

Thinking for a moment and consternating on his game again it the wheels in Alec's head turned. Pete didn't want him caged, it was strange to think someone saw him like that, a little more than just a trouble maker.

"Well as long as the top dog doesn't skin us both."

Pausing the game again and looking at Pete Trey cocks his head a little but just to look up at him for a long moment. He liked to bend and break the rules, maybe thats why they seemed to get along, they both clicked.

"I guess it is silly of me to ask why you'd want to get into trouble when I do it all the time too huh? Alright I guess I am on for tomorrow night again. Free beer, and maybe with some luck that pretty girl will be there again right?"

Giving Pete a little wink he looks back to his game again drawing his attachen there again a grin draw across his lips. Tonight was going to be a boring one but with any luck and a few hours of bugging Hal to go outside he hoped it would pass quickly.

Hearing someone slowly approaching the smile on Faith's lips grows. Just by the sound of his footsteps she new it was Sparky. Leaning her head on his shoulder for a moment she gives a content sigh before looking up at him again.

"Yes, just the most amazing man I ever met. Good Morning Tyler."

Tilting her head a little she leans in to place a soft kiss on his lips before pulling away a little. The colors from the rising sun stretching across the sky, and across her face as well. Reflecting in her eyes causing them to dance, and sparkle.

Pasing the floor Libby couldn't help it. Ty had been in with the Dr for a long time and the longer they waited the more nervous she got. She hopped everything was ok with Ty, and once in a while giving glances to Rick and being reassured with nods she tried to keep her hopes up.

Looking up and seeing Ty finally emerge from the back Libby stops moving back and forth just watching him. Seeing his up and moving that was good, not that what he went through was going to be dangerous but she couldn't help the worry anyways.

Leting Rick talk to Ty first Libby moves a little closer to him. Hearing what was wrong and that it might of been what Rick had guess it excited Libby a little bit, to know everything was going to be ok and with a little help Ty would be just find at reading and she hoped it would help his confidence.

Finally when they were finished talking Libby steps closer again slipping her hand into Ty's her smile wide on her own lips. As her eyes sparkle.

"I'm so proud of you Ty, so many new things are going to be opened up for you. I better watch myself now, you might not need me to help you quite as much."

Looking over the print outs another two times Misty just can't believe what she is reading. This was almost impossible, though she new really it wasn't. Going to her desk and setting the paper down and pulling out her phone she new it was Rick she needed to call next. Dialing the number and waiting till his voice mail picked up.

"Rick, It's Misty...I got all the tests back on Jason and Trey. If I read them right and I don't know how I couldn't..they say they are...brothers. Twins to be more like it. I need you to call me as soon as you can. Thanks Rick."

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