

Picking a book that was not to far in the back but offered some privacy Hope sits to wait, placing an order as well for some pizza. Even if it was a little early for lunch pizza sounded good, and she didn't want to look to suspicious.

It doesn't take long till for both the new to show up. Giving a warm smile as Dalton sits across from her and Scott next to her. Leaning over she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek always happy to see him.

"Actully I did have a craving for it. The pizza is on its way and I hope you guys don't mind just cheese."

Dalton gives a grin as he folds his hands in front of him leaning back in the booth slightly. He new Scott and himself were both wondering what the call here was about but in time it would come he was sure. A little small talk first wouldn't hurt.

"Are you kidding me? You do know Scott right? He eats anything."

Dalton's grin grows a little as he looks to Scott the teasing twinkle in his eye.

The conversation at the table for the next few moments is kept light, drink being braught for the three, laughing, jokes going around the atmosphere felt good. As the pizza and plates are brought to the table, and the small group is left alone pizza is passed around before Hope brings herself to the more serous matter.

Taking her folder from the seat she places it on the table opening it and laying the pictures out in front of the two men before looking up. Keeping her voice low her eyes glance out the window for a moment before back to Scott, and than to Dalton.

"I got to talk with Gunner today. Well it wasn't much of a talk than a puzzle to be solved. I know he wanted to talk to me about what happened, because I can help Bree. Or at least give her a fighting chance. If I can talk to her, or even seen her I can do an evaluation and prove she really is not crazy. That will at least keep her out of that hospital."

Hope looks between both men as she catchs Dalton give a glance to Scott. His look proved he new something but wouldnt be willing to say unless his comrade would as well. He hadnt know Hope all that much even if she was Scott's girlfriend he didnt know if they could trust her.

Letting out a sigh Hope is thoughtful for a moment as she gathers her words together forming what she wanted to say.

"The only problem is Gunner was being watched and if he told me anything the police would know and be all over Bree and Jt like ants at a picnic. So following clues Gunner gave me it lead me to the two best hackers I know, you guys. So...will you help me, help Bree? I need to know as much as you know if the answer is yes."

Feeling Sparky draw close to her Faith could feeling her heart beat start to pick up again. Feeling Sparky's own breath on her skin as she looked up into his eyes her mind racing in a million different directions, logic trying to warn her, but it being push away for the warm feeling she felt.

Hearing him mention that she was beautiful Faith could feel her cheeks turn a little red, but not from embarrassment but from the warm fuzzy feeling that shot through her body. It had been a long time since she had though that about herself, and hering it from Sparky made her feel special.

About to reply Faith gives a small jump at Jim's voice not expecting it. Standing a little straighter now Faith pushes herself off the wall looking in his direction. A smile felt like it was glued to her lips as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Don't worry Jim, I am making sure he doesn't over work himself."

Looking to Sparky and giving a small wink she looks down at his out stretched hand not wasting a moment she takes it interlocking her fingers with his. How nice this feeling felt, and his skin on her it felt comforting knowing she was not alone.

"We better get them fed than. I'd love to still help you."

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