
Wont be pretty

Keeping Jade close Dan gives a small nod. He new and understood what Jade was saying. Jim and Mick hadn't been happy with Sparky and worried since he was dating a much younger woman. But for him if Sparky was happy than that is what mattered. Not to mention Jade a slightly younger than him as well so he did understand that love happened no matter the age and you couldn't stop it.

"Maybe you dad and Jim will see how much Faith really means to Sparky now, and that she really loves him too. We can only guess there reaction but I hope it goes well for him too. He's so happy I'd hate to see it ruined."

Pulling away from Jade and looking down at her Dan gives a smile as he runs his finger along her cheek. He'd been so happy that Jade wasn't scared away from him from her own father, and as time move on Dan though he was getting use to him a little more and a little more. For that he was happy.

"Hey, how about after work we go into town just to get away for a little bit and have lunch? Maybe I'll even let you got to the mall and pick out something nice."

Giving a grin Dan's eyes twinkle from under his hat as his smile grows. He always loved teasing Jade a little bit.

Feeling Justin's hand on her chin and his thumb on her cheek Beth doesn't flinch but it did surprise her. The last thing she had expected was Justin to reach out and touch her. His hands were soft though and they felt nice on her skin.

Just looking up into his eyes Beth felt almost lost for a moment in them. Hearing his words sends Beth's heart into a strange flutter. It was odd for her to feel that. If Justin didn't go back to brookshire...he'd still want to see her?

"Yeah, even if your not at brookshire we can still see each other."

Beth couldn't help her voice being so soft and sweet. Maybe she didn't even realize it but today with Justin she felt comfortable.

As Justin's hand stops and he turns away from her Beth can feel the tension in the room change and she shifts a little bit herself. Tensing up a little bit she realized how situation they had been in. Giving a chuckle and than clearing her throat a little.

"Ummm...yeah can you cut that loaf of Italian bread over there for me and I'll set the table."

Looking up from her desk as Alec enters Misty takes some paper work and puts it over top of the files from Trey and Jason. Cocking her head a little bit she just watches Alec wondering what he was up too. Seeing the glint of boredom in his eye Misty was reminded of Carson and the time he use to have that same look.

"Why yes because he likes to spend his free time under the desk hiding from everyone."

Giving a roll of her eyes Misty lets a grin slip of her lips as she shakes her head. Alec didn't come to see her often but when he did he remanded her so much of Carson. They might not be full blood related but they acted so much alike they could be.

"What are you up to Alec? Bored today?"

Leaning in and giving Dani a returned kiss Dalton new she wasn't fond of her half brother and he was sorry to see it that way but he did understand where she was coming from. Alec hadn't been the best to her and before he spent any time with him and saw the change he thought the same thing.

"Ok Babe, call or text me later on what you want me to bring over to your place. I love you Dani."

Letting his hand linger for a moment on Dani's face the smile on Dalton grows more and his eyes twinkle as he gets a little chuckle.

"With out how how much fun could I have huh? Have a good afternoon ok."

As Quinn spins around a few times in circle and there kiss continues Anastasia can't contain how happy she felt inside. Her emotions just seemed to run high with excitement and something else she just couldn't describe.

Just looking into his eyes as he draws away and still holds her Anastasia's smile grows even more. Her eyes twinkle as she looks back at Quinn. She felt like she was in a fairy tail again and her prince had come back for her.

"I guess you have a point."

Sliding back down to the ground and feeling Quinn's hand to her face Anastasia lets her hand slide down his free arm and fingers link with his. Hearing his invitation for dinner, and maybe even a second, and a third she can feel her excitement and joy grow even more. Did this mean he would be stay?

About to say more Anastasia is cut off by someone clearing there throat. Turning around and seeing her Uncle coming twords them she new he'd just seen the embrace and wasn't sure what he would say but he didn't look happy.

"Uncle Chuck this is Quinn. Quinn this is my Uncle and the owner of the shop Chuck Graham."

Giving a nod and holding his hand out to Quinn for a hand shake. Looking between the both his looks stops on Anastasia for a moment before finally saying anything.

"Ana, if you keep kissing in the middle of the store your going to scare everyone away. Why don't you take your lunch now."

Turning to head back to the counter Chuck stops before looking over his shoulder at his niece and her friend again.

"Don't hurt her...it wont be pretty if you do."

Looking to her Uncle and than to Quinn again Anastasia can't beleive her Uncle just said that but at the same time she should have known and she couldn't blame him. He's seen her hurt before and always hated when it happened.

"He's....protective. Wanna do lunch and than maybe dinner later?"

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