

The morning was turning into a busy one for Ryan leaving little room to think about anything else. Some how though there was still room for joking around and just having a good time with everyone else. The day was a race like it normally was seeing who could finish there mound of cars first. Ryan was glad in more way than one that she had stayed late last night. It gave her a little edge, and she talk with Leo had been a good one. Crying had helped a little and though she didn't feel one hundred percent Ryan sure did feel better than she had.

"Yo Ron you look like your falling behind there. You better pic up the pace or your going to be out of the race simply because."

Giving a laugh and going back to what she was working on Ryan leans in looking a little closer. Her eyes were slightly cloudy today from lack of sleep she got last night, but she was plugging along and there was no way she would of stayed him today. To much work, and it would of let her mind think to much along with it.

Hearing a whistle she instantly looks up to see who it was. Catching sight of Alec standing in one of the bay doors Ryan can't help but be a little surprised to see him. She really hadn't expected it and was going to call him tonight.

Looking at what she was doing again Ryan tightens something so nothing will fall off for now and stands up straight. Scanning the words area Ryan's eyes meet Leo for a moment before looking back to Alec again.

"I'm be right back guys. Don't sabotage my car so you all win."

Taking the rag from her back pocket and whipping her hands on it Ryan steps out of the bay area and squints a little in the sun light as it hurt her tired eyes. Looking up at Alec she was happy to see him. She really had missed him these last few days.

"Hey, how ya been?"

Picking up the phone and hearing Justin's voice on the other other end Dalton raises his eyebrow. He hadnt been at work long and already getting a phone call was odd least of all Justin.

Not being able to stay anything though as Justin goes right into his explanation. Hearing that his little buddy was in trouble and not doing well at all Dalton sinks into his chair and his irritation seems to subside for a moment. He hated hearing Scott was not doing well and it made his heart heavy.

"All right, I'll head down in a few moments after I tell the boss whats up. I should be there in about an hour and a half."

He didn't like Justin but he was ok with putting his differences aside for Scott's sake at the moment. He was who was important here, and if he could help his friend, he would.

Smelling the food cooking again it churned Destiny's stomach. She'd been showered and awake for a while now but had yet to show her face. She just didn't feel like talking, or eating. Her head was heavy, her eyes were tired and she just wanted to sleep. But she should probably get up and try to eat something before someone made her and it did smell good.

Exiting her room and moving slowly to the kitchen Destiny come to the fridge and pulls out a bottle of water and leaning against the counter. She didn't know what to say thought, nothing seemed right and all she could think of was Chance. She hated him so much for why he did, why did she care about him still, and miss him.

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