

"If you left...would...we be breaking up? I certainly don't want that nor do I want another guy. Honestly I don't even want you to go but I can't make you stay either. My job has me travil all over and it wouldn't be right to say you had to stay."

Looking down again Scarlet tried to hold in the feeling she had not waiting Eli to see them. She wanted him to stay, but she couldn't be the one who told him that. How she felt was an odd feeling happy and sad at the same time.

"I...I don't want to lose you Eli thats something I know for a fact. You've filled the hole in my life and...I enjoy having you around."

This was something Scarlet always had a hard time doing. Telling her feelings and trying to explain how she felt. She only wished Eli would understand and see she really did care a lot for him and didn't want him to go.

Sitting on the bed next to Ty Libby giving a laugh at the comment only she can hear. Finding Ty's hand on the bed her fingers lock with his as she leans a little closer to him. The night had been great, the food wonderful, and spending the time with Ty even better. It definitely nice to know she had someone like him in her life.

"I don't want to have to wait eight house either. But the faster we fall asleep the faster we can wake and see each other again."

Leaning down over top of him Libby press her lips to his letting her emotion flow to him. Words were sometimes complicated so a simple emotion just seemed to work better this time around. Finally backing away knowing Rick would be calling for Ty again soon she smiles.

"You better get going before we get into anymore trouble with the Dr."

Just enjoying the out side and listing to Sparky talk Faith gave him her fill attachen like she always did. The sound of his voice was so comforting and just made her feel so safe. Letting her eyes follow him as shifted on the blanket Faith just continued to listen.

Not even realizing it right away Faith's heart starts to race and a nervouse feeling enters her tummy. Sparky was talking about building a house, and he was talking about not shearing it alone. In a way she wondered if he was asking her to live with him, or if he was having them go there own ways so he could find what he wanted. Faith didn't think it was the last reason. Why would he bring her out here if it was? But still it was a thought that entered her mind.

Letting her eyes fall to Sparky's hand and seeing the small velvet box there was no denying what it was. Her heart beat increasing even more Faith felt as though it would pound right out of her chest. She hadn't been expecting this and it added to the excitement.

Bringing her hand down to his and running her fingers along his fingers and than to the box ever so lightly letting her fingers run over the ring a few tears seemed to escape Faith's eyes. She felt so happy right now it was hard to even try and contain.

Looking up into Sparky's eyes letting her own glisten Faith can't help the smile that was on her face. In that simple smile it said everything and held her answer to him but still with her shaky voice to hear herself say it was even better.

"Yes Tyler, yes I will marry you!"

Leaning forward and wrapping her arms around his neck Faith pulls herself close. She didn't have hardly anything to her name here in the US, but to Sparky that didn't matter he loved her anyways and that made her feel better.

Pulling away a little and looking into his eyes Faith can't help the smile, and the tears as she leans in and pushes her lips to Sparky's. She was so happy, and she just let her emotions, she passion flow to Sparky not caring how much time passed by.

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