
Sore eyes

"Hey, that's great." Axel runs his fingers through Jess' hair, listening to her talk about her day. Leaned back in the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table, it was just about the most comfortable position he could think of.

"I think they're missing out on your talent. I hope they give you a chance to do more."

Quiet for a few minutes, the soft music from the CD player helps keep the atmosphere peaceful. Closing his eyes, Axel could almost fall asleep right here. "Jess... I've been thinking..."

A low buzzing snaps him to attention though and he gives a little jump. It was his phone vibrating in his pocket, interrupting him. Flopping his head back, he ignores it for now. His thoughts had been broken though, and he leaves them where they were. "I suppose I should see who that is." He sighs deeply. "How come they always know just when I've gotten most comfortable. If it's Leo, I'm gonna smack him next time I see him."

Finally moving a little, he makes sure not to dump Jess' head off his lap as he retrieves his phone. Checking his voice mail, he finds it wasn't Leo at all. Hearing Misty's message, his heart skips a beat.

He closes his phone and resumes running his hand through Jess' hair. "It was Misty. She wants to do the surgery as soon as possible." He takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "I guess it can't hurt, right?" He chuckles. "Figuratively speaking."

JT sits straighter, feeling Amanda sit down next to him, and her hand on his shoulder. She was being so kind... he needed someone like that right now. "I know... I just... ever since I started keeping an eye on Bree... I don't know... she's like a daughter and seeing her like this kills me."

It had been a long time since he'd felt this helpless. He didn't like it. It made him feel weak. But he had no one else to lean on. Anyone he would normally confide in, he couldn't drag into this mess.

Turning his head to meet Amanda face to face, he looks into her eyes for the longest moment. "I've been passing you in the hall for years," he comments softly. "How come I never knew what I was missing out on in a friend, by not taking time to get to know you?"

A weary smile tugs at his mouth. "A couple lunches hardly make up for all you're doing for us here. How am I supposed to thank you when it's all over, hmm?"

Jim purses his lips, nodding, and feeling just a little sheepish. "I know... I know he seems happy and it's good to see him smile. I don't disagree with you. I just..." He shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe we should have that meeting. It'd be better than worrying about him behind his back. Maybe he'll set us straight too, I don't know. Maybe Annie and I are wrong."

He slide off the stool and tosses the wire aside. "I'll talk to Annie. Tonight after supper maybe we'll just pull Sparky aside for a minute and see what's up. Thanks, Wes."

David is grinning as he hangs up the phone. Getting up from his desk, he goes straight to get his briefcase ready. "Lila!" he calls. "I want the next plan to Nevada."

Everything following happened rather quickly. David had just enough time to go home, call the neighbor to take care of his dog, pack up and get to the airport. Carrying only his briefcase and small bag for a change of clothes and his laptop, he studied notes while on the plane, marking off details he thought Angelica would need to know.

Eventually the sun is setting as the plane lands at the airport. Just as Angelica promised, a car was waiting, and he makes a quick call to let her know he was there. She'd been right - it was a little cooler here. He was sure during the day it was pleasant, but as the sun was sinking, the temperature was dropping.

Riding through town, he finally gets to Mom and Pop's. It seemed a pleasant sort of restaurant. Small and quiet - the right kind of atmosphere. Still carrying his bags so the driver could go, he wanders into the restaurant, making the little bell ring.

Carson glances out to the front - a habit when hearing the bell. The man looked strangely out of place and screamed "newcomer." But he had a nice enough look. Tall and dark, wearing blue jeans, and a black shirt and jacket. He appeared a bit lost until he spotted someone to sit with. Carson noticed it was Angelica he was aiming for, and he motions for Aerith to go back to the table and see if he needed anything to drink.

David spots Angelica and a smile creases his lips. Getting to the table, he sets his bags into the booth first before sitting down across from her. "Angelica... You're a sight for sore eyes." His eyes twinkle. "I insist we catch up before digging into the case."

Lose Ends

Giving a laugh Angelica can't help it. Obviously David really was missing there teaming up, and was now thrilled to be coming out to work once again. Though she had to admit, she was a bit excited herself. They had always been the unstoppable, even in law school Everyone new better to come up against them, and hated when a debate broke out and they had to go against them.

"There is a small dinner called Mom and Pop's that I love. Its relatively quiet there, and they have great food."

Thinking for a moment Angelica thumbs through her phone book looking for a number. Finally finding the number for the car rental place Angelica takes out her pen holding the place in the book.

"You wont need to worry about how to get there. I will have a car and a driver waiting for you at the airport. It will be easier that way."

Standing and going to the window Angelica looks out for a long moment. Its seemed cold outside, and on the darkerside. It was defiantly different from Cali at this time.

"I'd bring some warm clothing if I were you too. So, I'll see you later tonight. Call my cell when your plane lands. The restronte isn't far from the office."

Seeing JT after Bree leaves breaks Amanda's heart. He cared so much, and he has done so well to soften the blow as much as he could for Bree but it was still hard. For Bree, for him...it wasn't an easy thing.

Going over to JT Amanda rests a hand on his shoulder sinking down on the bed next to him. Trying to offer the best smile she could.

"Its going to work out, and Bree it going to be ok. You just have to give her some time."

Ryan shakes her head with a grin before heading for the door. He always liked outdewing the guys and watching them squirm over it.

"You boys only wish you let me win."

Looking up as Jim enters the shop Wes gives a nod to Clint leaving the paperwork and order forms he was going over with Clint for now. He's continue showing, instructing, and teaching Clint everything he new. Though his time to leave was drawing close all to soon.

Sitting down in the old beat up office chair Wes listens to his brother as his taps his fingers lightly on the desk.

