

Feeling Justin's arms slip around her Beth can feel the warmth and comfort in his touch. It was something she needed, it was something she wanted for so long no matter how she pushed it away. Being here, now though her walls broken down and Justin's soft words soaking into her Beth doesn't resist.

Letting the picture fall into her lap for now Beth just continues to cry. Moving a shifting a little Beth moves till she was in Justin's lap. Not even realizing it herself where was she, she was just to upset to care and wanted all the comfort she could get.

Putting her arm around his neck to pull herself a little closer Beth rests her head on his shoulder. The sent of him filling her nose and just giving her more comfort as her tears continued to come.

Beth wasnt sure how long she cried but she did leaving her pent emotions out, and all her frustrations and anger. Soon though her body became drained from the emotions that had been forced to come out finally. Her eyes grew tired though and closing them for a moment she soon drifted to sleep her head on Justin's chest as she was snuggled close to him using him as her shelter.

Continuing to just keep looking at Susanna Chuck almost doesn't hear what she said. She was very attractive and it was like his eyes were glued to her. Catching sight of her badge it didn't surprise him she worked for the Elite but it did explain why she could handle herself.

Giving his head a little shake to bring him back to his sences Chuck looked down at the paper and reaches out taking it. Looking over the words on the paper he things for a long moment.

"Jackson Turner...Jackson...I think I do have a copy of that. I would have to look through a few things first. If you have a number I can reach you at I could call you later and let you know for sure."

Giving a friendly smile Chuck pulls a pen from his pocket before looking up again at Susanne. His dark eyes twinkling as his eyes searched her face a soft smile spreading across his lips. Susanne was rambling but Chuck didn't mind it, he liked the sound of her voice.

"We close around seven, and dinner would be on me if you can back."

Realizing now how he just blurted out Chuck just stands there for a moment before shifting his weight and looking down than up at Susanne again cocking his head.

"I'm sorry that was really out of line wasn't it?"

Looking up again as Alec comes into the room again Dalton points him in the direction of the computer and lays a few files on the counter for him to look through. Going back to his own desk and starting to work again Dalton stops at Alec's comment.

Thinking for a moment about what Alec had said Dalton lets his answer process in his mind. His answer was simple but he wanted to make sure he said it in the right words.

"Well Alec, not everyone in the same, and there are people in the life that can see past the bad and deeper into the heart. There is good inside you, I see it, and many Misty see it too. Everyone else...they just need to be shown and will take longer.

Searching his young friends face Dalton new that maybe Alec wouldn't understand or maybe he would, but Dalton had said what he felt, and maybe sometime Alec would understand. He always said he was ex Agency and he was still bad, but Dalton new there was good.

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