

Sitting across from Quinn Anastasia listens to every word finding it quite interesting. Everything he said seemed to just fall into place of a plan and Anastasia couldn't help but let her smile grow even more. It was so neat to her to see the peaces that fell into place and there was no denying that it was by God's hand. I have been a part of that was so wonderful to Anastasia.

"I am sure he is continuing to work his plan thats for sure. Time is unfinished and I think you considering settling down proves that. Not that I mind, it means I'll get to live the fairy tail a little longer. I'm definitely going to have to thank God extra."

Her eyes sparkled as she looked across the table at Quinn still her eyes never leaving his even when there drink had been delivered. This was way to exciting to have her concentration broken, and seeing Quinn's own excitement was fun to watch too.

"Your Elvis CD is still in my car as well. I guess its confirmation to the both of us that this really did happen huh? Good old Ricky and Elvis."

Anastasia gives a laugh again finally looking away as there meal was set in front of them. Looking down at the food and feeling her stomach growl Anastasia rolls her eyes at herself. She'd forgotten to eat breakfast and now her stomach was telling her so. Looking up again at Quinn she couldn't help the way her eyes twinkled under the lights of the room. Life just seemed to flow through them and knowing God's plan was still in action made them dance even more.

Giving a smile to Justin it made Beth feel good that he would at least take into mind her offer. She was doing her best to open up and be friends with Justin. It was hard, and she still had her doubts about trusting him, but it was getting better with each day to just open up a little more.

Hearing Justin will feel like he failed if Scott doesn't want him to come back she can't help but feel badly for him. She new how it felt to fail someone, and it was not a good feeling. Knowing no matter what you did now would not change what was hurt.

"I'm sorry you feel like you might have failed Scott, but someone once told me not to long ago you can't blame yourself. Stuff happens, we do the best we can, and if it doesn't work than beating ourselves up over it will not help any."

Looking down and taking another bit of her food Beth can feel her cheeks getting warm from embarrassing herself after quoting Justin. Reaching for her water and taking a sip her lets the embarrassment pass.

Hearing the comment about her working in a bar Beth gives kinda a nod but only half agreeing and half not. Work was...just a job to her. She went in and took care of her job than left. She didn't really talk to people there.

"Well I guess you could say I've mastered the ability to look like I am listing but tuning people out. I just go in and work trying not to really listen to the drunken rambles."

Beth gives a chuckle as she looks around the room for a long moment and than back down to her now empty plate. It still felt so strange talking about herself. She was still trying to get use to it but couldn't help if many she was talking to much.

"I know it must seem strange for me to work in a bar after everything I've been though with my family. Truth is...I do hate any kind of liquor but it was a job and thats something I needed."

Seeing Alec was going to stay put after all Misty looks down at some folders and opens them up. She might as well read over a few things that needed to be done while Alec was there while still listing to him at the same time.

"Hey, a job is a job you know. It's better than nothing still something comes along and working in a mill like Gage does, thats not such a bad thing. It's just an adjustment for him, and he didn't do very well. You can't go blaming him. Least he got his job by telling the truth."

Misty looks up at Alec for a moment. She want implying he'd lied but he hadn't been completely honest with his boss either. Sooner or later that could come back and but him in the butt.

"As for your brother he has his days where he miss the action too. But sometimes we learn how to deal with the hand we are given and look at the good more than the bad."

Looking up at at Alec again and leaning forward on the desk she just study's him for a long moment. In his eyes she could see a loneliness, maybe a little envy but she could tell for him something was missing.

Kind of forgetting everything Alec just said knowing he was ranting Misty was on another mission of her own. She felt bad for her brother in law and new there wasn't much family interaction there. She wanted to be a part of his life, and Carson too but she needed to take one step at a time knowing her hubby was leery of him too.

"Alec, how about you stick around till five, and than when I get out you come over for dinner? Tonight its going to be just me as Carson is working late so some company from my brother in law would be nice."

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