
Beat up

Receiving the answer he thought he would, Erik takes a left and heads for Alice's place. It's only minutes before they're there, and even less before they've picked up Karla and are on their way again. The drive was a long, quiet one. Erik and Kyle both kept their thoughts to themselves in the front seats, though they engaged in some conversation every once in a while for Karla's sake. Driving north and into the foothills, the roads grew winding and wooded, and Erik needed a map to ensure they were on the right track.

Eventually, driving down a winding lane, a cabin comes into view, as does Kip's car. There was no other vehicle. Erik's grip on the steering wheel tightens. Just the fact that there was no other vehicle wasn't good.

Parking near the cabin, Erik cuts the engine. Pausing a moment, he looks to Kip, then into the backseat at Karla. "I'm going to go see if he's here." He didn't have to say that he wanted to go in alone in case anything was wrong. That concern was already in the air. Getting out of the car, he walks to the porch and tries the door. Finding it unlocked, he lets himself in.

Kyle unbuckles his seatbelt and waits, glancing back at Karla and giving her the best reassuring smile he could, but it wasn't very strong. He knew she was just as worried, if not more so, as everyone else.

The cabin itself was dark. Some late afternoon sunlight shone through a couple windows, but most glass was covered with curtains. Erik had to pause and allow his eyes to adjust before seeing an overturned chair... a blanket strewn on the floor... broken shards of kitchenware scattered across the room. His heart beats faster. "Kip?" he calls. "Kip, are you here?" He steps over a broken lamp and turns a chair back on its feet. Glass crunches under his soles and he becomes more afraid. Walking to an open door, he finds the bathroom. A bloodstained washcloth lay across the sink. He moves more quickly to the hall, finding the bedroom. "Kip?" He cautiously pushes open the door and squints in the dim light. His eyes land on a motionless figure sitting on the bed, pressed into the corner.

It was Kip. His knees were drawn up to his chest with his arms wrapped around his legs. Though in his jeans and hoodie, he shook just a little from the chill in the air. Erik approaches slowly, unsure what shape his friend might be in, but knowing it wouldn't be good. "Kip? Kip, are you okay?"

Kip lifts his head slightly, his hood covering up the one eye that was so swollen he couldn't open it. He squints at Erik and nods just a little. "I'm fine," he mumbles.

Erik comes nearer and he now sees at least one black eye, bruised cheeks and swollen, split lower lip. He didn't have to ask what happened and he wouldn't pressure Kip for any answers right now. "Let's go home," he prompts gently.

Kip shakes his head.

Erik sighs. "Please... let's get you cleaned up and I'll drive you home."

"Go without me," Kip responds, his words slurred by the swelling.

"I don't want to. I came to get you. Come on... we'll take it slow."

Kip's one eye finally rises to Erik's. "Please," he begs quietly. "Just leave me here."

Erik's heart broke for his friend, like so many times before. It was just worse this time, and he had no idea what to do or say. Backing away slowly, he makes his way back outside. Stepping off the porch, he shakes his head and goes back to the car, opening the back door. "He won't come," he informs Karla, his eyes filled with worry. "He's beat up," he warns. "I don't know how bad, but he doesn't want to leave." It went without saying that Kip was probably very emotionally hurt and most likely quite embarrassed. It wasn't surprising that he would be stubborn and depressed, but Erik was just as concerned about his physical state as his mental state. "You may be the only one who can get him to come without making things worse. Would you try?"

Inside, Kip listens to hear Erik leave the cabin. He knew his friend hadn't really left though - he was too stubborn for that. Were others here or had Erik come alone? Kip wished no one would have come at all.

He shifts a little but winces and stops, just leaning back into the corner again and not moving. One arm slips from around his legs to wrap around his sides instead, holding the ribs that hurt so badly. His other hand loosens its grip on his legs as his wrist screams at him to stop. Swallowing hard, he closes his one eye again and just waits to be disturbed again, letting the hood continue to hide the worse part of his face.

