
A reason

Though asleep Hope was still aware and could feel something in the room change. Feeling the fingers slip into her own Hope tryed to pry herself from her sleep. Someone was in the room with her, the feeling of the hands seemed familiar but the fog almost seemed to thick.

As the voice seemed to be herd, and the words seem to cut the fog Hope new it was Scott and she wanted to wake so badly. She missed him, and wanted to see him this might be...her only chance. Continuing to hear his words Hope could feel her heart break just a little bit for Scott knowing he was in this much pain, and still thought he wasn't strong enough.

Feeling his fingers finally leave her Hope tryed to talk but for the moment words wouldn't come out. His words of I love you and the sound of him turning Hope grasped at the fog, reaching, reaching for anything to grab on to at all. Finally the soft words came from her lips.

"I love you too Scott, I always will. Please don't go yet...I...missed you."

She was alone in this, but she new she didn't have to be. She wanted Scott with her, she wanted to reach out and hug him. Hope wanted to talk to him, she had missed him such a great deal. Even if for an only little while more she just wanted him there with her.

Seeing the look in Reese eyes, and than hearing his words that went along with it Angelica could feel her heart go out to him. Reese always cared about the people that worked for him and they were all family here. To know one of them was very sick and there was nothing you could do for them was a hard thing indeed.

"Oh Mike, I'm so sorry."

Coming over and around to the other side of his desk Angelica leans down a little and wraps her arms around him. Just holding him and giving his head a kiss before just leaning her head against his again.

"God has a plan for everything ya know. He's got a reason for this, even if it's hard for us to see. Did you want to go up to see Hope? I'll go with you Sweetheart."

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