

Hearing that Justin liked just about anything makes Beth smile. Knowing he would want her to cook for him more often would be nice. She could try more recipes and fine new stuff to try and make. Justin would be the perfect one to taste it for her and she new he wouldn't tell her it was good when it was not.

Looking away from Justin and taking a bit of her food Beth couldn't help the smile on her face. It felt nice to be sitting and having dinner with someone. Not to be alone at the table and let the was nice, and she hadn't realized how lonely it really had been till she has spend some time with anyone else.

"I'll have to keep looking through Mom's cookbook for the next meal to try than."

Glancing back up as Justin again Beth is silent for a moment. Thinking she tries to think if she had picked up anything new and nothing new really came to mind right away.

"I've gone through more pictures and set a lot a side for putting into farms or maybe even get stuff to start a scrapbook. Thats all thats been new really. Just trying to take baby steps to branching out."

Taking another bit of food and savoring it Beth really did enjoy the taste. From what she could remember it tastes just like her mom herself had made it and it but a little bit more of a smile on her face.

"I was thinking about maybe getting some paints or something and next time I go to see Sarah I would bring them and maybe get her to paint a little, or maybe I could paint her. I thought that might be something nice to do."

Beth had run across some old old pictures she had drawn when she had been much younger and they looked like they were done well. It had made her wonder if she could still paint just as good.

Giving a laugh and moving her own leg slightly against Alec's Ryan's eyes sparkled with a softness rarely seen. She felt good today, happy, calmer than normal and it was nice.

"Mmmmm...Ice cream sounds good. As long as we can put some whip cream on top too."

Moving a little bit Ryan stands and holds her hand out to Alec to help him up as well. Ice cream did sound like it would hit the spot tonight and Ryan wasn't going to let the idea go to wast.

Looking down at his glass of water and thinking for a long moment about Susanne's words Chuck's expression changes slightly. Though the smile was still on his lips his eyes had a small gloss to them now. His thoughts so far away reaching back into his mind where a scared past lied. One that had been forgiven and gotten over, but still left a little hurt when thought about.

"About fifteen years ago, I though I was in love. Found the woman of my dreams. She meant a lot to me and made me feel so wonderful. She accepted me for who I was, accepted Ana, and the business I had built. She loved the lord, and enjoyed going to church with us on Sundays. I'd always been a good judge of character, but love can be blind sometimes."

Letting out a long sigh Chuck looks up at Susanne and searches her face for a long moment. He was over Erica, he didn't have feelings for her anymore, he forgave her but still...it still stung to talk about it and relive everything that happened. He'd been so sure of himself back than, ready to give his life to this woman but than was betrayed, taken to be a fool.

"I was wrong though. After only a few months Erica was changing. The mask she wore was starting to ware off. When I wouldn't pursue singing and try to make it big it hit her wrong. My life revolved around Ana and making my home the best for her like she deserved. She's like a daughter to me, and family always comes first."

Pausing just a moment as the waiter came over Chuck smiled and gave his order before letting Susanne give her own. Asking for a refill on his drink and making sure Susanne was ok Chuck gave a smile across the table before starting his story again once they were a lone.

"Erica didn't like it much that I spent most my time with Ana, and she made horrible lies, about horrable things I must be doing to my niece to be spending so much time with her and be so close. I almost lost Ana, if it hadn't have been for my church family standing behind me I would have. So Erica walked out of my life, and I was left with a large scar."

Letting out another sigh Chuck looks down and than up at Susanne again. Searching her eyes he new what question would be next before she even had to ask it.

"So, your wondering why do I trust you? Your different Susanne, your not full of yourself or trying to doll yourself up to be perfect. You look good with your unruly hair as you do with it brushed nicely. You don't want someone else to fight your battles because you can stand up for yourself but still...you wouldn't mind having someone there to rescue you once and a while too. From the moment I saw you, you lite up the room, you lite up my heart again and every time after that its been the same. I can see God's love in your eyes, and I can see life in them. Your straight forward and don't try to mask anything. You are different and amazing. When I look at you, I don't see a plain Jain I see a lovely woman waiting to branch out if given the chance and love she deserves."

Chuck smiles again as his hand slides across the table his palm up offering his hand to Susanne so he could hold it. This time asking instead of just taking it. He's opened his heart up to her and told her probably wont of the deepest things about himself. He wondered now, how she would take it.

Looking up as Kip came into the room again Karla gave him a smile. It only had been a short while he'd been gone to take the phone call but she had missed him already. Scooting a little bit closer when he sat down Karla locks her fingers with his.

As the conversation continues between everyone she stays fairly quiet. Just listing and looking back and forth between everyone. She new enough about Kip's dad to understand everyone's concern, but she could see where Kip was coming from and the hope in his eyes as well.

When the conversation comes to an end, and Kip gets up to leave Karla can feel her own heart break for him. He wanted so bad to have a relationship with his father, and though his friends were trying to help, because they weren't standing behind him it hurt.

Once he was gone and looking to Twila for a moment Karla moves forward on the couch and stand giving a stretch. She new Twila wasnt being mean with what she called Kip.

"He's not a moron, he just...wants a relationship like most people have with there family so he's blinded by it. I think I'm going to pass on pizza and make sure he's ok. I'll catch you back at home."

Leaning the small room and grabbing her jacket on the way out Karla heads outside and looks down the street. Kip hadn't gotten far and she was thankful for that. Giving a little joge to catch up she lips her arm around Kips.

"I thought maybe you could use some company. It's a nice night out for a walk, and I've gotten lazy since Rin had been gone. So I might as well take this chance to get a little walk of my own in. Are you going to be ok?"

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