Behind Chuck on the motorcycle once again, Susanne hated to admit to herself that she was getting used to it. But even just the few times she'd ridden with him, her feet already automatically knew where to go, and it felt natural now to put her arms around him and hang on.

As they zip through town, she leans her head against his shoulders and closes her eyes, just feeling the rhythm of the bike. The engine rumbled and the wind whipped at them, making it almost impossible to hear anything else, even under the helmet. But the deafening roar seemed to bring a stillness to anything else, which in turn created a strange sense of peace. For the first time, Susanne wondered if that's why Chuck loved riding his motorcycle so much.

Reaching outside of town and realizing that Chuck was pointing, Susanne looks up to follow his finger and find the bright moon. A smile creases her lips. If she'd been home, she might not have realized how beautiful it was out tonight.

It didn't seem like it had been half an hour when they made it back to TJY's parking lot. Taking her own helmet off too, she sighs a little, feeling very tired but very awake at the same time. Usually that meant she should have been to bed a long time prior, but tonight she almost wished there was no time and that there would be no work waiting for her tomorrow. But reality was reality and she had to acknowledge it whether she wanted to or not.

Glancing at Chuck, she leans forward and rests her chin on his shoulder, her face right up next to his. "Lunch tomorrow, huh?" She closes her eyes and lets her head tilt to rest against his, feeling a whole lot more comfortable than she'd ever think she might. The mixed scent of his skin and cologne seemed to make her melt. Sighing again, she finally straightens and slides off the bike, strapping the helmet to the back so Chuck wouldn't have to get off to do it.

Stepping back, she just studies him for a few moments before a small smile seeps out again. "How about day after tomorrow? And this time you pick the place to eat but I'm buying because you've bought my meal twice now."

"My... aunt needs someone to come live with her... for a while."

Justin looks up across the dinner table at Rebecca. It was just the two of them at her place once again and the meal was almost over. Every night this week had been spent together and Justin wouldn't have had it any other way. Rebecca had had some time off work and with his freer schedule, it made for perfect timing for dinners, movies anda late-night cuddle time on the porch swing.

He'd seen Beth a few times this week as well, but had kept it to coffee or light lunch, and once just at Brookshire for a few minutes. After the other night at her place, he was trying extra hard to keep the boundaries where they needed to be, while still being her friend. It wasn't as easy as he'd thought, but he was managing... at least... he thought so. And Beth's smile meant he was succeeding, right?

Things had been nice this evening with Rebecca, helping clear Justin's mind again, but now the tone in her voice warned him that maybe something not-so-nice was coming. "Oh? Is she not well?"

"She fell and broke her leg recently... She isn't bad enough to go to a nursing home but she hasn't been able take care of herself either."

"So... you're gonna go help her? Like for a while or something?"

"Um... indefinitely." Rebecca's fork hovers in the air as she doesn't take another bite of chicken yet. "Actually, um... there's... that and... and another job opportunity, too. Something really good that... um... I think I'll really like."

Justin eyes her with suspicion. It all sounded great, so why was she hesitating? "I don't think I know where your aunt lives," he muses.

"She... she lives in Maine."

Justin's fork drops onto his plate with a clatter. He tries not to show his shock too much, but he doesn't do a very good job at it. "Maine? So you're... moving to Maine? Indefinitely?"

Rebecca's eyes finally drop. "I wanted to tell you sooner... I've been debating for several weeks now and... and I just couldn't tell you. I... I wanted to enjoy our time together so much that I didn't want this to put a damper on things."

"Several weeks? Or more like a month, like you knew about this before we started going together?"

"Um, well y...yes. I just..."

Justin couldn't believe it, and he braces himself for what he knew was coming next. "You're moving soon, aren't you?"

"Next week."

The rest of the meal is forgotten and Justin toys with the napkin in his lap. So many things ran though his mind at once. He really did like Rebecca and was starting to care about her more and more. Whether he'd resisted his mother's little scheming to get them together or not, he really had fallen for Rebecca, unplanned as it was. "I could... move too," he suggests.

