
Name him....

Ordering his food Chuck's smile continues to hold noting Susanne was a little nervous but not commenting on it. The most he would do was try and make her comfortable. So he wouldn't question it or bring his attachen to it and his smile holds.

"Well, I guess I can start with asking if you go to church on Sunday? It's the second date so I think its ok to ask that one now."

A smile slips across Chuck's lips. To him it was an important question and he might as well start out with it to see where it lead. Church was something he did every Sunday and knowing if maybe Susanne would join him one time really was important.

"I go to the Christ Church over on Apollo. I really like it, a wonderful Christian family. I've been going there for a really long time. Maybe sometime you could join me."

Getting all comfortable on the couch after eating Ryan side over on what she would now call her side of the couch and starts to watch the movie. She's always liked coming over to Alec's. It was different and just nice to have a change.

As Alec moves closer Ryan takes her eyes off the tv and looks to Alec giving a big smile. She couldn't help the small giggle that escaped her lips. Being pushed backwards and getting the kiss to her lips her arms slide up Alec's one finding his back and one finding the hair at the base of his neck.

Feeling the more tender kiss this time Ryan can't help the soft murmur that escaped her lips. It was a different kind of kiss for Alec to give her but Ryan liked it in a way. This softer side, it made her feel more like a woman than a tom boy and maybe this once she liked it.

Pulling away and hearing Alec's words Ryan couldn't help but be a little surprised. Did Alec really just say he was falling in love with her? That was something she hadn't expected. Finally after a few moments Ryan's expression softens a little as she smiled up at Alec. His eyes giving a twinkle in the dim light from the tv. Pulling him a little closer to her Ryan places a kiss on his lips again letting it linger before pulling away again.

"I think...I'd be turned on. How could I run from someone like you mmmm?"

Beth can't help but laugh as she sits down at the table. She'd never hurd of a pet rock but it sure did put a funny picture in her head.

"You sound like you've owned one of these pet rocks before."

Giving another laugh Beth starts to pass the food out not being able to help but take a deep in hail for a moment. Everything sure did smell good and look just as good too.

Looking across the table at Justin Beth's smile grows a little more. There was a twinkle of humor in his eyes and she could only hope she'd had helped some how to make him feel a little better tonight.

"I was thinking about maybe a bunny rabbit. They don't snuggle but they are mighty cute. Maybe I can name it after you."

Realizing how her comment might be table Beth can't help the but of color that comes to her cheeks. Justin was good looking but she didn't mean to just blurt that out. Looking down at her food quickly she twists her fork in the noodles and takes a bit.

"Mmmm...this did come out good."

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