

Angelica gives another nod to Gunner. The look in his eye when he talked about Bree. The sparkle that maybe he didn't even know it was there she'd seen it before. When Jason talked to Katie, when her sister had falled for Bret, and she could even catch it sometimes in Reese eye. He cared deeply for this woman, enough he risked being locked away for a very long time and didn't care as long as she was ok. That was honor, that was...love.

"I'll do all I can. I'd never turn my back on my own. No matter what."

Angelica gives a slight nod as she gathers her things and stands. She'd leave the paper and pen with Sparky so he could doodle. Though she looks at him sternly and gives a soft chuckle as the one side of her mouth turned up in a grin.

"Don't try and escape with that thing ok? It will only make my job ten times harder."

Giving a laugh Angela starts for the door as she stands just a little taller. Passing by Gunner Angelica rests a hand on his shoulder for a moment before removing it.

"I'll be talking to you again real soon, I promise you that."

Returning the small kiss Sapphire leans her head into his hand for a bref moment. A smile formed on her lips as she felt warm and fuzzy inside.

"I most defiantly will call you tomorrow. Maybe we can rent a movie in and you can help me cook dinner tomorrow."

Giving another smile Sapphire took not to the look in his eyes, it seemed like there was a smile hiding there some where and it made her feel good to see it.

Entering the large office it was much different than she was expecting. Set up differently, well kept yet relaxing at the same time. Hearing the growl of the massive dog growl Ryan is hesitant for a moment but enters anyways. Just watching him for a moment till she hears Jason speak again.

"Thats quite the guard dog you have there. I think Axel left out that part."

Giving a smile Ryan steps closer to the desk. Whiping what little bit of motor oil she had on her hand on her pants she holds it out to Jason in a friendly shake.

"Hi, Ryan McKade, I'm a friend of Axel Thornton. He's actully the one who told me to come to you because you might be able to help me. Is it ok if I sit?"

Receiving the ok to sit Ryan does so sinking into one of the oversize chairs. Thinking for a moment as she looks around the office Ryan trys to collect her thoughts on how she wanted to approch her question.

"You guys...or your organization The Elite are holding a friend of mine Alec Banks. Well He's not really a friend...I only met him once and I am pretty sure I saw a soft side to him that no one has seen since. I know it was a true softness to because...I could just tell. I havnt seen him since that day though, but I imagen with the chip he had on his shoulder he's not doing to well. Anyways I was just wondering if there was anyway I could see him? I have this car magazine here for him..."

Ryan holds it up to prove it was just a magazine and nothing more.

"...I know your probably going to want to say no right off the bat and well I don't blame you. But I got a brother that's in jail too. But I cant see him because well...He's in real bad shape. I know my brother is a good guy thought just somethings in life got messed up and he grew real cold. I just....dont want to see the same thing happen to Alec and I hope I could help him lilke I should of helped my brother."

Ryan's eyes search Jason's not being able to read him to well. Not that she thought she could really read an Elite Agents eyes. But her own are filled with much emotion and a longing that her heart really did have pure intentions.

"I'm no asking for long, and I'll even talk to him through the bars with 10 people standing there listing. I just...would like to get the chanse to maybe help. Axel told me if anyone could help me it would be you, and that you'd understand better than you boss."

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