Rebecca shakes her head. "I can't do that to you, Justin. I know you love it here. This is your home... your family, friends... your mother - and you know she wouldn't move. I can't ask you to follow me all the way across the country like that. It wouldn't be wise."

"Well can I at least help you move?" Thrown completely off guard by this whole thing, Justin was beginning to feel desperation.

"I... I have help already. I have a friend up there who is flying down to help with driving."

"Oh? Do I know them?"

"He's... he's someone I knew from high school. He heard about the situation with my aunt and so... he offered to help."

"He." Justin waits until Rebecca will look him in the eye again. "Is he someone special to you?"

Rebecca's cheeks flush even though she shakes her head.

Justin could read her all too well. "But he was once, wasn't he?"

"Just... just in school. He's a friend, that's all. And I... well he offered to help and it was very nice of him and..." Rebecca stops, tears welling in her eyes. "So what if he's a special friend? That has nothing to do with me going."

Justin's gut churns and he moves his unfinished plate aside. He could feel an odd anger growing... an anger born of an unexpected hurt. "If he has nothing to do with it, why can't I help you move instead?"

"Because I already said yes to him. Don't make a big deal out of this, Justin, please."

"How can I not?" Justin's voice rises just a little. "Not only are you moving across the country, but you've known about this since we met and you said nothing, you're not coming back and now I know there's another man in the picture too! What's there not to make a big deal out of?"

Rebecca's eyes narrow slightly as a tear rolls down her cheek. "And what's the difference between that and you spending so much time with Beth Parker?"

Justin's jaw drops. "I help her out as a counselor. How dare you imply that I've been cheating on you."

"Well it's true isn't it? Half your heart and mind belong to her, whether you admit it or not, and I'm always left trying to pull you back over so your eyes will see me instead of her." She keeps going, not allowing Justin to interject. "You don't even see it in yourself, Justin, but don't think I'm blind. You see every emotion in people you meet, but you refuse to acknowledge the ones in your own self. You have denied me your full attention, and now you dare to blame me for accepting the help of another man."

Justin blinks and stares back at her in total shock.

Her eyes drop, realizing from the look on his face that what she'd just said had been harsher than intended. "I'm sorry... that was a foolish thing to say."

"No... no, it's obviously how you feel." Justin's tone was quieter now. He stands up and sets his napkin aside then pushes in the chair. "I've apparently made you miserable, and for that, I'm sorry."

Rebecca sees him starting to leave and she stands up. "Please don't go yet. I didn't want to argue... I just wanted to enjoy our last few days together."

Turning around slowly, Justin's eyes glimmer with pain. "That would only make things harder now. I'm sorry if you thought I didn't care enough about you. Apparently I didn't express well enough that I... that I loved you." Heading back through the kitchen and living room, he slips on his sneakers before making it to the porch. Before he can step down onto the sidewalk though, Rebecca's hand on his arm stops him.

"Please, Justin... don't be mad at me." Another tear falls as she waits for a response but receives none. Slipping in front of him, she stands on her tip toes and kisses his lips. But even more hurt comes when she feels he does not return the gesture. Sliding away, she searches his dark eyes, wondering if it was her who had put that cloud there. "I'm sorry," she whispers.

Justin finally looks at her and shrugs. "Me too." Stepping off the porch, he wanders to his truck. After a couple tries, it starts up and he pulls away, heading back through town. The street lights create a glare and he squints, his eyes burning slightly. Or was it really the lights?

He'd intended on going straight home, but now he wasn't so sure he wanted to sit alone in the dark and have time to think about what had just happened. He felt like a chunk of his heart had just been torn out and being alone didn't seem to be the solution. He needed to calm down before he could think through this clearly. The thought of calling Beth entered his mind, but he quickly pushed it aside. He wasn't going to burden her with his problems, let alone this one. He was here to be a shoulder for her, not the other way around.

