seem odd though... something told him that there was something not right.

Listening to Katie, he nods. "Yeah... I think Ryder's just worried about his promise to say nothing. He knows as well as the rest of us that Trent doesn't want Thirteen to find out about him." 

His sentence lingers as moment. "Is it even right of us to plan on having her around him like that? I mean... is that really fair to Trent?"


Thinking for a long moment Karla just watches Kip. Her heart ached for him. Behind his eyes she could see the pain that was there, and the anger as well. A wall had been built to block out the pain, and pretending it wasnt there was the soft cloth that covered it all.  Karla felt bad, though she new it was not her place to say more. 

"Oh, I guess I just thought how Erik acted it was...more. Drunk or not though its still wrong of your dad. I don't have much to offer, but my arms are always open."

Giving a small smile she tried her best to lighting everything up for the moment. Maybe later they would come back to this topic.

"Do they have strawberry pancakes where we are going? With whip cream? I havnt had those in a really long time."

 Sitting back quickly as Jade shoots out of bed, Dan miss a head collision. Giving a small laugh as his eyes widen as she becomes frantic a little color comes to his cheeks as he now realizes Jade didn't have much of a top on ether and feeling a little embarrassed he hadnt even thought that Jade might not be decent.

Recovering rather quickly the slight color leaves Dan's cheeks as he leans in to give Jade a soft kiss on her lips. He didn't care if her hair was messy, or she had no makeup on. She looked pretty this way too because it was 100% natural.

"No sweety you didn't miss breakfast but I couldnt wait any longer. I had to ask you something, and show you another thing at the same time."

Standing from the bed Dan takes the thick blanket from the foot of the bed and bends down to put is around Jade's shoulder and over her arms covering her up. Taking putting his hand behind her back, and the other under her legs Dan lifts her from the bed and brights her to the window where the sun seemed to shine thought. A little bright than normal.

"You know how some people say some things are imposable? Like mounds of snow in Texas?"

Drawing back the curtain on the window. Dan steps a little closer revealing a heavy snow falling, in light little puff. The ground covered with a thick layer of snow. Something very rare for this part of Texas and for those who got to see it were very lucky.

"Nothing is imposable you believe and God is in control. He can work in wonderful ways."

Turning his head from the window were BJ was bundled up playing in his first snow, with Rosetta not far behind he smiles at Jade, his eyes twinkled and sparkled. A look that had been absent from his eyes for a very long time.

"I have two questions for you now. One will you go sledding with me now? and two, the week after Christmas will you go to the farewell dance your aunt is throwing for Wes?"

Looking at Jason Katies eyes widen just a little before her lips break into a smile.

"I know you didnt tell me, but you must have had your phone up loud or something because I over herd you."

Katie gives a small nod that had to bed the explanation for it and the other times it had to have just been Jason's emotions coming to her and being read.

"And what I meant was Ryder didn't sound so sure it was a good idea. Thats all. But than again he didnt seem to hate the idea ether."


"Mmm... okay." Kip looks down the street, pondering their options. "There's a nice little diner - takes about ten minutes to get there. I don't like their lunch menu but they have good breakfasts." 

Continuing to drive, when Karla's question comes, his grip on the steering wheel tightens again. He really didn't want to talk about this. But she was his friend and he wouldn't lie to her. "My dad's the reason I live with Erik and his family," he replies without much emotion. "I got pushed around a little so..." He shrugs. "Just one of those things. He comes around every once in a while... but not very much. Erik gets all upset but it's really nothing. My dad doesn't know what he's doing when he's been drinking. I know he wouldn't hit me if he was sober."

Stopping at a red light, Kip watches the traffic. "He hurts my feelings sometimes I guess, like last night, but it's just life. I'm fine, everything's fine and Erik worries for nothing." 

"I think it would be good for them too." Jason grins as he feels Katie's foot under the table.

How about you come back to my place after this for a movie? 

"Wait." Jason's emotions suddenly take a twist as confusion surfaces. "What do you mean Ryder sounded skeptical? I never told you that."

