

Something like a soft chuckle comes out, though Justin still struggles to calm himself down. "I haven't had a.... a panic attack since I was a kid," he admits ruefully.

Just sitting still and waiting until Beth returns, he leans back and pulls the blanket tighter around himself. Taking time to sit up and nibble on a couple crackers and take a few small sips of juice, he does his best to do what he's supposed to, even though nothing made much sense right now. It all seemed foggy and distorted. Reality was close enough he could see it, but it was just out of reach as his fever raged.

Leaning back again with his eyes closed, the cold cloth on his forehead felt so soothing. The attack seemed to be subsiding as well. He couldn't remember when he'd felt this sick, but most likely, he hadn't had someone around to take care of him like this. In his feverish state, Beth's presence felt... nice.

With eyes barely open, his hand comes up to brush the side of her face. His touch was light and gentle - a contrast to his demeanor that he always kept so guarded. "You don't have to be so nice," he mentions quietly. Sighing, his hand drops. "I think... sleep... is good."

Shifting around, he tries to make sense of the tangled blankets, but gives up before sinking down to lie on his side, his head is in Beth's lap. "Pillows with heartbeats are the best," he mumbles. He felt so hot and cold and his head hurt so badly. But this was comfortable. This was safe.

Kip was grateful for Karla's encouragement - he really was. He just... didn't care about anything else though. He didn't care if he should eat - he didn't want to. He didn't care if the doctor told him to drink - he didn't feel like it.

Any other time, he would have loved sharing a milkshake with Karla. But tonight... all he wanted to do was forget he even existed.

He shakes his head, refusing the offer.

Erik pulls into the drivethru, making sure Kyle was still following, and places their order. He gets himself a meal and Karla's nuggets with a drink too, then goes ahead and adds a small shake. He knew Kip had said no, but maybe if they got one anyway, Karla would be able to work her magic.

Once their food is received, Erik waits for Kyle to make it through the line as well before pulling back out onto the road. After getting his own food out of the bag, he hands the rest back to Karla.

Kip kept his eyes closed and cringed at every bump in the road. Bed would feel nice, but part of him didn't even want to face Gram and Gramps. It was bad enough that the others knew what had happened... now they would too and they'd know just what kind of family he'd come from. That was something he rather would have kept to himself.

The scent of food wafts through the car, and though his stomach felt queezy, it growls with anticipation. It hadn't received nourishment for days. Kip has no control over his mouth watering, but he stubbornly keeps his eyes closed.

Keeping an eye on the road and on Erik's car in front of him, Kyle drives and sips the pop he'd gotten. Using one hand, he fishes for his phone and calls Alice for the fourth time today.

"Hey, Babe." He smiles as he hears her voice. "We're not going to make it back 'til late but... I was wondering if maybe you'd want to go out for coffee or something when I get back? I'll need a ride anyway once I drop of Kip's car at Gram and Gramps."

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