His eyes burn a little more and his hands grip the steering wheel tighter. He knew what night of the week it was and knew where there would be people. His friends usually hung out at Jack's, the diner/bar/club - or whatever anyone wanted it to be - on the edge of Crossdale. It usually didn't get too crazy there - pretty low-keyed, and while Justin didn't drink, they had good food. He didn't usually like the atmosphere, but tonight... tonight he wanted it. He felt a bit warm and woozy, but it was probably just from the stress and some chill time would help.

It took a while longer before he finally arrived and parked in the half-full lot. It wasn't unusual for it to be this late and still have a good crowd. It probably wouldn't be empty until they closed at two in the morning. Justin spotted several cars he recognized and saw that at least Lane, Nichole and Jake were here. Truth be known, it really wasn't his favorite group, but it was better than nothing.

Heading inside, he pockets his keys and glances around the first room of people. The bar was plenty busy, but with the colored lights, it was a little hard to distinguish faces. He glances around the tables and still doesn't see anyone he recognizes, so he heads around the corner, nodding to a waiter to let them know he was fine on his own.

Still looking for his friends, he finally spots a nearby round table with some people he knew and some he didn't. There were a few empty chairs and Justin knew they wouldn't mind extra company. Coming up behind most of them, his ear catches his name, so he stops, cocking his head to listen.

"...invite Justin?"

Lane shakes his head at Nichole. "Nah - you know he doesn't like the night life."

"You mean he's a stick in the mud."

Lane snickers. "Feeling blunt?"

"Well he is!"

Jake laughs. "Lane, she's right and you know it. Last time I saw Justin actually kid around, it was after Paula stuck three ice cubes down his shirt and he was forced to get up and do a little dance." He whacks the arm of a guy sitting next to him. "Justin's this counselor we know that-"

"Not any more," Nichole informs.

"He is, too."

"Well, not officially. He doesn't like working under the rules, remember?"

"Oh, yeah." Lane grins at the woman across from him. "So I guess he's a stick in the mud and doesn't like rules."

The woman quirks an eyebrow. "Sounds like a real winner."

The others laugh and Jake downs the rest of his drink. "He is... when his head is out of his butt."

"Ha!" Nichole lifts her glass. "That'll be the day. When Justin Hawks isn't judgmental towards the person he's conversing with, I'll change my ways forever."

Lane throws up his hands. "You mean that will be the day! How many boyfriends did you say you had this week?"

"Oh, shut up." Nichole glares at him, but it turns into a grin. "Three."

"Aw man." Jake looks at his glass. "I need a new drink. Bartender!" He stands up, waving his glass around to be silly. "I need a-" His words come to a dead halt as he turns and realizes that Justin is standing right behind him. All the others look up and know the same thing - that Justin had just heard their little conversation about him.

Justin stares Jake in the eye, his gut twisting in all sorts of uncomfortable directions. "Oh, don't stop now." A wry grin emerges. "Keep going. I'm learning all kinds of things about myself." When all he receives is an awkward silence, he waves a waiter over. "They need some more drinks at this table here. Thanks." Nodding at his friends, he gestures to the door. "I'm gonna go figure out how to drive home while my head is stuck up my butt. You guys have a good time and feel free to make jokes about me - laughter is good for the soul." He turns and aims for the door.

Nichole's face was beet red. "Justin, wait, we... we..."

Lane purses his lips and takes a sip of his drink. "Well... that, uh... calls for a round of stronger drinks, I think."

Justin sinks down in his truck seat, feeling sick. Now he knew. Now he knew what his friends really thought of him. He knew what Rebecca really felt, and he knew what his friends did. So much for relationships. He spent years studying people, communication and interaction. He helped others get along with each other and deal with life. And here he was, the biggest idiot on the planet, blind and feeling more alone than he'd ever felt.

Beth crosses his mind again and he shakes his head, starting his truck engine. No... no, he was having a hard enough time keeping his feelings where they needed to be with her - he couldn't go to her now. At least his still had his mom who loved him. But he couldn't exactly go to her at this time of night. It looked like he was going home alone after all.

Half an hour later, he was home and flopping down on his bed, still dressed. And a tear finally surfaces.

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