

As the food comes Angelica drizzles a little bit of the dressing over her salad before mixing it up. Taking a small bit she closes her eyes for a moment just slavering the taste. This had to be one of the best places to get a salad she new of.

Finally looking back to David for a moment, her look was inquisitive but than as she realized who he was talking about she wanted to smack herself.

"For a moment there I didnt know who you were talking about. I am use to everybody calling him JT not Jack. Sorry about that."

Taking another bit of her salad and than patting her lips with the napkin Angelica reached into her brefcase and pulled out some paper and information she had.

"Ok, JT's niece Bree, has been living in this area for a very long time. She spends most of her time with JT as he is really the only family she has or cares to give her the time of day. Recently, Gunner and her have been involved. They are both different on there own level, some would say odd, but they are just different.."

Continuing the conversation Angelica fills David in on Bree's past, and about Gunner, from JT back to what happend with Bree and her family that sent her to the hospital once again, and that they think money is involved and many people are being payed off.

"..And this is what lead us to believe people are being payed off.."

Pulling out another stack of paper neatly clipped together Angelica slides them on the table. Most of them were emails mad out to the hospital.

"...A friend of mine has many high places to look for things and he came across these emails. I haven't been through most of them but the first five talk about money, and persuading people to see things Bree's parents way. Her father is a Senator he has a lot of money, and can pretty much get anyone to do anything."

Angelica's eyes search David's face again wondering what he himself though about all this, or if he even new more than she did.

Looking down at JT Amanda gives a small laugh and a little shake of her head. She was honered JT had asked her. It was very nice of him.

"I would have to decline, being the third wheel is never fun, and I feel like I would just get in the way of your time with her."

Thinking for a moment another smile forms on Amanda's lips as the wheels in her head started to turn. Looking up at the ceiling for a moment she was quiet before looking to JT yet again.

"Now, if we could get Gunner to come along too. That I wouldn't feel like the third and would consider it. What do you think?"

Closing her eyes for a moment Jess lets out a content sigh. Axel's hands on her skin felt so soft, yet rough from the years of working on cars. It mixed well though, leaving her skin feeling a tingle. A small whisper formed as her reply.

"Yes...we can."

But her stomach gives a loud protest and her eyes fly open looking at Axel and giving a blink. A little color of embarrassment comes to her face.

"I guess my stomach don't agree though. It might end up eating itself and than that...will just be messy. We should probably find something to eat, but than if you want we can return to this wonderful couch to snuggle."

Annie gives a little shake of her head. She wished things would of gone better, but the lack of finding words to make everything smoother didnt seem to help. They were just trying to help there brother.

"No, I don't. I guess even at our age we have to live and learn. I do hope it works out for him. He really has been happy ya know?"

Annie looks up at Jim and gives a smalls mile. She didn't think anything was his fault. He had just been worried and there way nothing wrong with that.

As the door to the dinning hall opens Faith moves her head a little and see Sparky come out. As he starts to make his way down the steps she figured he didn't see her but as her stops and turns he knows he has.

While he just stands there it feels like Faith's stomach was in knots. He wasn't saying anything and she didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing. Finally about to say something of her own she stops as Sparky walks away.

Faith's heart sinks as an unexpected tear runs down her cheek. It felt like she had just been punched, and now there was a crack. It had been a long time since she had felt like this her emotions seeming to go every way. She didn't know how Sparky felt, or even what he was thinking on everything that happened with his family. Maybe it was just best to stay out of the way for now. Continuing to sit on the swing and rock, she just let the few silent tears fall.

Pulling a blanket from the barn Bree finally finds a place in the cool grass to lay it down. Night had come now, and the stars were starting to come out. Laying on her back she looks up at the sky as if searching for something. A wetness behind her eyes seems to want to break forth and no matter how Bree tried the drop of water broke free. But paying no attention to it Bree raises her hands in the air against the sky.Still looking, still still searching, she had to find it.


