
World of Hurt

Being pulled into Leo's arms Ryan gives a small little jump not expecting it but once she felt his arms warm around her and the warmth soak in Ryan can't help but just melt a little. Letting her own arms wrap around him she just feels the comfort and soaks it up while she can. Leo was being so sweet, and it was nice.

"I'm happy you found someone else Leo, she sounds really nice."

Ryan meant what she said, she was happy for him. Cassy sounded like a great woman just right for Leo. Him being happy was important and if they couldn't be more than friends, at least she had that right?

"...maybe sometime we will have to double date or something."

Looking up into Leo's eyes Ryan trys to give a smile as she swipes the tears from her eyes. It was to late, and she had found more worth in Leo, but now it was to late and all that was left was a friendship. She had to accept that, and work out her own problems, not try and drag someone else down with her too.

"I'm happy we can still be friends Leo, thanks. But if you tell any of the guys I was crying, your gonna be in for a world of hurt more than Alec gave you."

Ryan gives a little chuckle trying to release some of the tension as she whips her eyes again giving a laugh. She'd never hurt Leo like that even if he did tell someone, but it was the only way she could express she didn't want anyone else to know she had cried.

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