

Seeing movement out of the corner of his eye, Alec was surprised that anyone was entering his room. It wasn't suppertime yet.

Catching sight of Ryan, he's even more surprised. It takes him just a moment to realize who it is - that night, their encounter had been brief. But when she speaks, he's sure that it's her.

Every fiber in his being wanted to sit up and ask what she was doing there. He was beyond curious. This wasn't normal. What could she possibly want? Obviously she'd come through the right channels - Trooper was right there, keeping an eye on things. Alec hated dogs.

Instead of giving into his curiosity though, Alec turns his head away and throws his ball again to catch it a moment later, then back again. "No, I didn't," he answers coolly.

Tap... tap... tap. The ball continues it's course, bouncing off the wall and into his right hand, then over again.

"Come to survey?" he asks, his tone dry.


Looking up from her cubicle Jamie looks at Gage for a moment searching his eyes. Closely she could see the same refreshed glint once a long time ago Carson himself had and it made her smile. If she had helped Gage today, than it defiantly was worth digging up a few old memories.

"Your welcome Gage. I am happy it made sense. If you ever want to talk more just know you have friends to do so with."

Nodding to Jason Ryan looks down at the dog and gave a small chuckle. It was a good tactic, a guard dog how ironic, but it was better than nothing Ryan was at least thankful for that.

Taking a few steps twords the door Ryan stops looking back at Jason and than straight ahead again the magazine held in her hand. It felt strange for her to be anxious and nervous, but she was maybe because Alec would tell her to go before she could even talk.

Letting out a long sigh Ryan finally opens the small door letting herself in the cell and than letting Trooper follow. Standing across the room from Alec it seemed her words were lost. But finally finding them again she gives a small wave not to sure Alec would be happy to see her or not.

"Hey Alec, bet you didn't think you would ever see me again huh?"

Guard duty

A grin comes to Gunner's lips and he holds up the pen. "And I was hoping this came from James Bond's lab."

Shaking his head, he gives a dry laugh. "Don't worry... I'm not going anywhere. This doesn't have the right kind of spring in it."

The corner of Gage's mouth twitches and he nods. "Okay. Sounds good to me."

Giving her a last little wave, he backs out of her cubicle and heads for the exit. On his way though, he has to pass by Jamie's cubicle and he sees that she's back to work as well. Biting his lip, he decides to stop.

Glancing in on her for just a moment, he clears his throat. "Hey, Jamie? Um... thank you... for all the stuff you said today. It made a lot of sense and... well.. um, yeah.... thanks."

Jason leans back in his chair, his brow furrowing as he listens to Ryan and tries to keep up with her story and understand why it was exactly that she was there. As he process what he's hearing, he doesn't realize that once again, he's opened up the communication to Katie, not knowing that she can hear everything that he's hearing.

As Ryan finishes, Jason still isn't sure he really knows why she's there. He wasn't convinced she could help Alec at all by paying him a visit. But what was the harm? If Axel had sent her here, she couldn't be all bad, and Jason sensed no ill intent in her. Trooper seemed halfway relaxed as well, signaling that he didn't sense anything wrong either.

Jason takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. He can't help a little grin at her last comment. "Yeah well... Reese's bark is worse than his bite."

Standing up, he pulls out a sheet of paper and checks off a couple things. He had the time and didn't see anything wrong with someone seeing Alec. He had the authority to clear anybody. "Can I see your ID? It's just routine so we know for sure who all has been in and out of here. We're not keeping Alec from visitors, but with someone like him, we have a pretty tight security."

Jotting down some information from Ryan's ID, Jason files it and gestures to the door. "I'll show you the way."

Once they're out in the hall, Jason leads the way downstairs, Trooper tailing a ways behind them both. Down to the lower level, Jason passes by the rec room and a couple other doors, then into an open area with the holding cell to one side. Past that was another door that was ajar. "He's right through there."

Jason gives Ryan a kind look. "No bars and you don't have to have an audience. There's cameras everywhere though, so if anything happens, you're not alone. I'll wait out here, but Trooper will go with you."

He glances to his dog, pointing to Ryan. "Keep her safe."

