
Taken a Fool

Rosetta continued to eat herself listing to her brother and attempting to listen to Dana as well. But every word she said just made Rosetta cringe even more. There was something about her, She couldn't put her finger on it but she bothered her.

"Making money is always a good thing but I wouldn't go rushing into anything to deep yet."

Going back to her food Rosetta continues to eat. Her tone was calm and cool trying not to let her aggravation show. But as Dana makes mention to her step son and than to Clint and Wendy her head shoots up and the look of shock pass her face and she gives a side long glance to Mick. Those were two very personal matters that in Rosetta's own mind should never have been shared with a stranger and Dana was a stranger that Eric hadn't known that long.

Wanting to say something Rosetta new it wouldn't come out right and would probley do more harm than anything else so she bit her tong and did her best to just continue to hold her words off.

Letting the night continue Rosetta excused herself here and there getting drink refills and just getting away the conversation before settling in. Seeing as finally the conversation was coming to an end Rosetta never though she would be happy to stop talking. She liked talking but with someone she didn't feel comfortable around or felt insulted by many times even if on mistake it still bothered her.

Once Dana was gone Rosetta looks to her brother again. She keeps her face soft on not wanting to scold him, or even upset him. He did seem happy but if she didn't tell him what she though than it wouldn't be right.

"Eric, it's very nice to see you happy. I like knowing your happy and for that I am excited. But at the same time I can't help but feel a little worried. You don't know much about Dana and it dosnt sit right with me. So all I ask if you take it slow and don't let her try and pull one over on you...ok? I love you bro and I don't want to see you taken as a fool."

Beth could feel the heat crawl in her cheeks at Justin's comment about being his one true friend right now. It felt good to be called that, it sent tingles through her and the smile spread across her face bigger than it was before.

"And I am proud to be your friend Justin. You helped me its all I can do to pay you back."

Shifting a little on the couch Beth stands with Justin as he does but reaches out to try and steady him easying him back down on the couch again giving a little grin.

"You might need a shower but maybe it can wait a little while longer your not smelling that bad yet. And...I can stay as long as you would like me to. I don't really have anything going on and I have vacation I've been using from work. Though tonight I might like to go see Sarah since I missed out yesterday but I can come back and whip us something up for dinner tonight....if you like."

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