"Actually I did notice it as he was throwing jokes at me left and right. To be honest, it was nice to see Sparky smiling again. Its been a long time, and I guess with me leaving coming up...its just nice to see my brother happy."

Leaning back in the chair Wes looks across the room at Jim seeing the genuin worry in his brothers eyes. He didnt think Sparky needed to be baby sat, and Faith seemed nice enough, young but nice just the same. And he really did think it was good to see his brother smile.

"If you think we should talk to him Jim, than maybe we should But the only thing I could think of say is to make sure this is what he really wants, and not to get himself hurt. But if you and Annie wanna hold a family meeting I will be there too."

Dialing Axel's number Misty waits for an answer. She new it had been a while since the last time they had talked but she had been so busy with one thing after another her project with Axel had been put on hold. Finally being able to do her tests though Misty had finished only a few moments ago. They had gone well, and she was pleased ready to move on to the next step. Getting Axel's voice mail she new he would call back when he could.

"Hey Hey Ax, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I got those tests done, and I am please with the results. On the odds scale, there is a 69% chance this will work for you. Your gonna most likely always have some pain but you will have movement back in your find. I know its a low number but really with something like this, those are great odds. I'd like to do the surgery as soon as possable, so when your ready just give me a call back."

"So anyways, I got to put a collage together at the studio today, along with taking some photots and Tammy said she really liked it."

Jess keeps her head comfortable in Axel's lap looking up at him. She was completely content just sitting there and enjoying some quiet time with him. It had been like that a lot lately, not that is minded her. Every moment she spend with Axel was always a happy one.

"..but I am pretty happy she liked it. I am hopping this will be a doorway to another opportunity. I deal with it, but I am tired of just making appointments, and filing papers at the studio."

Sure we did

Watching his niece walk away, JT turns and sinks down into a chair in the bedroom. Leaning his elbows on his knees, he bends to put his face in his hands. He'd known this whole thing wouldn't be easy, but he didn't know it would be this emotionally hard. He was glad Amanda was there, he was glad they'd made it to the ranch, but would they really be able to win? He could only hope and pray.

David smiles and sits up straight too quickly, sending several pens and papers flying as he hits his desk. "I'm already on my way. Name the place and time and I'll be there with bells on."

Ready with notepad in hand, he waits for Angelica's instructions.

"It's not our fault you got the easy car!" Jed hollers at Ryan.

Miles' responds is a resounding clang of a tool being dropped. "We just wanted to be nice and let the lady win," he teases.

Jed rolls his eyes and throws a rag at him. "Sure we did."

"Wes?" Jim taps on the garage office door.  Stepping inside, he nods to his brother before sitting down on an empty stool. "Looks like you're keeping plenty busy before you leave," he comments. Wes leaving wasn't a subject anyone really liked to talk about... they mainly inserted into casual conversation just to acknowledge that it was a reality even if they didn't want him to go.

"Had something I wanted to talk to you about..." He picks up a piece of old wire to play with as he swivels on the stool. "I don't know if you've noticed but, um... well Annie and I talked about it and we thought maybe you'd have some insight or something. Um... well, we've kinda caught on that Sparky and Faith have a thing going between them. I didn't think Sparky would ever, but it's pretty obvious and well... Annie and I are just a little concerned about the whole thing. We wanted to know if maybe you thought we should talk to Sparky about it."


Bree looks at her Uncle, than Amanda and than back to JT. Her eyes lacked the quirky life that had once been there. Maybe over everything was ok again she would get that light back, but for now things just seemed so dark. She wanted to see Gunner so bad, weather he was behind bars or not, she hated not having the freedom to do so. She wasn't in Crescentview anymore, but she was far from free.

"Thanks Uncle JT, keep telling me that because my brain just wont listen."

Trying to give a little smile Bree takes her jacket and puts in one before exiting the room and quickly making her way across the floor till she was outside. The chilly air stung after being inside for so long, but taking an even deeper breath the sing was gone, and the air felt good.

Not sure where to go to first Bree just new she wanted time alone, to sit, to think, she just wanted to be alone. Stepping off the porch Bree makes her way across the lawn. One of those fields seemed nice, and the old wood might provide a nice play to sit. Aiming that way she walks slow not in to much of a hurry but staying aware of her surroundings.

"Welcome to running your own office. Now you know what I deal with."

Angelica's voice was laced with a little bit of laughter as she leaned back in her chair thinking for a long moment as she listened to David. It would be a lot easier if he was here but she hated to take him away from his work knowing he had a lot to do. But on the other hand since she had given up her partnership a few months back, she really did miss it. The elite was great and she loved being here not wanting to change it for the world, but having a partner who she could go over things with was something she missed.

"Well...I guess it would be nice to work with you again on something, and two heards are better than one."

Thinking for a moment again Angelica weighs her options. If she was going to have help on this, there was no better person she could think of.

"Ok, hope on the next flight here and bring everything you got. We can go over it at dinner tonight. The unstoppable is together again for this case."

 Just taking everything in Ryan continues to work with speed. Giving a wave to her brother as he leave.

"Pizza, dinner, tonight sounds good. I'll catch ya at him."

And the time seemed to slip by, when working on cars for Ryan it always did that. She always had to much fun not to.

Putting the last turn on the oil cap Ryan whipes her hands off and goes around to the driver side. Turning the key and letting it hum for a long moment she looks over the hood at the others giving a sly smile.

"Purrs like a kitten. Looking like I get that Mustang."

Shutting the car off and walking over to the desk to sigh off on the paperwork for the car Ryan shakes her head.

"I think you guys are being slow poke thinking just because I came in late I couldn't catch up to you all. Guess you were wrong...eh?"

Ryan throws her rag at Jed before heading out back to take a look at mustang she rightfuly won to work on.