

Moving through the morning just keeping herself busy and trying to help with what she could Faith tryed to just let time slip by waiting for the afternoon and lunch to come. And not soon enough it did.

Getting settle under the tree with Sparky Faith couldn't be enjoying herself anymore. Shifting just a little so she could eat and see Sparky better she smiles. Taking a sip of her drink her eyes twinkle in the sun light as she looks back to Sparky.

"Mmm...I do like it here. It's so peaceful and quiet, Definitely a nice place to spend with someone you love. So its more than perfect for us."

Being here with Sparky for Faith it was perfect. She loved every moment spent with him, and had gotten use to what the other though. Now it really didn't matter anymore. She new where they both stood with each other and was happy no matter what.

"Can we just get lost and stay here forever? It's just to wonderful to want to leave."

Pulling away from being so close to Ty Libby doesn't lose full contact as her hand slips down to his and her there fingers lock. Hearing about dinner some place nice Libby's smile grows a little more. Food was something she liked, and something she could never say no too.

"I think dinner sounds like a great idea I'm starving."

Looking up from the couch and turning her attachen away from the tv Destiny looks over to Jason. It was good to see him up and about again after being sick for a little while. Though he seemed to be ok Destiny did her best not to cause any problems knowing he was still on the mend.

"Yeah maybe later today or tomorrow if your feeling up to it we can go to my parents house. There is still a few things I'd like to do there. If its..not to much trouble that it."

Over the last few days things hadn't seemed easy and though much pain still cased her heart Destiny tryed to see things in a better light. Though it didn't come easy she didn't stay in her room as much and moving around the safe house was more she still hated it. Would things get better? Would this pain stop? And would she ever stop thinking about Chance?

Looking up from her empty plate Scarlet just looks across the table at Eli. The news of him having a job offer in Florida and considering to take it surprised her though she didn't let it show.

"Wow, that would be great for you to get caught up on your bills. Than you wouldn't have those hanging over your head all the time."

Continuing to just study Eli Scarlet couldn't help a few of her own throughs that ran through her mind. A sudden sadness seemed to pass through her eyes that mixed with the softness that only Eli got to see. But trying to push it away Scarlet wanted to let her strength show though. She should be happy for Eli.

"I know Ryan would miss you, and I know I would miss you too. Would you ever be coming back?"

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