
Not Seen!

Entering the office Dalton head right for his desk opening the small fridge that was by the desk he pulls out a can of MD. Cracking it open and taking a long swig he leans back in his chair just thinking about what Scott's question for a moment.

"I think, we all know what we are getting ourselves into here and know the dangers we are taking yet are willing to risk it anyways."

Sitting up again and putting his arms folder on the desk he looks across the room at Scott.

"I think taking Hope with you if a good idea. If she cant help Bree, and Angelica can help Gunner than that's a good thing. I don't want to back away from this either. I think those two are gonna need all the help and friends they can got."

Taking the quick sip of her water Faith eyes Jim, and than looks back to Sparky as he makes his comment about being surrounded.

Taking off guard by Sparky's foot that locks around hers Faith gives a little jump and her eyes go slightly wide for a moment before returning to normal. The small grin faded on her face but her eyes still twinkled and danced as she thought about her next plan of attack.

"Annie, your going to let him elbow you like that?"

Annie gives a grin looking to Jim, Sparky and than around him to Faith again. Humor was in her eyes at her brothers elbowing antics.

"Are you kidding me he is bigger than I am. Than Jim would have to rescue me."

As Annie talks Faith continues to keep a straight face other than her eyes. Finding Sparky's leg with her fingers again she slowly moves her fingers like a spider up his leg, to his side and than right below his ribs where the table was still letting was was going on unseen. Faith moves so gently and slowly only one really looks hard could tell she was moving. As her fingers meet Sparky's side she moves them pocking and tickling him.


Scott grins and nods. "Alright... give me a day or two then and it's a date."

Stealing another glance to Dalton, he gives him a slight nod. He'd get Hope to the ranch where Bree and JT would be. After that, the pieces would have to fall into place themselves. "And you.. if there are any.... problems or anything, you got my number."

Finishing up the meal, conversation is kept on small talk and the issue of Gunner is not brought up again. Only after everyone is back to work and the door is closed to Scott and Dalton's office does Scott let out a long breath. "Okay, so..." He keeps his voice low even though they're the only two in the office. "...I have no idea what to do. Gunner wanted us to back off after he got in but I don't want to. But I don't want to make things worse either. I hope getting Hope to the ranch wasn't a bad idea. What do you think?"

Hearing Annie's stories, Sparky's jaw drops. "I never... well... at least never a book!"

When Faith speaks next, he turns his head to see her, caught between both women's teasing. Her statement makes his eyebrows rise and he opens his mouth to retort, but stops short as he feels her hand on his leg.

Just blinking for a moment or two, he's thrown totally off guard.

Luke, not having any idea what was really going on, assumes that Sparky is speechless from the teasing and he laughs. "Looks like they got you cornered there, Tyler."

Sparky's face is already showing a bit of color as Faith retreats to go for her glass of water. He swings his gaze back to Luke, a silly grin on his face. "I... looks like they do." A laugh wants to surface, but he tries to cough instead, not doing a very good job of hiding it.

Luke quirks a skeptical eyebrow. "What?"


"What's so funny?"

Sparky shakes his head and still manages not to laugh. "Nothing. I'm surrounded by people who love to pick on me. What could be better?" He elbows Annie in the ribs for affect, while under the table his boot slips over Faith's foot and locks ankles with her, continuing the teasing, knowing good and well she couldn't complain aloud lest she draw attention to them.


Sitting with the family's felt nice. Though she had learned to live with her mothers passing and having to put her father into a hospital as his memorie was gone, and delirium had set in it was times like this Faith realized how much she missed the closeness that she to once had. Being here now, reminded her of her own old memories and it warmed her inside.

"You threw a lamp at a nurse?"

Sitting up a little Annie poked her head around her brother to see Faith a little better. A grin formed on her face she always did like to tease her brother.

"Yeah you name it, he'll throw it when he is sick. Lamps, books, keys, once when he was super sick I came to see if he needed something, and he got so upset that I turned the light on he ripped the phone out of the wall and threw it at me. Luck I moved or he would of been really feeling bad for hitting me."

Looking to Sparky and giving a suprised look and a grin she shakes her head.

"Well let me tell you buddy, if you throw something at this nurse you better believe I will throw it back."

Letting her grin widen a little Faith reaches under the table and rubs Sparky's leg soft and gently for a moment before patting it to let him know she was playing around and never would throw something at him. Though keeping her hand resting on his leg for a few long moments a cough seems to make her draw it away as she goes for her water.