Feeling her bed move, Jade is yanked from a deeper sleep than she normally reached. "Wha?" She gives a jolt, sitting up and almost ramming Dan in the face with her head. Blinking, she runs a hand through her messy hair and squints at the clock, mumbling. "Holy cow... what time is it? I thought I... thought I set my alarm." 

Trying to open her eyes a little wider, she realizes that she doesn't have much of a pajama top on, and she pulls her blanket up a little. "Did I miss chores?" She yawns sleepily, then her eyes widen. "Crap... breakfast. I'm not up too late, am I?"


As morning comes and the sun just moves over the horizon the crisp air makes its way around Dan as his destination is in mind. Morning chores were done, and it was always strange not to see Jade there waiting but today Dan was kind of thankful. 

Getting up onto the porch Dan is quiet as he opens the bunkhouse door and slips inside. Going over to Jade's bed Dan sits down on the edge and gives her a gentile shake.

"Morning Sleepy head."

Listing as Jason talks to Ryder she just nods her head. He didn't lean one way or the other way but Katie could tell by his voice he was thinking about it. Again the strange knowlage of hearing what was going on the other end of the phone hits Katie. It was strange, it was odd and she didnt even understand it herself. Taking a drink Katie things for a moment.

"He sounded a little sceptically to me. Like he wanted to say yes, but would be a little nervous what Trent would think. I do hope they come thought. It would be good for them I think."

Finding Jason's foot under the table Katie rubs her along side of it showing her affection. She was still happy Jason and her were going to be heading to Texas. She always loved being out there.

Waiting for Kip Karla smiles as he emerges from his room again. Still wearing the same clothing she was before Karla's hair is cleaned up, and one could tell she took a shower.

Slowly following Kip down behind the back steps Karla had forgot they were even there till than. Not working for the last two days she seemed to forget the simple things like the setup of the house.

Coming almost to the bottom and seeing Erik Karla was about to turn and go back up as well when she hears his voice. Letting out a little sigh she turns again and continues down the steps. 

Just standing there listing to Erik and Kip go back and forth Karla felt so out of place. She new Kip just didn't want to fight about this, and she felt bad, but she could see Erik was worried too.

Keeping her head down and following Kip out the door Karla takes a breath of the fresh air. Getting into the car and buckling her seatbelt Karla looks at Kip for a moment thinking.

"I really don't know whats around here thats good other than Burger King and thats because they have a dollar menu. So I'll trust you to pick someone good."

Looking out the window Karla is quiet for a moment just watching the trees and building pass her by. For a long moment her mind was far off just thinking, yet it was just about one person and not her own problem at the moment.

"Erik sounded really worried. This...happened before?"


Jason nods thoughtfully, chuckling just a little at Katie's reasoning. That was one way to accomplish what they wanted without technically getting themselves into trouble for it.

Katie's flow of emotions makes Jason squint one eye as the discomfort gradually hits him. For him, it was like receiving a block of unlabeled communication, more like gibberish than anything else. Without smooth communication, it tended to jolt his own flow, causing him to momentarily cringe. He could only assume this whole thing bothered her enough that it disrupted their connection. He'd been trying to train himself to read her emotions too, but so far had been unsuccessful. Assumptions and gut instincts were all he had to go on. At least this time he could see her face, so he read more from her eyes than anything.

"I think..." He ponders her question. What did he think? "Hmm..." He fiddles with a chopstick for a moment.  "I think if we want to get Thirteen to be around her family, this is about the best opportunity we're going to have since we have Christmas as an excuse. I think she's to the point she could handle the crowd now, and you're right, it would be safe."

Jason shrugs. "We can ask Ryder about it. It's short notice, but I know he's got like a week off work or something, and I think Carson's closing up Mom and Pop's for a couple days, so Thirteen should be free too. Ryder might think differently about Trent though. He might not want to push his luck out of respect for Trent's wishes. But... I think if asked, he'd agree with us. I don't think he likes the secret."

