
Sharp corners

Jade gives a little shriek as Dan picks her up, not having expected it, and her arms automatically wrap around his neck. Being brought to the window, her eyes widen at the white sight. She knew it wouldn't last long, but she never would have expected it at all. They'd predicted rain, but it must have been colder than the weathermen thought.

A smile curls Jade's lips as she hears Dan's questions and she turns her head to his, her forehead right up against his. "Yes and yes. I wouldn't miss time with you for the world." 

Her arms still around him, she cocks her head to feels his lips on hers with a warm, passionate kiss. Her fingers feel of his hair at the base of his neck, hoping that maybe for once, a wish for a forever moment might be granted.

Drawing away to tilt her head the other way, she returns to the kiss, happy that Dan was there, happy he'd come to wake her up and happy that this day was theirs.

Kip seems to ignore Karla's comment about his dad, and he moves right along with her topic change. "I... think they might." He laughs. "And if they don't, then we'll special order it."

Getting to the little diner, Kip leads the way inside, holding the door for Karla. Finding a seat at his favorite table, one of the waitresses comes over. She was of medium build with just a tad bit of gray starting to show in her hair. As she approaches the table, her eyes widen. "Kip, what on earth did you do to yourself this time?"

Kip smirks a little and shrugs. "Doors... Hate them sharp corners."

The waitress shakes her head, her eyes narrowing. "Looks like this door had knuckles just like the last one did."


It was very apparent that not only did Kip frequent this diner, but it wasn't the first time he'd come in here black and blue. It was also obvious that while Kip was unwilling to talk about what had happened, the waitress had it figured out, and Kip knew she did, so their little game continued without either of them ever saying what had actually gone on.

She shakes her head again and retrieves a notepad from her apron. "What can I get for you two?"

Once the orders are placed, Kip leans back in the booth, closing his tired eyes. But he had to talk, lest the conversation revert back to something he didn't want to think about. "So... mall? Downtown department store? You name it, we go."

Jason isn't convinced that his phone volume was turned up, but he drops the issue for now. Something did seem odd though... something told him that there was something not right.

Listening to Katie, he nods. "Yeah... I think Ryder's just worried about his promise to say nothing. He knows as well as the rest of us that Trent doesn't want Thirteen to find out about him." 

His sentence lingers as moment. "Is it even right of us to plan on having her around him like that? I mean... is that really fair to Trent?"

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