
Willing to Try

Listing to the music Dalton's closes his own eyes for a moment letting the soft melody of the music just flow. Opening them again and looking down at his friend slowly. He was responding well to him and that was important to Dalton.

Hearing Scott's words Dalton think so for a moment before speaking again. He wanted to choose his words wisely, and be a friend to Scott without a lecture.

"I know you are little buddy, I know you are. I'm so proud of you for how far you've come so far. Every little step counts and over the last few months you have take some big steps."

Giving his friends arm a pat and just letting him know he was there Dalton takes note to how thin Scott was and it made his heart break even more. It was so hard to see anyone like this let alone his friend.

"Don't give up though Scott, you have come so far to give up when your so close would be a horrible thing. We all miss you very much, and we are all rooting for you. Not to mention if you did than I'd have to come back and put you into a headlock and I think your friend Justin out there might not like it, and I'd end up hurting him too."

Dalton gives a little laugh trying his best to keep the mood a little light. Not saying the words Scott can't because he was sure he had heard that way to much. So he twisted his words into a better way, a friendly way and kept the mood light.

Looking down at her plate again Destiny takes a tiny bit of her eggs her tummy giving a growl that she was hungry but at the same time she wasn't. Destiny hated this feeling she felt inside but she just didn't have what it took to pull herself out right now.

"No, I don't need to go anywhere today. I'll just stay inside."

Taking another bit of her eggs Destiny puts her fork down and just sits there for a moment before picking up her drink and taking a sip, only to look down at her food again.

Feeling Alec return the hug Ryan just bury herself into his chest more. Just to feel his arms wrap around her felt so nice. Ryan really had missed it a great deal. Hearing he never stopped caring sent her heart into a race as well. He really did care about her? The confirmation felt good though Ryan felt a little silly thinking it.

"I wasnt trying to keep you on a leash Alec, you can do whatever you want anytime you want. But I was tired of the fighting, and having to listen to you both go back and forth because that does affect me. I care about you a great deal, and Leo is one of my friend I dont want to have to worry about keeping you two apart all the time because thats no fun for me. It makes me feel like more of a babysitter than anything else."

Feeling Alec's hand on the side of her face Ryan leans her head into it the warm on her skin. Continuing to look into his eyes and search them Ryan took them in and let them warm her soul again. Her own pride, and thick hardheadedness needing to put aside.

"I'm no sorry for what I said that night because I meant it. But I'm sorry that I yelled. I should of found a better way to express what I was feeling. So for that I am sorry too."

Just continuing to look up in Alec's eyes Ryan could get lost in them. Leo had been right, she missed him, and last would of been willing to go back and be happy, but now having Alec standing here still knowing he care she felt willing to at least try again.

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