Looking at Scott and squinting her eyes just a little she listens trying to pick up once again the hidden meaning in the words. At first it made her head spin, but at the same time as she listened she caught on.

"Yeah I guess it was silly to think you guys had anything to do with you. You both are a little smarter than that. I've hurt of people in power doing that before. Its just sad thinking someone could destroy someone else life like that. Never could understand it. Its a shame."

As Carson comes over Hope gives him a smile. It was always good to see him and he was always so nice to her. Letting him know what she wanted for a drink. Gathering up the pictures and putting them back in her folder and placing it on the seat next to her again.

Looking back to Scott Hope gives a nod with a large smile.

"I have not seen Rosetta in so long, I really do think I would like that. I don't see why I couldn't get some time off. There isnt much to do at the office usaly and as long as I am not gone to long I don't see the problem. It would be good to see her and the ranch again."

Turning to Dalton to give a nod and a smile trying not to let him out of the conversation.

"You have never seen the R/M ranch have you?"

Receving a shake of his head Hope continues to talk.

"Its so pretty there, truly a nice place to visit. The people there are so nice and helpful and always accept everyone."

Near Denial

Sparky couldn't remember when he'd felt this warm. It was an inner warmth, close to his heart. There was no real embarrassment, but rather a sense of peace.

Smiling as she takes his hand, he knows that he hadn't overstepped any bounds and was glad. He didn't have to ask to see that she was not opposed to his attention, even if for now they had more important things to do. "Okay. Come on."

He gives her hand a little squeeze and leads her down to the stack of hay so they could start feeding. And for once, he didn't mind taking it easy.

Before they knew it, morning was slowly passing by and breakfast was on. Some people might think it was strange the way the way the ranch was run... the way the families functioned and got together, only sometimes eating separately. When visitors were there, they were usually served first before the ranch families and hands ate. But this time of year when there were few or no guests, every mealtime was fellowship time. During the busy seasons, they had kitchen help, but in the winter, Becky and Rosalyn did much of the cooking, along with help from Wendy, Angel or Rosetta when they could. Jade helped sometimes too, though most of the time, she could be found in the barn instead, helping with chores. Becky had recruited Annie this morning too, and it was always a joy to cook for the gang. It was simply... family.

This morning was the first Sparky ate with everyone since getting sick, so the welcome for him was warm. It was also the first time in a long time that he didn't choose to sit in his usual corner. Today he sat with his sister on one side and Faith on the other. And it felt good.

"Feeling better then?" Luke inquires from across the table.

"Yeah." Sparky nods before taking a sip of his coffee. "Didn't have much of a choice. A man's got to get better when he's got a nurse as good as I had."

Luke looks at Faith and grins. "You must be pretty hardy to go up against a sick Henson. Last time this guy got sick he threw a lamp at his nurse."

Sparky smirks at him. "That was what? Twenty years ago? Twenty-one? You've got too good a memory."

Scott laughs at Dalton's comment about him eating anything, and puts his arms up to flex his biceps, which couldn't even be seen under his jacket. "That's right... I'm a growing boy, ya know."

Joining in the small talk and enjoying the pizza too, Scott waits on Hope to say anything about getting down to business. He didn't know yet what exactly had happened, and he and Dalton could still get in very hot water, let alone jeopardize Bree and JT.

Finally when Hope brings out the pictures, Scott quirks an eyebrow. "Hmm... looks like our buddy got himself in some trouble last night. I thought I saw something on the news about it this morning."

A quick glances is thrown to Dalton and he meets his friend's gaze. He really wasn't sure what to do now. There was an awful lot riding on this, and secrecy had been vital to Gunner and JT's success.

Keeping his eyes on the pictures, Scott takes a sip of his pop, letting Hope talk. Quirking a grin, he chuckles. "What? You think we had something to do with this? Breaking into a mental facility?" He shakes his head. "Reese would have a cow and we'd get thrown in there with some nice straight jackets."

Leaning back in his seat, he turns just a little to study Hope for a moment. "See... thing is... no proof exists of anything. Did you know that if someone has enough money, they can pull enough strings to get anyone taken to the loony bin? And no one can even prove it?" He smirks. "And you think I'd risk a stupid move like trying to help someone out of there? I could end up in there legitimately, with proof."


Scott looks up quickly and grins. "Well, the cook himself. To what do we owe this visit?"

Carson chuckles and shakes his head. "It's called Thirteen and Aerith both having the day off. How's everybody doing?"