Trooper gives a soft woof, approaching Ryan but staying several feet away. He looks at her, waiting for her to move. He would follow her and stand between her and Alec if need be. He was the perfect guard that allowed for privacy of visitors and he knew his job well as long as he'd received his orders from someone he respected.

Alec sat slumped on the cot, throwing a tennis ball at the opposite wall and catching it as it bounced back to him. His eyes were dull, his demeanor no brighter.

Hearing voices outside his room, he doesn't pause his one-sided game. He always went ignored - this was probably no different.


Angelica gives another nod to Gunner. The look in his eye when he talked about Bree. The sparkle that maybe he didn't even know it was there she'd seen it before. When Jason talked to Katie, when her sister had falled for Bret, and she could even catch it sometimes in Reese eye. He cared deeply for this woman, enough he risked being locked away for a very long time and didn't care as long as she was ok. That was honor, that was...love.

"I'll do all I can. I'd never turn my back on my own. No matter what."

Angelica gives a slight nod as she gathers her things and stands. She'd leave the paper and pen with Sparky so he could doodle. Though she looks at him sternly and gives a soft chuckle as the one side of her mouth turned up in a grin.

"Don't try and escape with that thing ok? It will only make my job ten times harder."

Giving a laugh Angela starts for the door as she stands just a little taller. Passing by Gunner Angelica rests a hand on his shoulder for a moment before removing it.

"I'll be talking to you again real soon, I promise you that."

Returning the small kiss Sapphire leans her head into his hand for a bref moment. A smile formed on her lips as she felt warm and fuzzy inside.

"I most defiantly will call you tomorrow. Maybe we can rent a movie in and you can help me cook dinner tomorrow."

Giving another smile Sapphire took not to the look in his eyes, it seemed like there was a smile hiding there some where and it made her feel good to see it.

Entering the large office it was much different than she was expecting. Set up differently, well kept yet relaxing at the same time. Hearing the growl of the massive dog growl Ryan is hesitant for a moment but enters anyways. Just watching him for a moment till she hears Jason speak again.

"Thats quite the guard dog you have there. I think Axel left out that part."

Giving a smile Ryan steps closer to the desk. Whiping what little bit of motor oil she had on her hand on her pants she holds it out to Jason in a friendly shake.

"Hi, Ryan McKade, I'm a friend of Axel Thornton. He's actully the one who told me to come to you because you might be able to help me. Is it ok if I sit?"

Receiving the ok to sit Ryan does so sinking into one of the oversize chairs. Thinking for a moment as she looks around the office Ryan trys to collect her thoughts on how she wanted to approch her question.

"You guys...or your organization The Elite are holding a friend of mine Alec Banks. Well He's not really a friend...I only met him once and I am pretty sure I saw a soft side to him that no one has seen since. I know it was a true softness to because...I could just tell. I havnt seen him since that day though, but I imagen with the chip he had on his shoulder he's not doing to well. Anyways I was just wondering if there was anyway I could see him? I have this car magazine here for him..."

Ryan holds it up to prove it was just a magazine and nothing more.

"...I know your probably going to want to say no right off the bat and well I don't blame you. But I got a brother that's in jail too. But I cant see him because well...He's in real bad shape. I know my brother is a good guy thought just somethings in life got messed up and he grew real cold. I just....dont want to see the same thing happen to Alec and I hope I could help him lilke I should of helped my brother."

Ryan's eyes search Jason's not being able to read him to well. Not that she thought she could really read an Elite Agents eyes. But her own are filled with much emotion and a longing that her heart really did have pure intentions.

"I'm no asking for long, and I'll even talk to him through the bars with 10 people standing there listing. I just...would like to get the chanse to maybe help. Axel told me if anyone could help me it would be you, and that you'd understand better than you boss."


"Yeah... okay." Jim nods in agreement. "No hurry for now, but if I get a chance to talk to Wes, I will and see what he has to say."

Hearing laughter coming from the direction of Sparky and Faith again, he looks in their direction. Shrugging lamely, he gets up from the table to prepare for lunch. "I'll catch you later."