"Sure." David grins a little, his eyes showing a strange faraway look for a moment. "Of course we can stay in touch, that's why I'm here. Not much of a comparison to having a partner by your side though."

Sighing, he pauses as their food is brought and he thanks Aerith with a smile. Concentrating on the food, he shifts gears, seeming to drop whatever point he was trying to make before. "Alright. Enough jabber. What do you know about this case with Jack?"

JT grins. "Ooh... Hawaii sounds nice, but I could settle for a camping trip too. It's been years since I've done that."

Rolling over onto his side, facing Amanda, he cranes his neck a little. "Yeah... maybe Bree and I could do that... get away for a few days up in the woods."

He studies her face for several moments. "What about you? How about making it a threesome?"

"Mmmm." Axel rolls his neck a little, enjoying Jess' brief massage to his shoulders. Just watching her take his hands and kiss his fingers, the corner of his mouth upturns into a grin. Then having his arms around her, he pulls her even closer, nestling his face into the crook of her shoulder and neck.

"You sure know how to make a guy feel good, you know that? With you, how can I be scared?"

Drawing back, he lifts his good hand to cradle her face, his thumb tracing her cheek. "I love you too," he whispers. "Can we just stay like this... forever?"

Watching Wes walk away, Jim lets out a little groan. "Sure... coulda been worse if Sparky would have punched one of us. I'm sorry... I shouldn't have started this thing. I mean... I'm not sorry I was concerned, just... I thought I was doing the right thing and... maybe I wasn't."

He looks at his sister lamely. He felt stupid for not handling this thing better. "Yeah, I'm still a little worried. But I did all I could... more than I should have. So..." He shrugs. "I guess that's that, unless you have any bright ideas."

Sparky stalks out the door, shoving his hat down a little further on his head. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he doesn't even notice the figure on the porch swing until he's already down the steps and aiming for the barn.

Movement catches the corner of his eye and he stops, turning his head a little to see Faith. For the longest time he just looks at her, the brim of his hat hiding part of his face. His expression resembles that of someone who had received news that a best friend had died.

Then slowly, his gaze lowers. Still standing for another moment, he then turns and continues his silent route to the barn.

Better than....

Smiling Angelica listens to everything David said about the firm in Cali with much intent. Nodding her head here and there listing intently.

"Oh, fresh out of law school is the best way to get them. Don't have to break any habits, and you get to teach them your way."

Taking a sip of her coffee Angelica lets the liqued slip down her throat as she study David for a long moment. The smile spreading across her face again as she held her warm up. Cocking her head to one side for a moment.

"You goof, I miss you too if thats what your getting at. Sometimes being solo is just not the same as having someone else at your side"

She'd never trade where she was now, working for TJY it was the best and felt like her calling. Helping those who needed and being able to defend friends, it was a great feeling. But sometimes the past would still sneak up and remind her of old times, and what she left behind.

"Well, at least we still can talk, and occasionally see each other right?"

Listing to JT Amanda smiles and gives a little shake of her head. She new what he ment about hiding in work. You would see so many injured people one would wonder how it could be a shelter at all but knowing you helped those people that were dieing it was comforting knowing you helped save someone.

"No its not silly. It made a lot of scene actually."

Moving on the bed again as she thought for a moment Amanda moves back on the bed next to JT. Leaning her back aganst the wall she puts her feet out in front of her.

"Mmmm...a beach sounds nice, like the Caribbean, or Hawaii But I could simply settle for camping too."

Leaning her head back on the wall for a long moment Amanda is quiet as she thinks about being someplace nice and warm. Vacation...it sure would be nice. Opening her eyes again Amanda turns her head and looks at JT giving a smile.

"Maybe once this is over you and Bree should both take a vacation."

Seeing the serous look in Axel's eyes and hearing his words Jess heart breaks just a little. She would always care for Axel, and love him no matter if his hand worked or not.

Siting up a little bit Jess used the arm of the couch to pull herself up and into Axel's lap so she was facing him, and her legs were folded under herself on leg on each side of his own. Bringing her hand to his chest and than his shoulders gently massaging them.

