
Don't understand

Managing to sit up a bit more, Jason tries to get his brain to function again. There was a strange, almost lethargic feeling though that seemed to make him purely exhausted. It was as if all of his energy had been completely sapped, and he could feel the same lingering affects like he'd felt the last time he'd had a bad episode over at the safe house. It was a feeling that created helplessness. It was a feeling that scared him.

Right or wrong, good idea or bad, regardless, Jason closes off that corner of his emotions, not allowing Katie to fully read or feel him. He didn't want her to worry any more than she already was.

Thanks, Hero... I love you too. Don't know what I'd do without you.

Rick stands back and sighs a little, shaking his head. Even if he wanted to, there was nothing more he could do for them. He purses his lips before speaking his mind. "Jason... why don't you go home with Katie?" He hadn't known Jeff was coming and even now had no idea why he was here, but he knew the family well enough to assume that Jeff would be staying with Katie. "That way, you two can stay together and recoup, and Jeff can be there in case anything else happens."

Jason thinks about it and shrugs. "I guess... Trooper will-"

"Stop by there on your way and I can have Wyatt go over again tonight."


"Please..." Rick nods and looks to Katie. "I think it would be best if you were near him."

Jeff's arm slips around Katie's shoulders to give her an encouraging little squeeze. "I can drive," he offers...

Thirteen's enthusiastic hug again takes Trent by surprise, but this time he's a little quicker to recover and return an awkward hug. A small smile creases his lips though... perhaps he was finally finding the lost pleasure of making his daughter happy.

Ryder watches the scene, his own thoughtful smile on his face. A part of him was almost sad - there was another man coming into Thirteen's life, and one that would require some of her attention and time. He was in no way worried about losing her, but there was still a bit of melancholy there.

When she shows him the picture, his smile widens and he nods. "I see that. She looks like a right pretty horse too. Fitting, I'd say." He winks at her. "What say we get some lunch together, ay? I bet your dad is hungry from his trip."

"I..." Trent was about to decline, but remembering how Thirteen had seemed thrilled with the idea of feeding him, he changes his mind and smiles instead. "That would be great."

Ryder is just getting up when the front door opens, startling him. Seeing Katie and Jason, then Jeff, his surprise turns to confusion. "Well hello." He cocks his head at Katie. "Home early?"

Jason gives him a wry grin, though he's still pale and moving slowly. "Bad day."

Trent looks at the new arrivals, feeling even more awkward now, though he does manage to smile at Katie and give a little wave.

Jeff closes the door behind them, having driven as he'd offered and after stopping by Jason's to grab a few of his things for the night and taking care of Trooper, they'd come home. He sets Katie's keys aside and glances around, his eyes finally landing on Thirteen. Giving her a grin, he waves. "Hey, stranger."

Ariel cocks her head a bit to the side as she eats and listens to Trey, not breaking her gaze from him. She doesn't bat an eye as he tells her more about his family, or even when he explained about TJY.

Chewing slowly, she thinks a moment then shrugs, finally glancing at her plate to spear another piece of chicken before looking back up at him. "Well, you must not be too much of a prisoner or you wouldn't be here with me now. Though it does explain why Pete's been driving you around." She grins. "He's a good guy."

Studying Trey's eyes, she looks deeply into one, then the other as if trying to find something. "Must've been rough," she concludes. "Caught in that position in Mexico, I mean. I hope it all gets straightened out."

She takes a sip of her drink and glances around the park for a moment, taking a breath of the fresh air. "You landed in a good spot though and at least you're safe."

Susanne looks at the clock and stifles a yawn. She was beat. It was almost eight o'clock and she still had way too much to do, but if she didn't quit now, she'd be here all night. Even Reese had already left for the day. Though he'd planned on going to see Hope before actually going home.

Tying up just a few more loose ends, Susanne dons her jacket and grabs her purse, finally leaving the office. Her stomach growls and she remembers the sandwich that she'd never gotten to. She'd find something else to eat for supper and then maybe watch some television before bed. It seemed rather boring, especially after such an enchanted evening the day before, but it was the norm.

Up the elevator and outside, she fishes for her keys and starts across the parking lot in the dim light. It was almost dark, just a bit of a glow remaining in the sky.

Nearing the row of parking spaces, Susanne suddenly stops short, her eyes widening. Chuck? On his bike? What on earth was he doing here at this hour? Surely he'd left when...

Her heart picks up and though she was sure there was a logical explanation, she couldn't help the excited little feeling that started in the pit of her stomach. Were those butterflies she felt? How silly.

"Chuck, what..." She approaches him almost cautiously, her eyes still wide, keys still in hand. "What are you doing here?" She shakes her head in confusion. "I couldn't... lunch wasn't..." She stops again and blinks. "Your note... my answer... but you stayed? I don't understand why."

Justin knocks on Beth's door and waits, his two dogs by his side as he stands on the front step. He was right on time, this time, without having gotten lost, and he'd opted to bring Danitza and Zora with him. Rebecca had seemed a little disappointed that they weren't going to be going out tonight, but she'd understood why Justin would be coming here instead - at least she'd implied she did.

When Beth answers the door, Justin gives her his typical warm smile and holds up a plastic shopping bag. "I didn't know what movie to bring... so you'll have to pick from what I brought." He tosses her a wink. "How are ya doing tonight?"

Faith's hand on his makes Sparky smile and he moves his thumb to curl around hers. "Yeah... yeah, I'll be okay. It's more Mick I'm worried about. All I gotta do is sit back and watch, unfortunately." He shrugs before he takes another spoonful of soup then smiles again.

"My biggest concern right now is getting warmed up and getting some rest."

One of his eyebrows quirks a little, almost teasingly. "I hear the couch in the other room there is awfully comfortable for watching late night television."

"Thank you..." Mick's voice was quiet and he turns to kiss the top of Rosetta's head as she nuzzles into him. He didn't know what he'd do without her by his side.

Once he's finished eating, he goes to clean up then check in on BJ, just watching him sleep for a few minutes and making sure his blanket was pulled up to his chin. Later on as he lies in the dark, his body is exhausted but his mind still so full. Wrapping his arms around Rosetta a little tighter and sinking his head into his pillow, he tries to sleep, but it's not easy. Tomorrow he would have to make some decisions... make some plans...

Perhaps also, he did not want to dream tonight, for fear of the past infiltrating his mind as it had been all evening. His eyes remain wide open, defying exhaustion.

Karla's reaction makes Kip's smile widen, his eyes brightening just a little bit more. "I... thanks... I guess... it's-" His words are cut off as Karla pulls him into a kiss. His hand moves to her arm as he tilts his head to return the kiss, though as they retreat a few moments later, his face is beet red.

The others in the room all try to hide their smiles, Twila biting her lower lip and Eric's expression the most annoyed but more amused than not.

Kyle clears his throat loudly, forcing his eyes back to his music. "So um... now that we've accomplished that song... let's move on..."

Theo is still busy staring at Kip and Karla wit ha silly grin on his face. "I don't know, but I think we might have lost those two."

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