Gunner closes his eyes for a moment and breaths a long sigh. Bree was safe. That's all he needed to know. Looking at Angelica again, he gives her a little nod. "Thank you." Relief was in his gaze now. As long as Bree was safe, he didn't care what happened.

He gives her another nod, knowing about Hope. He had figured she'd wind up at the ranch and was just as glad that apparently Scott had a good excuse. Gunner didn't like him being more involved but... he knew the others were smart enough not to get caught.

"I appreciate what you're doing, Angelica." And he meant it. "I know that sometimes I get myself into scrapes and I do things the wrong way but... whether you can get me out of here or not, I appreciate the effort. If you actually do hear anything more... I really would like to know somehow how Bree is and if she's alright after getting her out. They did some pretty nasty stuff to her. Don't know how to prove it but... I'm hoping JT has a handle on that."

Gage shakes his head and gives Sapphire a little smile. "No... I think I'd like to walk. I need some time to think. Thanks, though. I had a good time today."

Ambling around into her cubicle, he glances at what she's doing before reaching down to run a finger along her face. "You're too good to me, Saph. But I don't know what I'd do without you."

Bending down he gives her a soft kiss on the lips. "Call me tomorrow?"

Hearing an unfamiliar knock and sensing a stranger, a low growl comes from Trooper's throat and he stands up, walking a couple steps towards the door.

Jason looks up from his desk, cautious. "Easy,"

Trooper looks at him, then back at the door, standing down but still growling a little.

Jason puts a hand to the gun on his hip. "It's open," he calls.

The massive dog tenses as the door is opened, sniffing the air and letting his throat rumble.

Jason lifts an eyebrow, seeing the attractive dark haired woman. She did not look like a threat. He gives a short but sharp whistle.

Trooper immediately obeys, turning and ambling over to the end of the desk to lie down, though he still watches this newcomer.

Jason waves to the woman. "It's alright, you can come in. He won't bother you." He looks to her with question. "Can I help you?"

Fine, and Safe

Entering TJY Ryan just stands for a long moment a magazine in hand. She wasn't to sure why she was here, or even why she wanted to do this, but after talking with Axel a little Ryan just felt like she had. Maybe because her own brother was in the slammer, and she couldn't see him. Maybe this would...help her deal? She never told Eli is bothered her, or even Leo. Talking about John was just...something she didn't do.

Stopping at a cubicle and asking for directions Ryan new it wouldn't be easy to see Alec. She couldnt just walk down where he was, be let in. No that would be way to easy, but Axel had warned her of that too. So when asked what she could do he simply said who she could talk with and might be able to help.

Finally finding Jason's office Ryan just stands there for a long moment her fist raised in the air. Was this a good idea? Would they even let her? Ryan could only hope. Knocking she waits someone one to answer the door, maybe even Jason himself, unless he had a secretary.

Thanking for a long moment Annie gives a thoughtful nod.wondering herself how they would approach Sparky. The last thing they would want was him to is they were attacking him.

"Wes has always been the wise one. Maybe it would be best if you talked to him first about it. What ever it comes down to though I know we need to talk to Sparky. At least maybe let him know to stop and think for a moment, so in case Faith is using him he can come to his sences."

Looking down at her papers and tapping her pencil on the table she shakes her head again and lets out a long sigh. She still hated this, it just felt wrong, but seeing Sparky with Faith didn't seem right ether. Maybe because it was her friend, and her older brother. Maybe it was the age that bothered her, or maybe it was the fact they had been kissing already and they only just met.

Finishing writing the one line she had in her head Sapphire looks up and gives a smile at Gage. He was leaving quicker than she had thought, but his face seemed to hold a different glow than normal. It wasn't a bad one, but one that showed a tiny bit of peace.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride? Its cold out there, and well honestly I don't really wannaa be at work right now. So I wont mind driving you!"

Listing to Gunner a wrinkle forms in Angelica's for head as her mind starts to process everything. Taking in everything Gunner said and keeping it on her memory note pad where no one could find it, if they tried to look. Seeing the worry in Gunner's eyes Angelica could see how much he cared for Bree and it just drove the steak to work harder to bring them together once agian.

