
A post full of sadness again! What have we done!

Having a good time with her friends Ryan herself hates that they had to go back so soon. The laughing, joking around and just being with friends was nice and made work a little easier.

Heading out Ryan stops for a moment leaning on her car and looks at her cell phone. No missed called, no new messages still. Was this how it would end? Was this her own payback for what he had done to Leo? She's hurt him, now she was being hurt? Maybe she should just call Alec herself!

Shaking her head Ryan gets into her car and starts it up. Finally pulling out of the parking lot and heading back to the shop Ryan heads. She had more work to do today, and though she was going to be staying late tonight she did want to get done all she could to make up for a few missed days.

Letting out another sigh and leaning his head against the glass a little Nate was so tired, but he refused to go home. He couldnt leave right now he had to stay with his wife and child. He was getting a little sleep on and off, that would have to be good enough for now.

"Yeah coffee would be good. Thanks Con."

Just standing there for a long moment after his friend left Nate continues to watch his new born son. A tear rolling down his cheek. If something was to happen to either of them he'd never forgive himself.

Yeah I'll go check on Trooper. Give Wyatt a little beak on the brute. He always has such a hard time with him. Its kinda funny.

Katie sits at her desk the day almost over and really not being able to wait. She told Reese she would hold off on seeing her family and in a week or so when things calms down a little she would go. With Nate being out because of Laura, and other being tied up Katie though it was best for now.

Just be yourself, and listen if she needs to talk.

Still not moving from her bed Destiny looks up at the knock on her door followed by Jason's voice. She really wasn't ok, and she didn't want to talk but if she said that would Jason persuade here to do so? She didn't think he would but he was her friend after all so he'd want to make sure she was ok right?

Getting up slowly from the bed Destiny felt shaky but she new it was just from her own emotions. No matter what she though, or where she looked her thoughts were on Chance, or what had happened. Opening the door and looking out at Jason her eyes held dark circles and were puffy from crying. She didn't try to smile when she saw him.

"No, and I'm not that hungry. I am kind of thirsty though so I'll get a drink."

Moving past Jason and heading into the kitchen Destiny's walk was a slow one. She didn't say anything right away to Jason thought because she didn't know what to say really. But finally getting to the fridge and grabbing some water she lets out a sigh as a memorie of making Tea for passes through her mind.

"So your going to be watching me now?"

Shaking his head Dalton didn't need any thanks. Alec had been the one willing to help and he simply let him. Not to mention he kind of liked the guy and if keeping in here with him t do something kept him out of trouble than that was a pluse.

"You did it all on your own Alec. You decided to help me and not be a stick in the mud. I'm glad your going to have you own place now. You deserve it."

Dalton gives a little nod as he continues to study Alec. He couldn't help but wonder now that the young man was free would he ever see him again?

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