

Sapphire enjoyed the meal and having a nice time with Gage like always. Sapphire could see he was a little frigidity but she chalked it up to him being tired. Non the less she was happy to spend the time with him knowing soon it would come to an end.

Finally done with the meal and heading back to the car and than to Gage's apartment Sapphire didn't want there time to end either but she had to get back to work and she new Gage needed some sleep.

"Your right I would chew into you for now sleeping. Its not healthy."

Sapphire gives a little laugh and shakes her head a little bit her eyes giving a small twinkling in her eyes.

"I will call you around six so we can get together for dinner. Maybe I'll bring something over to cook at your place and we can just stay in and snuggle while its cooking."

Not paying much attachen to Chance's grumbling and really what he said from this point out Misty still heard it but just didn't reply. There really was no point in trying to get past his anger to penetrate something deeper. He was angry at the world and feeling sorry for himself nothing would go through that at this point.

Stopping at the door and turning at Chance's last comment Misty gives a nod. She didn't know if she would every see Destiny and depending on the mood or how everything was going she would tell her. Heading out the rest of the way Misty heads back to the infirmary.

Feeling Leo's arm go around her shoulder Ryan can feel the warmth that comes from it. It was the same warmth she had always felt from Leo. The one that said I'm here, I'm always here and I can if I am or not. Just continuing to walk twords the door she new the others were behind them now and couldn't help but laugh at there comments.

"Ohhh...Axel is tied with me. That just means when we get back I am gonna have to step up my game a little."

As Leo lets her go Ryan wonders over to her car opening the door. But before getting in she hears Leo's challenge and raises an eyebrow a little looking over the top at him.

"You...want to race me...do remember who I am right?"

Giving a grin and looking around at the other she gives a nod.

"Ok, your on. I'll even give you a 10 second head start. Whoever wins has to by the other person pizza. Sound fair?"

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