"If the surgery dosnt work, than you will still be the man I care about very much, and love with my heart. You dont have to have two good hands to take care of someone. You will only have to going about things a differnt way. And I will love you all the same Axel."

Removing her hands from his shoulder Jess takes both his hand sin her own. Gently spreading his fingers on the bad hand giving each finger a kiss even if he couldn't feel it. Than gently she places his hands around her as she leans into him slightly.

"You can still hold me. I'll be with you through this every step of the way."

Annie and Wes look at eachother before looking back to Sparky. Annie lets out a long sigh as her brother walks away. It had all blown up and for nothing really. Were they over reacting?

Wes shakes his head as Sparky starts to walk away. Looking back at his siblings he sighs.

"I new we should of left it alone. Oh well, I hope you guys feel better now. I have to finish with Clint."

Making his own exit Annie lets out a long sigh. Putting her head in her hands a small headach had formed.

"Well that could of gone worse I guess! Do you think we should be worryed still?"

Still sitting on the swing Faith rocks back in forth as the chilly wind stings her cheeks. The air felt nice even if it was a little cold. Wondering when Sparky would come out from inside she just wanted. Over hearing the conversation made her upset but she still wanted to help out if he would let her.

Consider him lucky

"I'd like to come see it sometime... your new office, that is." David nods, genuinely interested. "I've heard bits and pieces about the Elite but I'd like to know more."

Smiling, he sits back as drinks are brought to the table. "Mmm... the California firm is doing alright. Busy, but in our line of work, busy is good. Got a new guy just out of law school helping me out on some smaller cases to lighten the load and... keeping several secretaries busy with paperwork."

He shrugs and twirls the glass in his hands. "It's good. A little lonely at times though." He cocks his head and looks at Angelica with a bit of nostalgia.

JT chuckles a little as he stares up at the ceiling. "Yeah, I do the same thing. Always plan to take time off, then I find some excuse to keep working. I don't know... I guess maybe work is my shelter from the world."

He smirks at himself. "Real mature... hiding way behind the doors of the hospital. You'd think I'd want to relax."

Sighing, he shrugs. "Anywhere? I don't know... somewhere quiet... like a private beach to watch the waves come in and just... be." He turns his head to see Amanda. "What about you?"

Axel grins and runs his hand through Jess' hair again. "I guess I'd be food and kiss deprived both. I don't know which would be worse."

He runs his thumb over her forehead. "Would it be silly to admit I'm scared of this thing? I mean... I don't have use of my hand now, so if the surgery fails, I've lost nothing... but I know we've only got once chance at this. One chance... and if it goes poorly, that's it. And how could I..."

He stops, looking down into Jess' eyes. "How could I take care of anybody like that?"

Sparky's eyes rest on the table as Annie and Wes both speak. His jaw muscles flex, his ears listening to all they had to say. A part of him understood. A part of him could see where they were coming from and knew that they really just cared. But a part of him was angry.

"You know what..." He looks around at Wes, Jim and Sparky. "I am... grateful for your family concern here." His face is still red from this whole discussion. "But honestly I don't see how this is anyone's business."

He didn't mean to be harsh, but he was a little upset. "Look, I know that... that I've had a few relationships in the past and... there are some that none of you even know about because you weren't around. But I've never felt sorry for myself, or even let it be known if I was hurt or not. Quite frankly, it was never really that bad, so I'd appreciate it if that assumption was dropped."

"Whoa, whoa." Jim holds up his hands. "We didn't want to argue... Wes is right, we just care, that's all. We're not trying to pry or tell you what to do."

"But you do have an opinion."

"Well yeah."

"And that opinion is that I should not be getting close to Faith."


"Thanks." Sparky eyes his siblings again. "Thanks for the concern y'all. But I think I'm grown up enough to make these choices on my own. If any of you think I haven't thought about getting hurt or weighing the consequences here then you're sorely mistaken. If I would have known I was behaving differently at all then I would have put a lid on it and quit being so happy."

