
Right here with you

Sapphire gives a blink totally stunned as Gage snaps back at her. She hadn't though she was nagging, or sounding like she didn't want to spend time with him. In fact if that was the case than why would she be here now? Maybe she had been and didn't relize it. He was old enough to take care of himself...right?

Letting out a sigh and heading out the door Sapphire locks it behind her and heads down the steps and to the cars were Gage was waiting. Trying to give him the best smile she could Sapphire gets into the car waiting for him.

"Ok...I'll bring you home and than after work I'll come back to pick you up. We can go pick a movie, and get something for dinner."

Pulling the car out of the parking lot Sapphire starts down the road a little more quiet than normal. She really didn't know what to say right now. Finally getting to Gage's apartment Sapphire pulls in and puts the car in park.

"So, I'll....see you at five?"

"Mmmm...I'd take you over the coffee any day."

Giving another smile and another kiss to Axel's cheek Jess stands and gives a stretch before making her way down the hall. Getting to the bathroom and finding the towels along with the toothbrush Jess just smiles. It was different waking up at Axel's today. It was not something that happened but she though maybe...she liked it.

Not taking long Jess comes out of the bathroom her hair still damn from the shower. Heading into the kitchen Jess sees Axel standing at the counter. Studying him for a moment she could tell he was lost in though. The phone and paper in his hand just confirmed it.

Coming over and leaning her back against the counter Jess gives a smile before laying her hand on Axel's arm.

"Just call him. It can't hurt right? And if you want you can hang up on him. I'll be here with you too."

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