"Gunner, I over herd something....that I probably should have. Scott and Hope are going out to Texas, Scott says he needs to pick up TJY equipment...but being a laywer his eyes betray him. I didn't know Hope was going with him as first and than when I overheard she was...well...I think its for good reason, and it just might help."

Angelica leans forward a little her eyes trying to offer all the hope she could to Gunner, trying to at least try to ease his worry a little.

"JT and Bree are just fine, and safe. The condition they are in, I don't know but if I find anything out I will make sure to tell you."

Straghting again Angelia holds her hands on the table once again as she just watches Gunner for a long moment Studying him, not saying a word. Till finally she broke the silence once again.

"I do know David, he actualy was my partner for many years and runs my office in Cali. I think luck might be on our side with that one. I'm going to give him a call and get all the information I can from him.I'll work hard, and long but I promise you Gunner I will do all I can for, you, JT, Bree, and anyone else who might be involved in this. I wont let you guys down."

Typing away at his computer Dalton had two windows open, switching back and forth between them, he did personal work, and some work for TJY. Sharing his time between them both he seemed focused. While Scott was gone he was doing his own research, and hacking. He couldn't sit back and do nothing even if that's what Gunner wanted. He had to help them, he had to help Bree. He'd go crazy himself if he didnt.


"I wasn't spying," Jim defends. "I just looked up and hello! It wasn't like I was following them around looking for it."

Sighing again, he nods as Annie talks. "Yeah... I don't feel so hot myself. But what are we supposed to say? 'Hey, what do you think you're doing?' I don't know how to approach it with him. Nothing seems appropriate. But we're his siblings, ya know? I mean, we look out for each other. We're not gossiping, we're just concerned is all. I don't know... maybe that's how we should approach it."

Jim pauses glancing out the window to think for several moments. "Maybe Wes would have a better idea. Who knows... maybe he knows more than we do so he can explain it. Want me to ask him?"

Trent eyes what's going on around him, seeing Sparky and Faith, then Jim and Annie. Just watching for a few minutes, he looks back down to his little notepad and tears out a sheet to crumple it up and toss it into the nearby fireplace. Rubbing his forehead, he writes again.

Gage is genuinely surprised by Katie's response, and for a moment or two, he just stares at her, his mouth open slightly. "Um... thank you."

He nods a little. "I don't... have many friends, but... but I know you're honest and loyal. I'm... I'm humbled that you'd want to be my friend."

Standing awkwardly, he finally turns to go. "Thank you again," he says quietly. "I'll see you around."

He walks back down through the cubicles, his mission accomplished. It was different... it felt... strange but good at the same time. It was definitely a humbling experience, and quite honestly, one he hadn't expected. It was one thing for Sapphire to think he was okay, but even Katie, who had gone through so much... he wondered if this is what Carson felt like when Jamie had forgiven him.

Making it to Sapphire's desk, he leans over the wall, watching her. "I'm gonna go home now," he mentions. "Thanks for bringing me."

Months. That's what it had become. Days had turned to weeks, and weeks had multiplied on top of each other. And Alec was going crazy.

Pacing the room downstairs next to the holding cell that had been converted into his living quarters, he throws a pillow, letting it crash against the wall. He glares at his ankle bracelet. He was allowed to roam TJY all right... but he never did. What was the point? This was worse than prison. At least in prison he'd have company. Here, people passed by on accident, or it was Hal bringing him his meals and clean clothes. Dani hadn't come since she'd made the mistake of helping him escape. Carson never dared show his face.

That thought brings a crooked smile to Alec's face. He had the upper hand on that one, apparently. But this whole thing stunk. Reese said they were working on it. He said that the case was stuck in the system because he didn't want him to go to prison. But what was the point? If he was stuck here or prison, what difference did it make? Why did Gage get out so easily?

Alec knew good and well it was because Gage was cooperative. But the guy was weak. He'd caved too easily. Not Alec. No... no, he would not cave. He would not be broken.