Jim rolls his eyes. Maybe he'd been wrong about bringing this thing up. But it was too late to stop now. "Aw, quit it, Tyler."

Sparky's eyes snap to his brother with fire. "I don't think I'm the one with a problem here," he hisses.

Trent's nearby presence in the kitchen had gone unnoticed, but he had heard enough of the group's conversation to realize what was going on. Sparky and Faith had not escaped his eyes either. But instead of concern, he felt annoyance for the siblings' reaction.

Finishing his glass of milk, he wanders out and passes by the table.

"Well it's pretty obvious that-" Jim falls silent as Trent appears out of nowhere.

Everyone looks up at him, surprised at his presence. He approaches and leans down to rest his palms on the table, glancing at all the eyes. "I have a solution," he reveals dryly. "How about leaving this poor guy alone and letting him love someone? Is that so wrong? Consider him lucky to love at all - some people in this world never get that chance."

Shaking his head, he straightens and walks away, heading out the door.

Jim swallows hard and looks down, then to Annie and Wes. He still felt concern, but somehow this had gone too far maybe. He didn't know. He looks back to Sparky a little calmer. "Just be careful, Bro."

Sparky stands up, ready to leave, his eyes showing disappointment, but his tone is quieter. "I will." His eyes roam to Annie and Wes too. "Consider your warning or concern received. I'd appreciate it if I could go finish chores now."


"Well technically we are doing kind of the same thing. Only we are not trying to beat our class mates, we are trying to keep an innocent woman and her boyfriend out of jail and safe."

Once Aerith had come and gone Angelica turned her attachen back to David with a wide smile as her eyes twinkled a in the dim light of the room. It really was good to see him again, and getting all the latest gossip from back and Cali would be nice to hear as well. I guess work could wait for a little while.

"Working for the Elite is great. There is always alot of work to do, and you know how I am. The more work the happier I am."

Taking a sip of her water before leabing back finally getting warm enough to take her jacket off. Placing it at her side Angelica leans on the table a little her arms crossed.

"The room is a little smaller than my office in Cali, but it works, and when I need more space I am able to use the filing cabinets down the hall a little ways that only I have a key to. And what about you? How is the old business doing? I have to admit I do miss it a little."

As JT takes her hand in his own and brings it to his lips she cant help the small chuckle that escaped her lips. A tiny bit of color coming to her cheeks. The kiss on her hand had been warm, and comforting and done in a friendly manor so why did it feel like her stomach was going to fly away.

Seeing him flop back though Amanda moves a little so she is sideways on the bed. Her one leg tucked under her, and the other hanging off the edge of the bed. Giving a more hearty laugh at his comment about a vacation she gives a nod.

"I have been saying that for the last three months. I just can't ever find the time. Maybe I should actually use the vacation time I have this year and try not to worry."

Letting out a sigh she new she had planned something last year but it ended up falling through by her own doing. She got to wrapped up with patients, and just hated to leave so she canceled. Maybe this year she wouldn't.

"So if you could go one place on vacation, where would you go?"

Feeling Axel's lips on her own Jess can feel the butterfly start to flutter in her stomach. Her own eyes easing closed just enjoying the moment letting both there emotions just flow freely. Tightening her arms around Axel's neck just a little Jess lets her fingers play with the soft curls as the nape of his neck where his hairline stopped.

They didn't kiss like this much, and Jess was fine with that because it made it seem even more special when they did. Finally pulling away Jess takes a deep breath of air not opening her eyes right away. A grin made its way to her face, and finally her eyes opened.

"You might starve if I wasn't here."

Jess gives a little laugh. After that kiss she wasn't sure what to say.

"and I might become kiss deprived."

Annie sits at the table across from Spakry, and just listens to Jim. She was quiet not wanting to interrupt but seeing he was having a problem trying to find the words she straightens just a little.

"I think what Jim is trying to say is we just care about you so much, that we wanted to make sure Faith's intentions, are pure and your not just clinging to the first person who comes along without seeing all the angles."