"Oh, we're fine."

Carson spies the pictures and lifts an eyebrow as he picks up empty glasses to refill with pop. "Working lunch?"

"You could say that."

"I see." Carson can feel a bit of stress at the table and wonders about it, but also senses that he was not being invited into this conversation. "I'll be right back with your drinks."

Scott waits until he's gone before looking back to Hope. "Not to change the subject, but I gotta go pay the R/M ranch a visit here soon and pick up some of TJY's equipment that was left there for Mick. I was thinking about going in the next couple days. You're welcome to come along if you can take the time off. I know you and Rosetta go a ways back. I could pull a few strings and get a TJY jet too so we won't have to drive it." He shrugs. "Up to you."


Picking a book that was not to far in the back but offered some privacy Hope sits to wait, placing an order as well for some pizza. Even if it was a little early for lunch pizza sounded good, and she didn't want to look to suspicious.

It doesn't take long till for both the new to show up. Giving a warm smile as Dalton sits across from her and Scott next to her. Leaning over she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek always happy to see him.

"Actully I did have a craving for it. The pizza is on its way and I hope you guys don't mind just cheese."

Dalton gives a grin as he folds his hands in front of him leaning back in the booth slightly. He new Scott and himself were both wondering what the call here was about but in time it would come he was sure. A little small talk first wouldn't hurt.

"Are you kidding me? You do know Scott right? He eats anything."

Dalton's grin grows a little as he looks to Scott the teasing twinkle in his eye.

The conversation at the table for the next few moments is kept light, drink being braught for the three, laughing, jokes going around the atmosphere felt good. As the pizza and plates are brought to the table, and the small group is left alone pizza is passed around before Hope brings herself to the more serous matter.

Taking her folder from the seat she places it on the table opening it and laying the pictures out in front of the two men before looking up. Keeping her voice low her eyes glance out the window for a moment before back to Scott, and than to Dalton.

"I got to talk with Gunner today. Well it wasn't much of a talk than a puzzle to be solved. I know he wanted to talk to me about what happened, because I can help Bree. Or at least give her a fighting chance. If I can talk to her, or even seen her I can do an evaluation and prove she really is not crazy. That will at least keep her out of that hospital."

Hope looks between both men as she catchs Dalton give a glance to Scott. His look proved he new something but wouldnt be willing to say unless his comrade would as well. He hadnt know Hope all that much even if she was Scott's girlfriend he didnt know if they could trust her.

Letting out a sigh Hope is thoughtful for a moment as she gathers her words together forming what she wanted to say.

"The only problem is Gunner was being watched and if he told me anything the police would know and be all over Bree and Jt like ants at a picnic. So following clues Gunner gave me it lead me to the two best hackers I know, you guys. So...will you help me, help Bree? I need to know as much as you know if the answer is yes."

Feeling Sparky draw close to her Faith could feeling her heart beat start to pick up again. Feeling Sparky's own breath on her skin as she looked up into his eyes her mind racing in a million different directions, logic trying to warn her, but it being push away for the warm feeling she felt.

Hearing him mention that she was beautiful Faith could feel her cheeks turn a little red, but not from embarrassment but from the warm fuzzy feeling that shot through her body. It had been a long time since she had though that about herself, and hering it from Sparky made her feel special.

About to reply Faith gives a small jump at Jim's voice not expecting it. Standing a little straighter now Faith pushes herself off the wall looking in his direction. A smile felt like it was glued to her lips as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Don't worry Jim, I am making sure he doesn't over work himself."

Looking to Sparky and giving a small wink she looks down at his out stretched hand not wasting a moment she takes it interlocking her fingers with his. How nice this feeling felt, and his skin on her it felt comforting knowing she was not alone.

"We better get them fed than. I'd love to still help you."


Sparky can feel heat on the back of his neck as Faith puts her arms up on his shoulders. He had no idea where these feelings were coming from. But ever since Faith had arrived, they'd been there, and had done nothing but grow as she'd taken care of him while he was sick. Those feelings confused him - he hardly knew this woman. Yet he couldn't deny this unexplainable attraction that had formed so quickly. And it was different. It was different than with any other woman he'd had a relationship with. And that's what made it just a little bit frightening. Yet even so, fright didn't seem to have any bearing on his actions. An angel had been in his dreams, but she was here, standing right in front of him.

Softness replaces the humor in Sparky's eyes and his hand maneuvers to her face, his fingers touching her cheek lightly. "I wouldn't mind being your sidekick," he answers quietly. "What's the fun in getting into danger alone?"