Sinking down on the cot, he growls and runs his hands through his hair. This was stupid. His conscience reminds him that last time he'd gotten out, he'd almost had his head blown off from the Agency. What was to say next time he got out, that wouldn't happen again? He replays that night like he had time and time again. He remembers the strange longing for safety, finding it only temporarily in the woman he'd met at the bar. He should have taken her up on her offer of her spare room that night. How  things would be different if he had. And that night, he had felt more lost than ever before, knowing that both the Elite and Agency wanted him. He'd had nowhere to turn and he'd never had that before that night.

Something deep down had cracked open that night, allowing just a small glimpse into the heart of a young man who desperately needed to belong. But just as quickly, he'd shut it up tight again, turning right around like a cornered animal and fighting his way out. Unfortunately, he'd been caught. And now... now he was here. He was tired, bored and frustrated.

Reese said soon... soon they'd get him in a program. But Alec knew that he himself was the problem. Someone like Gage, they could play however they wanted. But Alec? No... he made it too difficult for them so they just ignored him, leaving him here to rot.

A cackle escapes and he throws another pillow. Maybe he really had won. They didn't know what to do with him... he was a rare case, yessiree. He'd thrown them for a loop. He'd show them. Just wait.

But deep down, way deep down, something else was cracking. He was getting tired. And no man could live like this and not feel loneliness in the pit of their spirit.

Gunner chuckles as he concentrates on his doodling. "What? You think I don't want to get out of here? That I like having my ankles chained together, wearing this green jumpsuit and eating food that tastes like cardboard? If I didn't want to talk to you, why would I have asked for you?"

He falls silent for at least two full minutes, seeming to be lost far, far away. Eventually though, he looks back up at Angelica, a wry grin on his face. "Silence can drive a man mad, you know that? Temporary insanity, that's what I vote for. That's the only way they'll let me off. 'Course... maybe they'll throw me back in the loony bin then."

Sighing deeply, he fiddles with the pen in his hand. His eyes become serious. "Look, Bree's not crazy. Her parents got her thrown back into Crescentview. Something about money. JT's lawyer couldn't get far enough in the time we needed it, so we sprung her. Now, I'm hoping they're somewhere safe, though last I heard, JT's car was abandoned."

Worry courses through his veins as it had since he'd gotten here. "Yes, JT and I had help, but I'm not telling you who it was. What I will tell you is this - David Croughton has all the legal information we had before going after Bree. I have a hunch you might know him since he's a big California lawyer. Only problem is, he couldn't prove anything. Couldn't get deep enough. The only hope we have is proving Bree isn't crazy and either plea temporary insanity for me or convince a brainless judge that what I did was justified. As for JT, I'll tell anybody to their face that I forced him to help me... I don't want him separated from Bree. She needs him."


Going her own separate way Sapphire new Gage had a reason he wanted to be here, and she also new he would be ok. In a little while she would see him again before he left.

Walking to her own cubicle Sapphire couldn't help the smile on her face. It had been a really good day, and she had enjoyed her time with her friends. She could only hope there were many more to come.

Typing away on the keybored Katie tried to catch up with some work she had fallen behind on. It seemed over the last few days more and more reports had come in, not to mention she told Susanne she would help her out with a few things she needed to enter into there data base, and not it just seemed like a never ending pile of mush.

Hearing the knock on her cubicle wall and hearing her name Katie looks up for a moment. It wasn't Jason, she would of been able to tell and she wasnt sure of the voice. Turning from the computer and seeing Gage Katie couldn't help the surprise that passed in her eyes. The last person she had expected to be standing there was Gage.

Listing to him as he pushed his way through his appoligy, and seeing the look of hesitation in his eyes Katie had to give him alot of credit on him coming to her. Searching his eyes for a long moment Katie looks to see if he was being genuine Seeing in his eyes that he was, a soft smile spreads on Katie's face.

"I forgive you Gage.Water under the bridge they like to say."

Katie's heart was so big, it happened to be a Pent trate, she had no problem looking at Gage, seeing his change and being able to forgive him. Would she feel awkward around him...maybe a little at first but she was like that with Carson too.

"I hope we can become friends Gage! You seem like a really nice guy."