Annie looks across the table at Sparky and gives the best smile she can. They were worried, he had been so depressed latly, and seemed to be so lonely they didn't want him to be blindsided or taken advantage of.

" I have known Faith for a while now, and I don't think she would do that to you or anyone but people can always wair there masks. I just want to make sure my big brother is not going to end up hurt, or later down the road very unhappy."

Leaning against the counter Wes had remained quiet his head in his hand, his other arm wrapped around himself. He didn't know if his siblings were making it worse or not as they tryed to explain to Sparky what they though. But since there way a lull he felt he should speak up too.

"Sparky, I am absolutely happy that your happy. Its a breath of fresh air to me, to see you smile and joke. You have life again, and the old look is back in your eyes. If this woman is the one who is making this happen, and you both truly care for each other and not are just acting on a need to be with someone or to have someone take care of you than I am with you one than stay with her and continue your relationship. I'll stand with you on it. She seems nice enough, and very caring. I've also seen the look in her eye, and the twinkle when she talks to you. I personally just want to make sure, not make sure but ask you to ask yourself if this really is what you want with this woman. Because the last thing I want to see is you hurting again, or even to see her hurt as well."

Wes gives a nod to his brother in hopes he understood what he was saying. His own concern was different from his other siblings, but in a round about way it was the same. He didnt want to see anyone get hurt Sparky or Faith.

Moving away from the door to the dinning hall Faith finds a spot on the pouch to sit. She hadn't meant to over hear the conversation that had been going on, and now she wish she hadn't. She was only coming to see what else Sparky needed help with. Picking at the loose string in her old jeans her mind goes from one this to the next as it felt like a rain cloud had formed over her heart.

Sparky's family was worried about him, thinking she only wanted someone to take care of her till she was better? Had she given them the impression that she was helpless let alone that kind of person? She really did care about Sparky and could even imagine herself with him for the rest of her life very happy. Never had she felt like this with a guy before. All the emotions she had twords him were completely different, warm, comforting, and she loved them. But what did Sparky think? What would happen now that his family brought this concerns to his face? She new Sparky cared for her too, and that she shouldn't worry but she was anyways. She just couldn't help it.


David chuckles softly and shakes his head. "Work is most important, I know. But it was worth a try. At least give me ten minutes of old time's sake."

Having Aerith come up to the table, he holds up his finger to have her wait a moment as he quickly scans the menu. "Uh... how about the chicken parmesan and... um, just water, thanks."

Once alone with Angelica once more, his smile returns. "Mm, remember those late nights pouring over books just so we could one up our fellow classmates the next day? For some reason I feel like that again."

His eyes had already wandered to her left hand once, noting that one specific finger was still quite bare. "So... ten minutes starts now. How is it, working for the Elite?"

"Yeah..." JT chuckles. "Friends is what's important."

Taking Amanda's hand, he lifts it to his lips, giving it a gentle kiss. "Well thank you anyway, even if you don't want to be repaid."

Taking a deep and weary breath, he lets himself flop backward, his feet still on the floor, but his upper body on the bed. "When this is all over.... I think I'll finally be ready for a vacation."

Axel smiles, unable to help but enjoy Jess' attention. "Take care of me, huh?"

Curling down so his face was right next to hers, he's still grinning. "I think I could handle that." Leaning in a little more, his lips brush hers lightly before he pulls back, looking into her eyes. "Before you, life seemed just a bit empty." His voice is so quiet. "What did I do without you, hmm?"

Smiling again, he returns his lips to hers, this time staying for a longer kiss.

"Alright..." Sparky sits in the back corner of the dining hall before supper, staring at his siblings with worry in his eyes. Something seemed really strange. Jim had pulled him away from chores, saying that he, Wes and Annie wanted to talk about something. Looking at all their eyes, Sparky could tell that he was the only one who didn't know what was going on. "So what's this all about, guys? I got chores waiting."