His hand traces up the side of her face, moving to her forehead where he brushes aside strands of hair that were being pushed in the wrong direction by the hat. His gaze search hers as his pulse quickens a little, his face nearing her own enough that he can feel her breath on his skin.

"You're beautiful," he whispers.

"Sparky, that you? You should still be in bed!"

Sparky's shoulders drop and his eyes close for a moment as he straightens again. Backing out from under Faith's arms, he turns around to Jim. "And doing what? Sleeping some more? No thank you."

Jim was at enough of a distance to not have seen anything, and Sparky pivots back around to Faith, apology in his eyes. Retrieving his hat, he clears his throat and uses his fingers to comb back some of her hair that had been displaced. "We better feed these hungry brutes before they start tearing their stalls apart."

He holds out his hand, unable to help but wonder if he'd overstepped some boundaries, and hoping he hadn't. "Still want to help?"

Scott stops at the door, his phone going off in his pocket. Hearing Hope's ringtone, he holds up a hand to Dalton. They both knew that Reese had taken Hope to see Gunner even though it had been kept quiet.

Answering the call, Scott hears Hope's request and looks up at Dalton again, his eyebrows raised. "Uh... yeah... yeah, we can do that." He shrugs lamely. "Sure. We're on our way."

Ending the call, he backs up to grab his badge and wallet. "We're going out today my friend," he announces. "It's a pizza day... on me and my girl, who seemed most intent on talking to us both. Maybe she wants to know how to fix her laptop."

He smirks a little and heads into the hall. He knew Dalton would know well enough not to make a big deal in front of anybody.

It doesn't take long for them both to make it to Mom and Pop's. Scott tries his best not to look as tired as he felt, and follows Dalton inside, scanning the booths. Finding Hope, he grins and saunters over, sliding in next to her. "Hello, stranger. Have a craving for Italian today did we?"


Being backed up against the wall Faith brings her hands down to her side just looking up into Sparky's blue eyes. She could feel a tiny bit of color coming to her face, but she tried not to let it bother her.

"Missing something mmmm..?"

As Sparky takes his hat off and puts it on her head Faith gives her own little chuckle. The hat being a little to big for her she tilts her head up a little. Peeking at Sparky from under the brim now, she new they were both still very close together. Why she was acting like this, and where this certin burst of energy came from Faith was not sure, but it seemed to hit at all at once.

"So, I am ready for danger does that mean you get to be my side kick that gets into danger with me?"

Faith's eyes twinkle with a smile that layed behind them. Her arms moving there own way to Sparky's shoulders and just drap over them for a moment.


Faith's lips brushing against his ear makes Sparky suddenly realize just how close they are and a feeling like an electrical shock runs down his spine. His eyes close for a moment as he starts to lean his head against hers, but then they fly open again at her whispered comment.

Drawing back, he can't help the soft chuckle. "It is, huh?" It seemed out of character for her to be playing along like this... she'd been so quiet and refined the last few days that her comment could only bring the humor dancing to his eyes. "Mmm... then maybe insane wouldn't be so bad after all."

Shifting his weight, he forces Faith to back up against the wall as he leans a little closer, propping himself on an elbow. "You don't look dangerous though," he muses. "You're missing something."

Reaching up, he takes off his hat to turn it around and then set it on her head. He grins. "There." His eyes come to rest just inches from her. "Now you look ready for danger."

Middle name

Feeling Sparky's fingers run from her own, down to her wrist she couldn't help the chills that shot up her arm and down her spine. His hand held many calosus on them proving he worked with them alot, but to Faith they seemed so soft, and soothing.

As Sparky leans in close to her Faith can smell his clean fragrance fill her noise and it sends her heart racing. His breath on her ear, and his heat being felt on her skin. It made her hair stand on end, as she though it was very well possible her heart might beat out of her chest. Leaning in a little closer herself so her lips brush his ear slightly.

"Didn't anyone tell you dangerous is my middle name?"


Distracted from chores, Sparky continues to look down at Faith, a grin still present on his face. As her hand is coming down from tilting his hat back, he reaches up to take her palm in his own. He was a little surprised at how soft it felt, and for a moment, he just holds it, his thumb running down from her fingers to her wrist.

Bending down close, his cheek is nearly against hers as he whispers teasingly in her ear. "Oh, it's tons of fun... but an insane Henson can be pretty dangerous."