
Swiss Cheese

Thanking Mary for his own food Dalton looks down at the sandwich and scrunches his nose for a moment at the swiss cheese he does say anything but simply pick it off and lays it to the side. Giving a side long glance to Scott playing with his food Dalton doesn't say anything right away as he leans over to take a bit of his own meal.

Looking up as Mary comes into the room again Dalton looks at her and than look at Scott again raising his eyebrow. The look of irritation was clear on his face and in a way he did feel bad. Once she was gone and Scott vents his frustration Dalton cleans his throat keeping a calm and cool voice.

"Yeah, getting food shoved down your throat is bad, but not eating at all so you body wont even move anymore is bad too."

Taking another bit of his food Dalton looks up quickly again as Scott slams his fists down onto the tray with a loud bang. Not even able to say anything as the applesauce shoots across the room Dalton's eyes go wide. Turning to Scott and than looking to the wall than Scott again Dalton blinks.

"Hey man watch it...whatever that applesauce ever do to you?"

Feeling his lips start to turn into a grin and being a little silly himself Dalton doesn't break his eyes from Scott but his hand slowly goes to his plate where he had put the swiss cheese. Picking it up and giving it a toss the swiss cheese flys across the room and hits the wall with a splat sticking where the applesauce was.

Once finished at the hospital Beth had time to run to the store and pick something up for dinner alone with a few things for the pie. Beth didn't know what to make but finally settled on something easy. Home made burgers on toasted rolls with all the fixings, and season fry. It was simple, not fancy and who didn't like burgers.

Getting home and having time to clean a little before taking her own shower Beth changed into a nice pare of faded jeans and red shirt. Nothing to dressy but nothing to scrubby either. Finally starting the pie Beth waits still a little close to five to start the burgers.

Keeping an eye on the clock Beth doesn't worry that it was now five. Dinner wasn't ready yet and she figured Justin might be a little later trying to find her place. Finally hearing the door bell though Beth can feel her heart start to beat faster a little worry sets in only because this was the first time someone was at her place.

Trying to push it aside Beth goes to the door and opens it giving a little smile to Justin and the dog.

"Hey guys. I hope you find...it...ok. Please...come on in. You can keep you shoes on if you want and no worry about having the dogs walk on the carpet."

Opening the door a little more to let them in and than shutting it behind them the house is filled with the smell of the baking pie and the food cooking on the stove. The inside of the apartment was was small but just the right size for one or two people. The walls were a soft cream color and a few knickknacks and other things hung on the wall. A couch and TV along with a few racks on movie lined the walls. Another shelf with books.

Walking down a hallway lead the way to the kitchen where a tiny table sat with two chairs. and than the kitchen was off of that. Another hallways breaking off where the bathroom and the bed room where.

"I am going to be in the kitchen cooking. You can sit out here or come in the...kitchen with me. Sorry it's a little messy. Would you like something to drink or...something...for...the dogs?"

Turning and seeing Bret Charlotte gives a smile as she leans into him still holding the tiny baby in her arms. Leaning into him a little bit she feels his long along with there new addition and it fills her with joy.

Letting Bret take the bag Charlotte walks along side with with the baby. Hearing his comment about speeding Charlotte looks up at him and with her free hand gives his arm a wack.

"You better not. Not yet anyways."

Giving a smile and a giggle Charlotte looks down at the little once again bringing her finger to his little hand.

"Your going to have an interesting life thats for sure little one."

Sitting on her bed quietly Destiny just pulls her legs close to her and rests her head onto them. Quiet, alone....though the soft sound of music breaks through her thoughts. Lifting her head just a little bit the melody was soft, nice but in a way it kind of sounded sad too.

Standing and going to her door Destiny opens it a little bit to listen more. Hearing Jason's voice it was so lulling but the words he said...they seems to hit home for Destiny. If she closed her eyes she could see her parents...and...Chance. Letting her hand find the necklace she had around her neck Destiny just held it as she leaned against the wall and just listened. Memories passing through her eyes of the short time she had spend with him and how they laughed, how he cared, why...why did it have to get so messed up.

Moving away from the wall Destiny goes back to the bed and opens the small draw on the nightstand pulling out her digital camera. Flipping through the pictures she comes across the one she had taken of Chance standing on the back porch leaning on the railing the sun setting in the background while he had his head cocked looking at her. That smile...his smile...why Chance...why did you have to be involved with all this.

Putting the camera down again and laying on the bed Destiny continues to just listen to the music as it was so soft, so smooth. She'd have to tell Jason when he was done playing how nice it sounded.

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