

Alec chuckles and returns to kissing Ryan a little rougher until he withdraws again, heaving a deep, contented sigh. With his arms on either side of her, he cocks his head and lets it rest near her shoulder. He could hear her heartbeat and it makes him smile. Lately he'd been staying at his own place, getting settled in and trying to get used to it. But he missed the nights spent with Ryan on the couch at her and Eli's place.

A soft breeze blew through the warm air, making the moment almost too perfect. Maybe there was something to this kind of life after all.

"I need to get you back to work," he mumbles before moving his head just a little so his lips could reach her neck again. "Unless you wanna play hooky."

Quinn paces the hotel room, agitated and unsettled. One of the mechanics from J&J had given him a ride here and he'd decided that if when they found the problem with his car, if it would take more than a few days, he would go ahead and leave town and work it all out later. He should be on the road right now and it irked him that he wasn't.

Still pacing, he winds up near the window and his thoughts drift to Anastasia. She thought he was gone. He wanted to go see her. He wanted to find her number and call her to tell her he was still here. But he didn't.

Moving back to the bed, he flops down and stares up at the ceiling. No, there was no point in drawing out the agony. If he went to see her, they'd just have to say goodbye all over again, and he couldn't take seeing her cry again. It wouldn't be fair to her for him to show up just to leave in another day. No...he just needed to wait this one out.

As for Axel... Quinn still wasn't sure how all of that was going to come out. Today might have been their last meeting, though something told him it wouldn't be. Axel had seemed so... defeated this afternoon. Not so much angry as he had looked sad. Quinn couldn't help it that it created just a little pang in his heart, and again the question arose... was his brother really innocent?

He sighs and rolls over, closing his eyes. Maybe a nap would help clear his mind.

Feeling Karla move closer, then receiving her kiss, Kip's eyebrows lift in surprise. It takes him a moment to respond, but he does, returning the ever-so-soft gesture as his hand still cradles her face.

Pulling back, an almost-sheepish grin surfaces, his cheeks a little flushed. It wasn't like kissing was new to him, but it still was with her, and having unique feelings for her... well, it made it different.

His grin widens and he looks down for a moment, then back up again. Did this mean they were finally back to where they'd been before he'd messed things up? "You wouldn't want to, like, um..." He stumbles over his words, then shrugs. "You know..." His hand swings with hers as he feels just a bit stupid. "Be my girl... like... officially?"

"Jealous? Me?" Wayne laughs. "Why would I be jealous? I know I'm nothing more than a thorn in your side." He cocks his head and looks her over. "A very nice side, I might add, but I'm still just a thorn, nonetheless."

He grins, knowing Jackie could take his teasing. "Yeah, Erik's pretty observant. I'm just not convinced our operations are the only thing he's interested in." His grin remains as he turns back to the sound board to fiddle until Kip returned.

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