He pulls out his cell phone, deciding not to waste time. "Why not see what he thinks? If we don't ask now, it'll be too late."

Dialing the house number he has memorized, he waits until he hears Ryder's familiar voice.


"Ryder, it's Jason."

"Hey, Hotshot. What's up?"

"Wondered something." Jason glances to Katie, once more not even knowing that she could hear everything Ryder said. He didn't know it was happening, so he had no way of controlling it. "What are you and Thirteen doing for Christmas?" 

"Ah... not much. No traditions on either side, so we were just gonna hang out with some movies at home and some good food. Most everyone we know's got plans so we were just gonna chill. Why?"

"Katie and I are heading to Texas tomorrow... for the ranch. I know it's short notice but... we were wondering if you two would like to join us for a good ol' family Christmas." 

"Family Christmas, ay?" Ryder seems to be thinking for a moment. "Trent's around, in't he?"

"As far as I know."

"And you've already taken this under consideration."

"We have." 

"And you think that it's actually a positive thing, providing an opportunity should any certain facts be revealed to a certain young woman."

Jason grins a little. "You're a smart man. But look, it's not our sole intent. We thought too, you and Thirteen might like a friendly atmosphere, it being the holidays and all, and I know that you'd be welcome at the ranch."

"Alright, well... I'll talk to Thirteen about it and see what she says. When are you and Kat taking off?"

"Tomorrow right after work. We're gonna fly down in an Elite jet to make it a quick trip. We'll stay for a few days - you and Thirteen can come back any time."

"Okay. I'll get back to you on that. Thanks, Jase."

"You bet." Jason ends the call and puts his phone back in his pocket, clueless that Katie already knew what had been said. "Well, he's gonna talk to Thirteen about it. He knew right away we'd been thinking about Trent, but he didn't hint one way or the other how he felt about it. He said he'd get back to me."

Kip grins a little and nods. "Yeah, I bet you'd rather have Twila along for some of that stuff anyway."

Sighing, he looks to the door. "Alright... let me get ready, you get ready and we'll book it out the back. We'll get breakfast out this morning."

Once they had parted, Kip concentrates on getting cleaned up and changing clothes, slipping on his tennies and grabbing his keys and wallet. Meeting Karla in the hall a short while later, he leads the way down the back stairs instead of down through the center of attention. His plan, though well thought out, however, backfired as Erik was on his way to the garage out the back door as well.

Kip skids to a halt at the bottom of the stair landing, twirling around to go right back up. Unfortunately, Erik spots him.

"Kip? Morning to you too. Heading out so soon?"

Kip fiddles with his keys, his head down in the opposite direction. "It's late morning, but yes, heading out for a while."

"Mm... well, keep your phone on ya. Things are quiet around here though, but William did need some help with that gutter out back."

"Alright. Sure." Kip tries to sidle past Erik, but once he's turned to take the doorknob, the side of his face is exposed.

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute." Erik grabs his arm and turns him around to see the wound in full view. He glances to Karla then back to Kip. "Your dad did this last night?"

Kip shrugs off Erik's arm. "So what?"

"So what? This is a big deal, Kip. What are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"You're not fine, look at yourself!" Erik gestures to Kip's face.

"I'm fine!" Kip repeats strongly. "It's over, alright? Just let it go."

"I can't just let it go. This is wrong!"

"Look, let it drop! I told you I'm fine, so leave it be, Erik. There's no issue, there's nothing that needs to be done. It's over. It won't happen again."

Erik sets his hands on his hips, worry for his friend showing in his eyes. His tone drops several degrees. "That's what you said the last time."

Kip swallows hard but breaks his gaze with Erik's eyes and turns back to the door, nodding to Karla. "I'm ready. Let's go."

Erik watches helplessly as the two leave, a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Kip always said it was fine, but it wasn't.

Getting in his car, Kip waits for Karla to buckle up before pulling down the long driveway. His grip on the steering wheel told of the tension he was feeling, though he tries not to let it show. "Alright... where to for breakfast?"