
Consider him lucky

"I'd like to come see it sometime... your new office, that is." David nods, genuinely interested. "I've heard bits and pieces about the Elite but I'd like to know more."

Smiling, he sits back as drinks are brought to the table. "Mmm... the California firm is doing alright. Busy, but in our line of work, busy is good. Got a new guy just out of law school helping me out on some smaller cases to lighten the load and... keeping several secretaries busy with paperwork."

He shrugs and twirls the glass in his hands. "It's good. A little lonely at times though." He cocks his head and looks at Angelica with a bit of nostalgia.

JT chuckles a little as he stares up at the ceiling. "Yeah, I do the same thing. Always plan to take time off, then I find some excuse to keep working. I don't know... I guess maybe work is my shelter from the world."

He smirks at himself. "Real mature... hiding way behind the doors of the hospital. You'd think I'd want to relax."

Sighing, he shrugs. "Anywhere? I don't know... somewhere quiet... like a private beach to watch the waves come in and just... be." He turns his head to see Amanda. "What about you?"

Axel grins and runs his hand through Jess' hair again. "I guess I'd be food and kiss deprived both. I don't know which would be worse."

He runs his thumb over her forehead. "Would it be silly to admit I'm scared of this thing? I mean... I don't have use of my hand now, so if the surgery fails, I've lost nothing... but I know we've only got once chance at this. One chance... and if it goes poorly, that's it. And how could I..."

He stops, looking down into Jess' eyes. "How could I take care of anybody like that?"

Sparky's eyes rest on the table as Annie and Wes both speak. His jaw muscles flex, his ears listening to all they had to say. A part of him understood. A part of him could see where they were coming from and knew that they really just cared. But a part of him was angry.

"You know what..." He looks around at Wes, Jim and Sparky. "I am... grateful for your family concern here." His face is still red from this whole discussion. "But honestly I don't see how this is anyone's business."

He didn't mean to be harsh, but he was a little upset. "Look, I know that... that I've had a few relationships in the past and... there are some that none of you even know about because you weren't around. But I've never felt sorry for myself, or even let it be known if I was hurt or not. Quite frankly, it was never really that bad, so I'd appreciate it if that assumption was dropped."

"Whoa, whoa." Jim holds up his hands. "We didn't want to argue... Wes is right, we just care, that's all. We're not trying to pry or tell you what to do."

"But you do have an opinion."

"Well yeah."

"And that opinion is that I should not be getting close to Faith."


"Thanks." Sparky eyes his siblings again. "Thanks for the concern y'all. But I think I'm grown up enough to make these choices on my own. If any of you think I haven't thought about getting hurt or weighing the consequences here then you're sorely mistaken. If I would have known I was behaving differently at all then I would have put a lid on it and quit being so happy."

Jim rolls his eyes. Maybe he'd been wrong about bringing this thing up. But it was too late to stop now. "Aw, quit it, Tyler."

Sparky's eyes snap to his brother with fire. "I don't think I'm the one with a problem here," he hisses.

Trent's nearby presence in the kitchen had gone unnoticed, but he had heard enough of the group's conversation to realize what was going on. Sparky and Faith had not escaped his eyes either. But instead of concern, he felt annoyance for the siblings' reaction.

Finishing his glass of milk, he wanders out and passes by the table.

"Well it's pretty obvious that-" Jim falls silent as Trent appears out of nowhere.

Everyone looks up at him, surprised at his presence. He approaches and leans down to rest his palms on the table, glancing at all the eyes. "I have a solution," he reveals dryly. "How about leaving this poor guy alone and letting him love someone? Is that so wrong? Consider him lucky to love at all - some people in this world never get that chance."

Shaking his head, he straightens and walks away, heading out the door.

Jim swallows hard and looks down, then to Annie and Wes. He still felt concern, but somehow this had gone too far maybe. He didn't know. He looks back to Sparky a little calmer. "Just be careful, Bro."

Sparky stands up, ready to leave, his eyes showing disappointment, but his tone is quieter. "I will." His eyes roam to Annie and Wes too. "Consider your warning or concern received. I'd appreciate it if I could go finish chores now."

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