
No hurry

Just letting the kiss happen and not resisting when Sparky gentile lays her down a small smile forms on Faith's lips making sure not to break the kiss. He made her feel so good, and to know her love was returned was just an amazing feeling that Faith new would never end. What her and Sparky had very few found, but she was one of the lucky ones!

"Even if they tried the would be heart broken when they found out I wouldn't leave you for anything. You've made me so happy, and feel so wonderful how could I ever give that away!"

Bringing her own hand to the side of Sparky's face and letting her thumb run over his cheek Faith lets her smile grow even more. Her heart was still racing in her chest but she didn't care. It was a good feeling and she loved every moment of it.

Leaning her head back again to return the soft kiss from Sparky Faith's eyes twinkle even more when he pulls away. Hear that she could help him with the building of the house Faith can't help the small chuckle that escaped her lips and the small tear that rolled down her cheek.

"I'd love to be able to help with the house. Than it really would be our totally because both our touches would be on it. Thank you Tyler so much for making me feel this way."

Scarlet can't help the chuckle that escaped her lips at Eli's comment about all the work she went through before dating him. Really when she stopped to think about it, it was a lot of work but to her it was well worth it.

"Getting out of debt is a good thing but do you really have to leave to do that? I mean I know its going pretty slow as of right now but really there is no hurry right?"

Though she did understand what Eli was saying about getting out of debt Scarlet wondered if many there was a hurry for him. Sometimes certain thing couldn't wait or just the simple fact of not wanting to have money issues hanging over your head was enough too.

Letting her thumb move just a little so Eli's on finger fell down between her own Scarlet puts her thumb back to be able to hold it. His touch, the way he talked, riding his bike with him it was all so perfect to have it gone seemed to made her even sadder.

Hearing him ask her what she would do Scarlet looks up at Eli and lets her eyes search his. What would she do? It was a hard question to answer because she already went away with her job that kept her away days on end, but if they asked her to stay longer would she?

"Well, My job already takes me out of town, across the state for days on end. Getting away, going new places is nice. but if they asked me to stay a month or two for one job I think I'd have to turn them down. I don't have any brothers or sister though I've always wanted some...and to have my parents back that would be wonderful. I really don't think I would be able to leave for a long time with out them coming with me. My limit is two weeks at most."

It was always hard to answer a if you were me question but Scarlet tried the best she could just being honest with how she felt about the whole thing. She deffintly didn't want to see Eli go, that she new for sure but if he did she wouldn't be made, and they would work there way through it.

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