
Lose Ends

Giving a laugh Angelica can't help it. Obviously David really was missing there teaming up, and was now thrilled to be coming out to work once again. Though she had to admit, she was a bit excited herself. They had always been the unstoppable, even in law school Everyone new better to come up against them, and hated when a debate broke out and they had to go against them.

"There is a small dinner called Mom and Pop's that I love. Its relatively quiet there, and they have great food."

Thinking for a moment Angelica thumbs through her phone book looking for a number. Finally finding the number for the car rental place Angelica takes out her pen holding the place in the book.

"You wont need to worry about how to get there. I will have a car and a driver waiting for you at the airport. It will be easier that way."

Standing and going to the window Angelica looks out for a long moment. Its seemed cold outside, and on the darkerside. It was defiantly different from Cali at this time.

"I'd bring some warm clothing if I were you too. So, I'll see you later tonight. Call my cell when your plane lands. The restronte isn't far from the office."

Seeing JT after Bree leaves breaks Amanda's heart. He cared so much, and he has done so well to soften the blow as much as he could for Bree but it was still hard. For Bree, for him...it wasn't an easy thing.

Going over to JT Amanda rests a hand on his shoulder sinking down on the bed next to him. Trying to offer the best smile she could.

"Its going to work out, and Bree it going to be ok. You just have to give her some time."

Ryan shakes her head with a grin before heading for the door. He always liked outdewing the guys and watching them squirm over it.

"You boys only wish you let me win."

Looking up as Jim enters the shop Wes gives a nod to Clint leaving the paperwork and order forms he was going over with Clint for now. He's continue showing, instructing, and teaching Clint everything he new. Though his time to leave was drawing close all to soon.

Sitting down in the old beat up office chair Wes listens to his brother as his taps his fingers lightly on the desk.

"Actually I did notice it as he was throwing jokes at me left and right. To be honest, it was nice to see Sparky smiling again. Its been a long time, and I guess with me leaving coming up...its just nice to see my brother happy."

Leaning back in the chair Wes looks across the room at Jim seeing the genuin worry in his brothers eyes. He didnt think Sparky needed to be baby sat, and Faith seemed nice enough, young but nice just the same. And he really did think it was good to see his brother smile.

"If you think we should talk to him Jim, than maybe we should But the only thing I could think of say is to make sure this is what he really wants, and not to get himself hurt. But if you and Annie wanna hold a family meeting I will be there too."

Dialing Axel's number Misty waits for an answer. She new it had been a while since the last time they had talked but she had been so busy with one thing after another her project with Axel had been put on hold. Finally being able to do her tests though Misty had finished only a few moments ago. They had gone well, and she was pleased ready to move on to the next step. Getting Axel's voice mail she new he would call back when he could.

"Hey Hey Ax, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I got those tests done, and I am please with the results. On the odds scale, there is a 69% chance this will work for you. Your gonna most likely always have some pain but you will have movement back in your find. I know its a low number but really with something like this, those are great odds. I'd like to do the surgery as soon as possable, so when your ready just give me a call back."

"So anyways, I got to put a collage together at the studio today, along with taking some photots and Tammy said she really liked it."

Jess keeps her head comfortable in Axel's lap looking up at him. She was completely content just sitting there and enjoying some quiet time with him. It had been like that a lot lately, not that is minded her. Every moment she spend with Axel was always a happy one.

"..but I am pretty happy she liked it. I am hopping this will be a doorway to another opportunity. I deal with it, but I am tired of just making appointments, and filing papers at the studio."

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