Shaking her head and giving a laugh she new Jim didn't mean to scar her. She he just been so deep in the paper work that needed to be done she had lost track of everything around her.

Continuing to listen Annie cant help the look of surprise that passed on her face, but she was not sure if it was surprise from Jim spying or surprise at Sparky's actions.

"I new you were going to keep an eye out on them...but Spying? Thats a little much isnt it?"

Annie new her brother wouldnt spy on anyone she just found it odd he new all this stuff without actually talking to Sparky first. Though pushing that aside a new worry sank in. She had known Faith for a while now, she had even lived with her and this seemed out of place for her quiet friend too. Was it wrong to have braught Faith here? Thinking a long moment about her Jim's question Annie looks over at the table with Sparky and Faith. They both...did seem happy, but was it only skin deep? Jim had her second guessing herself now too.

"I mean, Faith has nothing left in Thailand like I had told you before. Her mother is gone, and her father is in the hospetil. For almost 10 years now she told me she has been on her own.  She never had any brothers and sisters....so I mean she has no one and she took care of herself just fine all that time."

Looking back to Jim Annie's eyes held a little concern of her own. It was just so out of character.

"I dont think...she would be using Sparky. Faith just doesn't seam like that kind of person or so I thoughts. I dont think its wrong to be worryed eather....but if its really bothering you that much maybe we should have a talk with Sparky instead of guessing and talking behind his back. It kind of makes me feel crappy."

She really didnt like talking or thinking bad things about her brother and friend, but no the seed of dount had been planted and it ran wild. Annie had only though Faith and Sparky had taken to being friends quickly and was happy. They both needed friends and now...she wondered if it was still ok.


Con laughs and rubs his ribs where Jamie had elbowed him. Instead of complaining though, he pulls her to his side and leans down to kiss the top of her head. "I'm not on anything. I'm just a growing boy and you know growing boys need their naps."

Waving to Gage and Sapphire, he says his farewells. "Catch you two later at work. Been fun."

Watching the couple walk away, Gage turns back to Sapphire and nods. "Yeah... yeah, I still want to come."

He heads for her car and waits for it to be unlocked before getting in. Though so often quiet, the ride to TJY seemed even more quiet than normal. Gage seemed lost in his own world again.

Arriving to the Elite headquarters, Gage hesitates before getting out of the car with Sapphire. There were a lot of reasons he didn't like this place. He'd been cooped up for so long. Whether he knew these were good people or not, it hadn't been the most pleasant experience being here.

He finally does follow Sapphire though, his walk one of defeat. Entering the building and making it down to the main floor, he looks across the cubicles. A few people had left early. But most everyone was still working for the afternoon. He sees Jason wandering back down the hall, Susanne on her way to make copies, and Reese disappearing into his office at the far end. Nothing much had changed.

Looking to Sapphire, Gage gives a little nod. "I'll let you know when I'm leaving. Thanks for the lift."

Once separated, he just stands for the longest time, his mind working through the purpose for which he was here. Eventually he steps forward, feeling like his feet were lead weights. But he knew where he needed to go. After Jamie's talk and after witnessing her friendship with Carson.. something told him this was right. And he wanted to do what was right.

Arriving to the little cubicle, he stands in the doorway for several moments, hearing the keys on the keyboard clicking in rhythm with the typing. Finding the nerve to knock on the wall, he does, waiting to be seen. "Katie?"

Getting her attention, he stares her in the eye, his own expression hard to read. "I didn't want to bother you," he mentions quietly. "I just... I came with Sapphire and..." His eyes roam her face. He sees the marks that would always be a reminder of what had happened. Was this what Carson felt? Or did it ever go away? He swallows hard, his mouth having gone dry.

"...I... I just wanted to...um... say I'm... I'm sorry." He looks at her lamely, really not knowing what else to say. "For... for hurting you." He knew that he hadn't been the one to actually do most of the damage, but his participation was bad enough. His eyes drop to the floor, half expecting Katie to turn him away. He didn't deserve forgiveness.

"Whoa, sorry." Jim's eyes widen slightly as he startles Annie. "I didn't mean to sneak."