"Yeah... yeah, this shouldn't take long." Jim nods and clears his throat, folding his hands on the table. He'd started this thing, so he might as well be the one to spill it. "Well... we're just a little concerned about you... and we want to make sure you're okay."

Sparky's eyebrows rise. "I've... never felt better. I'm fine... great. Did I do something to offend y'all?"

"Oh, no, no," Jim assures. He gives Annie a sidelong glance. "We just... well, we've noticed you and Faith and... wanted to make sure nobody was gonna get hurt."

As Sparky realizes what this meeting had been called for, he leans back, controlling his irritation. "If by 'me and Faith' you mean more than friends, it's true. Not sure I understand about getting hurt though." He hadn't exactly planned on announcing a relationship like this, but it wasn't as secret. It had just happened fast, that was all.

Jim looks to Annie and Wes for help. "Well... she's young and-"


"Your basically old enough to be her father! You know this, don't you?"

"Of course I do." Sparky grits his teeth as his face reddens. Having his personal life exposed like this was embarrassing, even if it was his family. "What's the point here, guys? Are you saying you don't approve?"

"No, not approve. Just... it's-"

"It's what?"

Jim looks helplessly to Annie. All he wanted to do was express they cared and make sure everything was okay and that no one was being foolish or rushing into things. But he didn't know how to say it without sounding judgmental.


Continuing to keep her head in Axel's lap her eyes scan his never leaving his face as he listened to his voice mail. She studied his face trying to make out what the phone call was about. Often she liked to do that, just watch and observe rather than ask. Once he was off the phone again though and he had told her about the call a smile spreads across her face.

"Oh that's great new Axel. It is worth a shot, and if it works that means you can go back to the shop. Less time with me, but I know you love working there."

Reaching her arms up to wrap around his neck but not move her head Jess eyes showed her own excitment.

"I am so excited for you. But you know what this means while you heal right? I get to take care of you."

A smile spreads across Amada's face at JT's comment. Though she felt bad for him and Bree it felt nice to his comment about her. JT could never repay her for this, because she would never want him to. This was just something she had done for her friend out of kindness.

"Just continue to be yourself, and to be there for Bree. Thats all I need as payment. This had been quite an adventure that I am sure is hardly over."

Giving his hand a gentil pat Amanda's smile never fades. She wanted to be strong for JT, and be some some kind of strangth and hidding her own worry would do that, that she had no problem.

"Oh our own shyness kept us from saying hi. It happens, and we are friends now so that is important. Right?"

Getting David call and confirming his was on his way, Angelica gathers her own things together. Putting everything she would need in her briefcase before heading out.

She wasnted dressed to fancy so she was hopping David wouldnt be eather. Just a black valure shirt, and a pare of form fitting jeans alone with her black dress winter boots was her atire. And a gold chain hung around her neck with a locked at the end.

Getting the Mom and Pop's a while before David would be there, Angelica gives a nice little place to sit away from people so they wouldn't bother them, but a big enough table to spread everything out.

Hearing the bell on the door ring Angelica looks up. A smile spreads across her face as she sees David. He looked different from the last time she had seen him, more relaxed and comfortable than stiff. Angelica couldnt help but think he looked really good.

"David...its so good to see you."

Angelica leans across the table giving him a friendly hug and a quick kiss on the cheek, her own way of saying hello to a long time friend.

Just giving him a once over again a bigger smile spreads on her face. It really was good seeing her friend again. And catching up sounded good though she new it wouldnt take to long. She was a workaholic like always so there wasnt much to tell.

" Ok we can dig a little but not for two long we have much to do and not a lot of time. You do look like your doing very well for yourself."

Aerith walks over to the table a tired but plesent smile on her face. Seeing Angelica many times before she new who she was.

"Can I get you anything to drink Sir or drink? And Miss Lockheart anything else for you?"

Aerith didn't need a pad of paper she had a good memorie when it came to this kind of stuff.

Giving a smile to Areith Angelica gives a small nod to her.

"A cup of coffee black would be good, and I think i am going to go with the grilled chicken salad Aerith. Thank you."