
My turn

Kip remains quiet and still, his mind mulling over a thousand things, while his voice expressed none. Not even Karla's suggestion for later brought any spark to his eyes. Rolling over onto his side again with his back to her, it hurt a bit, but he didn't let on that it did.

"I don't feel like doing anything," he finally responds. He didn't want to stay in bed all day, but he didn't want to get up either. What he really needed was a good hot shower - he needed one badly, not to mention, he was starting to need to shave as well. He wanted to clean up in the hopes that it would make him feel better... but he didn't want to either. It felt like all the life had been sucked out of him.

A wry laugh - or something close to a laugh - emerges. "I guess y'all would be glad I'm not bouncing off the walls." It was probably good he couldn't see Karla's face as he spoke. Otherwise he might not have dared say what he was, especially with the amount of sarcasm he used. "A lack of hyperactivity might give someone a heart attack. But I suppose I'd finally be 'normal.'"

Reese nods slowly. He had no idea if Scott would want Hope to visit him or not. Despite almost losing her and despite the young man's love, Reese knew that Scott had just as strong feelings about not wanting Hope to see him in such a weakened and vulnerable state. Wrong or right, Reese could understand how he felt, but at this point, he wished Scott would give in for the sake of Hope. She was in need too.

"I..." He stops and smiles, rerouting his speech. "I know he'll be so relieved that you're doing well - we all are. We're going to-"

His ringing cell phone cuts him off and he's tempted to ignore it, but the ringtone was the office and he knew he should answer it. "One sec," he apologizes.

Retrieving his phone from his pocket, he answers. "Yes? Hmm, really? Did he say what he needed? Okay. No, I'll be in shortly and I'll call him back. Yes, thank you. See you in a bit."

Hanging up, he sighs. "Apparently Mick Henson has been trying to get a hold of me. I hope that doesn't mean anything is wrong at the ranch." Thinking for a moment, he finally rises to his feet, taking Hope's hand one last time. "It's been good to see you, Hope. I'm sure a few others will be up to see you today if you feel up to it."

Leaning back against the tree, Eli takes a bite of his sandwich, letting the silence drag out before he answers. "Well... I was talking to Tal about it earlier, and you know how important it is to me to get out of debt and all that." He shrugs. "And I figured if I just limit things to a year, then it would be safer - you know, not commit to any longer than that so I'd be free after a while and hopefully have everything paid off with a little extra to spare."

He chews thoughtfully, keeping his eyes on the nearby park fountain. "So, it seemed the logical answer to take the offer." He pauses again and reaches for his drink to take a sip through the straw before he resumes his stare at the fountain. "But then this silly little thing called love trumped all that and my heart said that I could go if I wanted to, but it was staying here. So I figured I better stick around, so I wouldn't wind up heartless in Florida. I'm... calling Nick tonight to turn him down."

Justin listens quietly until he lifts his head, turning to face Beth with his eyes only inches from hers. Though his gaze reflects the feverish state he was still in, there was also the look of sincere contemplation. "You don't need me," he replies softly. "You are so much stronger than you think. Every time I see you... and I look at your eyes..." His hand reaches up and he uses a finger to lightly trace around the outside of her eye and side of her face. "...I see so much more than I did the last time I looked at them."

For a few moments, his chills and upset stomach are forgotten. His voice is still but a whisper. "I think it's my turn to need you."

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