Glancing over to see Sparky and Faith laughing at another table, he looks back to Annie, his voice still quiet. "Riding double with his arms around her? Do guests normally kiss us when they get off the horse?"

His eyebrow quirks, showing that he was positive now from watching the two's behavior that there was more there than just casual friendship. "I'm not saying anything's wrong," he emphasizes. "It's..."

Letting his sentence trail off, he eases down into a chair next to his sister. "I don't know. Something just feels off. Like I don't know... you know Faith a whole lot better than anybody else and I try not to judge people before I know them but... I don't know... is she... looking for someone to take care of her? Or... help out after her surgery or something? I just..."

He really didn't want it to sound like he thought Faith had bad intentions. He didn't believe she was that kind of person - he was just trying to figure out motives here. "...I don't want anybody to get hurt. Sparky's been down lately and I would hate to see him jump in the wrong direction. I mean... I know age doesn't always matter but..."

He sighs, trying to sum up what he really meant. "I'm just concerned. I want to make sure that there's some wisdom here and not just a whim or some tactic we don't know about." He searches Annie's face. "Am I wrong to be concerned?"


Angelica rolls her eyes at Gunner he was....different and she'd probably never understand his seance of humor though once and a while he even made her laugh.

Reaching into her briefcase she takes out a pen and a peace of paper handing it to Gunner. Letting out another sigh she just watchs him for a moment before she continues to talk.

"Gunner, your going to need to talk to me if you want my help. This is a secure room with no way for them to hear us. I made sure myself, and if they have gone against that than well, they will be going to jail for breaking them law."

She didn't want to be harsh, she was only concerned for Gunner. His time was running out and her own window of opportunity was closing fast. Getting the order from a judge that she happend to know quite well to be able to talk to Gunner with no one else was a chore in itself, but she had done it, and he even threw in that if someone when against it they would be arrested.

"Your time is running out Gunner, and so is mind for being here. We need to work quickly to get you out of here. I want to help you, its not really my cup of tea to see you in jail and I'd like to get you out as soon as I can. But you need to talk."

Angelica's eyes held there concern and there willingness to help her friend. When it came to anything at TJY she was always more than willing to help.

The movie was enjoyable and the darkend theater was a great time for Sapphire to take Gage's hand once and a while. Even though they had been to the movies before Sapphire would never grow tired of it. Sometimes just seeing the looks on Gage's face made it worth wile. His eyes would light up, and for just a little while he would be carefree.

Once the movies was over and they were all back in the parking lot it seemed no one wanted to go back to work. They had all had such a nice time that more work would rune it.

Jamie gives a playful elbow to Con as her streaches.

"You always just want to take a nap. I think your on permahybranate."

Laughing Jamie gives a nod to Gage and a smile. Turning to him before she got into the car.

"It was very nice spending the day with you Gage. We will have to do it again soon. If you end up coming by TJY with Sapphire, dont be shy to say Hi."

Giving a laugh at her two friends Sapphire loved seeing them interact. They were in so in love and so comfortable around each other it was great to see the light in each of there eyes that still burned for one another.

Bringing her attachen back to Gage Sapphire gives a small nod of her head though she really wanted to shake it and just play hookie for the rest of the day. But with her brother being out of town Reese would kill her.

"I really don't want to but I guess I should head back before everyone things I got lost. Would you still like to come?"

As lunch starts Faith takes what had become now her normal seat next to Sparky. With others gathered around like normal Faith was going to ask Annie to join the table as well but she had taken note when coming in that she was busy at one of the far tables with some paper work and didn't want to desterb her.

Sitting at the small table by the window Annie was so indeepth in her paperwork that she didn't even hear Jim come over. But hearing his voice gives her a start as it brings her out of the paper transe with a jump.

"My gosh Jim did you have to scare the ever living daylights out of me. You cant just sneek up on someone like that."

Setting her pen down and gathering some of the paperwork together in a pile making room for him to sit Annie looks over to the tale where Sparky and Faith were sitting laughing and just enjoying themselves with some of the others. Looking back at her brother she cocks her head a little with question on her face.

"And what makes you say that now?"