

"Right..." Justin had no idea how long Beth had really been there, and could only remember foggy bits and pieces from the night. But if she said she was here because he was sick, then he'd just have to take her word for it.

Sinking back a little in the corner of the couch with the blankets, he nods. "Stuff's in the kitchen... whatever you can find... I think." He frowns in thought. "I think I have more than I need... or something..."

He sighs and closes his eyes. "Just watch out for the cat," he mumbles sleepily. "I think it's been getting into the cookie jar."

Anyone knowing Justin would know that he didn't have a cat or a cookie jar, but apparently he was convinced he had both. Needing the bathroom, he does manage to get himself up and walk unsteadily down the hall then back again, but by the time he's back on the couch, just the short trip has worsened his chills and he curls up with the blankets, trying to get warm while his body was still so hot.

Half awake, half asleep while Beth is in the kitchen, he hears her moving about, but nothing registers quite correctly. His mind was a long ways from where he really was, and it was his mother that his imagination thought he was hearing. "When's Dad getting home?" he asks aloud. "We're gonna go fishing."

At first, Kip doesn't move, but then leans back against Karla, just letting her comfort him. They were alone now... it was different than with Erik or Kyle around. A few more tears flow silently down his face as his emotions finally spill over.

"I really thought he'd be different," he whimpers softly. "I really thought..."

He sniffs and goes to wipe his eye but winces as he forgets how sore his face is. "I feel so stupid."

Drawing in a ragged breath, he kicks off his shoes then crawls up further on the bed to lie on his side, letting Karla come up behind him. With his head sunk into the pillow and his eyes closed, one might not even realize he was still crying unless they looked closely to see the silent tears streaming into his pillow. "I wish I'd never been born," he whispers. "I've been a screw-up since the beginning."

As Alice gives him a hug, Kyle's arms slip around her too and pull her even closer. He kisses the top of her head and just hugs her tightly for several moments.

Drawing back, he looks down in her eyes, a strange sort of look in his own. "I've seen the lack of love today," he mentions softly. "And I've seen the aftermath of the kind of person who thinks only of themselves. It's... reminded me of what I want to never become."

His hand brushes her cheek tenderly. "I promise to always love. And if I ever falter and if you ever feel unloved, I want you to remind me of today, and remind me of the look in Kip's eye that could break one's heart into a million pieces."

"My goodness, Sue, I was just about ready to come looking for you! I've been calling you the last two days, haven't you gotten my messages?"

Susanne smirks as she pours herself a glass of water and talks on the phone with Darlene. "Yes, I'm sorry. I've been... quite busy."

"Who was that man you were with the other night?" Darlene blurts out.

"Mmm, wouldn't you like to know."

"Yes! You stood up poor Gary, then went about flaunting yourself in front of another guy, right in front of us!"

"I wasn't flaunting, and I never stood anyone up - Gary knew I wasn't going to be there and never once did I imply I was going to join him in your little group."

"It's the principle of the thing. So who is he?!"

Susanne grins and leans back against the kitchen counter. It was late and she was tired, but she'd given in to the ringing phone, figuring she could use some wind-down time before bed anyway. "His name is Chuck. "

"Well when did you meet him? Have you been going out? What's going on?!"

Susanne shakes her head. She'd known Darlene would react this way - Chuck would split a gut if he knew, and die laughing. "I met him downtown, and yes... we've been going out." Twice counted as that, right?

Darlene gasps. "Since when?!"

"Don't act so surprised. Oh, no wait, I'm the stick in the mud, aren't I? I'm sorry, I forgot."

"Oh, hush. So are you like... dating him or what? He looked a little rough around the edges."

A warm feeling slides down Susanne's spine as she remembers the softness of Chuck's tough. "Nah... not so rough."

"Well but he's... he's... kind of a scary looking guy. I mean... what's he do for a living?"

Susanne's eyes narrow. "He's a hitman," she responds sarcastically. "You know, the leather and chain and killing people go hand in hand."


"He has a very respectable job. What does that matter anyway?"

"He just looked so... not your type. I mean, come on, really? You turn down Gary, whose only fault is being too shy to ask you out, for some guy in leather that looks like he belongs in a bar brawl?"

Susanne blinks, now feeling even more defensive. She wouldn't have guessed it before, but she felt rather insulted. Maybe she really did like Chuck. "Looks are everything, aren't they?" she counters dryly. "I mean, look at me. Probably everybody knows I'm an old maid who has no fun, because I dress the way I do."

"That's not what I meant."

"Well what did you mean?"

"I...I... well how long have you know him?"

"Long enough."

"And you never told me?!"

Susanne sighs. "Look, I met him that same day. He asked me out and we went. Big deal."

"You just told me you were dating."

"Well, we went out for dinner again today... by way of his motorcycle."



"Are you insane?! One look at the guy spells out trouble, and you're not only going out with him, but your riding on his motorcycle?! He could do all sorts of bad things to you! Where is your head?!"

Susanne throws out the rest of her water, getting just a little bit irritated now. "I wasn't born yesterday, Darlene. I know what I'm doing. He's a nice guy, alright?"

"Do you even know anything about him?"

"Actually, yes. He's told me quite a bit and I-"

"Have you run a background check on him?"

"Darlene!" Susanne sighs and wanders into the living room to feed her birds. "Do you check out people you trust?"

"No, but how can you trust this guy already? I mean, granted, he's good looking and all, but come on!"

Good looking? Susanne grins to herself. Yes... yes, Chuck was extremely good looking, with eyes that were downright gorgeous. "Just let it go. I'm finally getting out and having some fun - why should you complain?"

"Well I... I don't know, you're just... not acting like yourself."

"I thought that's what you wanted."

"Not like this! You're not using your head, Sue. Mark my words, he's trouble."

"You haven't even met him!"

"I don't have to. One look and anybody can tell he's not right for you."

Susanne pauses at the birdcage, feeling an odd churn in her stomach. "I think I'll just have to be the judge of that now won't I?"

"Just be careful," Darlene begs, her tone softening. "I don't want to see you hurt."

"I won't." No, her heart was pretty well guarded. "Trust me... I won't get hurt."

The rest of the conversation is pretty surface and when Susanne hangs up, she feels even more tired than when she'd started out. She'd intended on giving her friends something to gawk at and stir up a buzz in their little social group. But she hadn't intended on Darlene getting so up in arms about it.

Unfortunately, even though Susanne had defended herself and Chuck, a new seed of doubt had been planted. Had she really read Chuck correctly? Was he really that great of a guy, or was he just biding his time until he would take advantage of her? Was she really seeing things clearly? Was she really that wise? Or was she being blinded by all of his nice comments and how easily he made her feel good?

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